Taming Her Beastly Mate

Chapter 4:Near
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Chapter 4:Near





Two very different types of burning sensations that were both deadly.

"Heat Miser! Snow Miser!" Micah growled as Brian and Alexis returned to their human forms.

"What seems to be the problem?" Brian watched as Micah swung his arms out in exasperation.

"You two are destroying the training ground...again.Look at it! It’s a mess.I think we need to look into abetter fighting barrier or going somewhere that is all rocks."

Micah looked over at the burned grass and large crater filled ice daggers filling the area.

"See Brian.This is what happens when you don’t let us have an easy session."

Alexis frowned and rubbed her forehead for a moment.

Then a wicked smile spread over her face.

"You know ...the cliffside is all rocks.And we can’t damage anything over the ocean."

"Lex, no."

Micah looked at her with annoyance shaking his head.

"Don’t even think about it.I can’t get to you over the ocean."

"You can’t get to her in the air either." Brian grinned in triumph with a shrug.

"I don’t think it’s a bad idea.Especially with these sessions getting more intense.We can’t damageanything over the ocean."

“Protecting herself is one thing...but you are training her like we have a war coming up."

Micah inhaled sharply and pursed his lips together.

"My nerves can’t take the thought of you actually fighting Lex."

"Micah, you aren’t turning soft on me are you?"Alexis bumped into his shoulder playfully and turned tolook up at him.

"I know your job is to protect me and keep me safe.But my job is to protect the fairies.I won’t hidebehind a barrier.I will fight.I believe the reason we are a strong duo is because we are going to have tofight.And if something happens to me while fighting...it will never be because of you.Because I knowyou will risk your life protecting me."

She shrugged slightly and shook her head.

"But this isn’t like how it has been in the past.The fairy princess isn’t the same now.Ever since mygrandma Lilly we have grown in strength.We are meant for more than to be protected.You and I aremeant for greatness.And you will be the legendary guardian that all guardians will talk about for yearsto come."

"Of course, that is unless you end up mated to that deity of yours.Then think of what kind ofpowerhouse princess will come from that union? The fairy princess will basically be a deity."Micahwatched the frown form on her face.


"Don’t you dare think I am some weak girl pining away for a man."

Alexis snapped her eyes at him and furrowed her brows.

"You know you men take too much charge over this whole dating scene.The man asks the womanout.The man decides on the relationship.The man steals the princess for his own.Well...IF I decide thatI must have Aken, then I will.If that makes me sound crazy then he better hide really well becausecrazy is after him."

She looked up between Brian and Micah, whose jaws were slightly agape as they stared at her.


"I think you are too much woman for me to handle...glad she is your charge, Micah."

Brian patted him on the back sympathetically as he nodded his head sadly.

"I don’t care what all the other guardians say, I definitely got the hardest one.I hope Aken has a cloak ofinvisibility."

Micah watched as Alexis’ eyes flickered playfully and he arched his brow as he studied her.

"What exactly are you planning?" Her lips curled upwards and then raised her shoulders, blinking hereyes slowly.

"Me? Planning something? Not the darling fairy princess..."

Her eyes fixated on two figures in the distance.


Brian turned his head to see what Alexis was looking at.He could see Elwin standing in the distancelooking down at the ground.

In front of him, a large man was standing with his arms folded in front of his chest.

A moment later, there was a frosty shield surrounding Brian.He turned his head to look at Alexis, whogave him a knowing smile.

"We will wait here." Alexis flopped down onto the ground and Micah copied her.

As much as she wanted to go over there she knew that this was Brian’s show.

And it would also be Brian nodded at them in appreciation and walked in the direction of the twopeople.

This was something he wanted to investigate further as the future leader of the dragons.

Unfortunately, because of his aura, he was afraid he would have to rely on advisors to do this for him.

He couldn’t always rely on Alexis, but for now, he appreciated her help.

As Brian approached, the man immediately bowed his head respectfully.novelbin

"Your highness."

"Elwin it is nice to see you and I take it this is your father?" Brian looked from the boy over to the man.

"Y-y-yes.This is my father Dirk."

"Ah, I see."

Brian looked at the man with a frown.

"What were you just talking about with your son?"

"My lord...I found out my son just tried to force a shift.And as you can imagine, I am quite upset hearingthis.You know how much he could have hurt himself."

Brian glanced over at the boy as he studied his face.

"How did you find out about it?"

"One of the maids came to get me.She said that the fairy queen had to heal my son.I guess she saweverything when she went out to tend to the plants on one of the balconies." Dirk shook his headangrily.

"It’s my fault.All of this.I understand you were there as well.I know how much forcing a shift is lookeddown upon.Please don’t be upset with my son.He was trying to" I messed up.

