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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Seraphina stepped out of Leandro’s place and spotted Balch’s house.

They lived in the same neighborhood, with every house having its own unique style despite the unifiedvilla design. Balch’s villa was just to the east of Leandro’s, a mere fifty meters apart.

Seraphina silently followed Balch, causing him to turn around, “What’s up?”

Seraphina let out a sigh, “Nothing, just thinking it’s too much of a coincidence. It makes me a littleuneasy.”

Upon hearing this, Balch chuckled, “Yeah, it’s quite the coincidence.“.

They were now at Balch’s doorstep. He stopped and said, “Hang on a sec. I need to get my car.”

Seraphina looked up at his door and laughed, “We’re right at your doorstep and you’re not gonna inviteme in for a cup of joe?”

Balch adjusted his glasses and grinned, “I didn’t want to be too forward. You wanna come in for a bit?”

As he was about to unlock the door, Seraphina grabbed his arm, “I was just joking. Look at me, allwrinkled up and not exactly presentable. Better just take me home.”

So, Balch drove Seraphina home himself.

As they passed Leandro’s house, Seraphina turned to see Valerio, the young boy, leaning on thesecond–floor balcony railing, seemingly watching her car. The car quickly passed and Seraphinalooked away.

“Do you know Leandro?” Balch suddenly asked.

Seraphina chuckled lightly, “Kind of. If not, I might have been left on the curb after mistakenly gettinginto his car last night.”

“I didn’t expect him to let you stay the night.” Balch commented.

Upon hearing this, Seraphina blinked, “Actually, I lived with the Reynolds family for a few years when Iwas young. But if you’re asking if I have any connection to them, nope, I just lived there till I waseighteen…”

“And then?”

“And then…” Seraphina glanced forward, “My absent mother suddenly had a change of heart and tookme abroad to live with her.”

At a red light, Balch turned to Seraphina, “Didn’t have a good time at the Reynolds‘?”

“Could I?” Seraphina looked at him, “I was neither here nor there, neither fish nor fowl. How manypeople in that house do you think liked me?”

Balch looked at her, his eyes soft as if they could soothe her soul.

Seraphina immediately laughed, “But that’s all in the past. Luckily, I have a knack for self–regulation, oryou wouldn’t be seeing me as I am now.”

The light turned green. Balch slowly moved the car, looking forward, he murmured, “You’re doing prettygood


Seraphina leaned back in her seat, looking at him with a natural smile and a twinkle in her eye.

After saying goodbye to Balch, Seraphina got home and had just taken a shower when the doorbellrang. She opened the door to see Sandra standing there, visibly relieved to see she was home.

“What happened?” Sandra walked in, shutting the door behind her, “Where were you last night? I calledand called and you didn’t pick up. I was worried sick!”

Seraphina, drying her hair, sat down on the sofa, “I’m fine, aren’t I? Relax, I’m not that easy to get ridof.”

“So, you were with Balch last night?” Sandra asked again.

“Nope.” Seraphina slowly dried her hair, “I spent the night at Leandro’s.”

At the mention of “Leandro“, Sandra’s face went pale, she looked at Seraphina as if she couldn’tbelieve her own ears, “Leandro?”

Seeing Sandra’s reaction, Seraphina couldn’t help but laugh.

“You…you’re pulling my leg, right?” Sandra looked at Seraphina anxiously.

Seraphina calmly looked back at her, “Nope. I had a few too many last night, called Balch to pick me upbut ended up in Leandro’s car by mistake.”

Sandra was left speechless with shock. After a while, she managed to ask, “So…everything okay?”

Seraphina sighed, “Yeah, just a bit surprised to meet his son.”

“What did you say?” Sandra looked at Seraphina in confusion, “Whose son?”

“Leandro’s.” Seraphina glanced at her, “You’re also from a wealthy family, but how do you not know hehas a


Sandra has been Seraphina’s desk mate since primary school and they’ve been besties since theywere ten. Even though the Smith family isn’t exactly high society, they’re well off. Sandra, despite beinglow–key, is a trust–fund baby. The two have been tight even after Seraphina left Sunburst City forStarhaven, with Sandra sticking by her side through thick and thin.

“I…” Sandra looked confused, “I never heard… How could Leandro have a son? I’ve never heard anyrumors!”

“Looks like the Reynolds have been good at keeping this kid under wraps.” Seraphina slowly said, “Ofcourse, it could also be because the kid’s identity can’t be revealed.”

“Who’s the mother?” Sandra frowned, “Could it be Vivian?”

Seraphina looked at her helplessly, “Sandra, why are you being so slow today?”

Vivian, the girlfriend Leandro brought home seven years ago, but on that very day, she fell off thebalcony of the Reynolds family and was severely injured, leaving her in a vegetative state from whichshe has not woken up since. “Yeah, no way it’s her…” Sandra mumbled distantly, then snapped back toreality, “Hold on, what does it matter to us who the mother of his kid is! Don’t talk about it!”

Seraphina let out a sudden laugh, “But I am curious.”

“Sera!” Sandra looked at her, “Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on Leandro?”

“It’s not like that.” Seraphina replied nonchalantly while applying body lotion, “I’m just curious, what kindof woman can catch Leandro’s eye?”

Sandra clearly looked anxious upon hearing this, “Why do you care about what kind of women he’sinto?”

“Even if I tried to be nice to him today, he was still as cold as ever.” Seraphina laughed, “He didn’t fancyme seven years ago, and he still doesn’t now… I feel kind of like a failure!”

Sandra jabbed her head hard, “The whole city’s men are attracted to you, why do you care about oneLeandro!”

“Then why can I attract so many men, but not Leandro?”novelbin

Sandra was about to get angry, “Seraphina!”

“Alright, alright!” Seraphina glanced at her and burst into laughter, “I was just kidding. After sevenyears, do you think I would allow myself to be troubled by him again?”

Sandra listened, but still just stared at Seraphina, who ignored her and started rummaging in herhandbag. She couldn’t find what she was looking for, and Sandra couldn’t help but ask, “What are youlooking for?”

Seraphina looked up at her and slowly said, “I can’t find my voice recorder in my bag.”


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