I didn’t mean to put that kind of pressure on him.I wanted him to know we had strong dragons.I talkedabout me being an early shifter."

The man looked over at his son.

"I didn’t know you were silently carrying this burden.I didn’t know you were suffering.I am proud of you.Idon’t care when you shift.But don’t you EVER do something this reckless again."

"Yes, sir," Elwin said with a small sniffle.

Brian felt the relief inside and his shoulders relaxed.

This wasn’t a farce.

It was genuine.It was a father who just didn’t understand the strain his own son was feeling.

"No one is in trouble.I am just glad this is getting sorted out.Maybe take some time with him and teachhim how to mentally connect with his feral side.

That part comes first before the shifting."

"Good idea your highness." Brian cleared his throat and glanced behind him.

"Well, you two have a good rest of your day."

"Thank you, my lord."

Brian turned and walked back to where Alexis and Micah were lying on the ground.

Alexis took the shield off from around him as he approached.

"I’m glad that wasn’t what it seemed." Micah sighed with relief, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah...me too.Me too."

Alexis looked at the small corners of Brian’s lips curled down.She hopped up on her feet and walkedover to him.

“What is it?"

"I don’t want to have to depend on advisors like my father had to most of the time.It is no way to handlethings.Dad was lucky because he has Reese.But I don’t really have someone that I trust like him.Notlike I trust you guys." He chuckled.

"The dragon elitist would die hearing something like that.That I trust someone that isn’t a dragon themost."

"That isn’t entirely true though.I mean I am a dragon too.In fact, being close with me is probably heavilyfavored since I am your deity’s daughter."She giggled and shrugged.

"You also trust the other dragon princes and princesses.But I guess in your own kingdom we are theclosest to you.But I don’t see a problem with that.I think us having this close bond is a great thing.Andbecause of this relationship, you are always welcome in Elysium.I am like the dragon’s fairy." Brianchuckled.

"You are definitely our fairy.I consider you more ours than the fairies."


Her black curly hair bounced as she stormed over towards them with her green eyes flickering betweenthe three of them.

"Raine, I take it you are looking for us?" Alexis chuckled as her cousin came closer.

Raine was Cody and Kelsie’s daughter.She had a unique power that just came about with thisgeneration.

It is something she shares with both cousins Justice and Destiny.

They used magical swords to channel their powers.

None of them could shift and it was almost like they were evolving part werebear, she didn’t have aferal animal she shifted into.

Instead, she could materialize a magical sword out of thin air.

They were all sure there was a reason behind this.

But they would have to wait to find out what it all meant.

"Why didn’t you get me for sparring tooo00?" She pouted as she folded her arms over her chest.

"We were afraid your cute little curls would get all frizzy and you wouldn't be able to manage that hairfor the rest of the day."

Brian chuckled as he listened to Raine snort.

"Don’t listen to him.It was early.I didn’t even want to get up.So I thought you could at least get to sleepin."

Alexis watched Raine look around the area and then she clicked her tongue.

"Well, I think you destroyed another area.So where will we be sparring next?"

"Where indeed..." Alexis smirked as she looked over at Micah, who grunted folding his arms over hischest.

"Well, this place is already destroyed.How about you try out some of those sword powers on me?"

"Lex...I’m still trying to get a handle on it.I don’t want to-"

"Don’t you start too.Come on let’s see it."

Alexis started walking out onto the field.

"l spar with her," Micah growled out angrily.

"I’m already out here and I can’t hear you la la la..."

She watched as a blue shining sword materialized in Raine’s hand.She could feel the power emittingfrom it.The sword grew in strength just like you would training.

And Raine said that it felt like her sword had a life of its own.

That she could feel it and its will.

"Alright...if you are sure,"

Raine said in an uncertain voice.She watched Alexis nod her head as she listened to Micah’s lowgrumbling, disapproving sounds.She would do her best to keep the attacks on the lighter side.

But sometimes she didn’t have full control of the sword.

A bright blue light shot towards Alexis and she deflected it with her ice magic...but barely.

As Raine’s attacks continued, they became stronger and they were different.

It was as if the sword was learning and adapting to attack her.

A loud scream was heard as two children ran nearby playing.

They ran right out onto the field as Raine already shot off another attack.

Alexis put up an ice barrier around the children and crossed her arms in front of her to take the brunt ofthe attack.

She went flying backwards into the ground.She laid there panting with her eyes closed.

If she hadn’t fortified herself with her ice magic she would have been in real trouble.

She could hear the muffled panicked yells coming her way but her head was buzzing oddly.

Yuki began whimpering and pacing in her mind.

This wasn't like her quiet wolf at all.

Our mate...

Our mate is near.

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