Tales of the Rope

Chapter 17: Scary Night Continued
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Chapter 17: Scary Night Continued

Chapter 17: Scary Night Continued

But how long he was going to leave her that night became a very important subject to the bound girl.She wished she had asked him before the gag went in. He might have told her. “Nnnnggghhh!Arrrgggghhh!” The noises were nothing like words.

Nick backed off a couple steps and looked his handiwork up and down. It was a very nicely done uppackage. He noted how the ropes cut into that soft flesh, and how the breasts rose and fell with eachpanting breath. And the look of fear in her eyes was priceless. She whined and tried to talk, and lookedso deliciously helpless. He became aware of a bulge in his pants and an ache in his cock. It wanted toget into that beautiful female. Well, it would just have to wait.

He loved the worried look and decided it was time for the big surprise. “Do you know what house thisis?” he asked casually. After a few seconds of waiting for her to answer, he continued, “It’s the Madisonhouse.” He could see from the look of near panic on her face that she knew what that meant.

Nervously the naked girl looked around. Then she gave forth with a strangled cry and lunged her bodyagainst the ropes that held her. Wildly she struggled, jerking and tugging for all she was worth. Ofcourse the ropes did not yield. They had been tied with skill, tightness and many solid knots. But it wassuch fun to watch her frantic efforts to escape. Nick could have watched that show all night.novelbin

“That’s right,” he teased. “This is the famous haunted Madison house. Everyone in town knows aboutthe strange lights and noises here. No one will go near this place. There are stories about people whotried to spend the night here... And disappeared...”

Nick was enjoying himself. Nancy was not.

“Well, you’ll be the first person brave enough to spend the night here. Of course, you’ll have to...” Thiswas great fun teasing her.

The naked teenager jerked around, and he could hear the boards of the wall creak. But they were solidenough; she wouldn’t be able to pull anything loose.

“Well, I guess I’ll be going...” He picked up the lantern. “I’d like to leave you the lantern but I need it tofind my way back to the van.” He stepped close enough to pat a heaving breast. “I’ll see you in themorning.” Suddenly he returned to her. “Almost forgot. Something to keep you occupied.” He reacheddown and pushed the switch on the battery pack.

Nancy gave a gasp as the vibrator inside her came to life. It was strong and in a place where she couldnot ignore it.

From the door he looked back but the closet was already in complete darkness. Then he left, chucklingto himself. This was the most wonderful trick he had ever pulled on Nancy. He was sure it would be noworse than leaving her tied back in his apartment. There really were no such things as ghosts, heknew. Therefore, she would have a scary, uncomfortable night, but nothing worse.

From the bedroom closet, Nancy heard when the van started up and drove away. She cried out asloudly as she could but she knew that he had really left her and she was truly alone. And she wascertain that he really meant it to be for the whole night.

Vowing to herself to kick him right in the balls when she got her legs free, Nancy felt like crying. Thedarkness around her combined with the tight ropes to make her feel helpless as she had never feltbefore. For a while she panicked, fighting the ropes, straining and jerking round. But someplace duringher struggles another feeling took over her body. She had been pretty turned on during the drive overthere. Now, with tight ropes around her and that marvel of plastic and electric motor humming awayinside her, not to mention the fear, she was rapidly approaching a very high state of sexual excitement.

The orgasm hit her almost without warning. It was intense, very fast, and washed away all panic. For awhile she arched her body against the ropes, gripped tightly in the most wonderful feeling any woman

can have. Eventually she sagged in her bonds as the sexual energy diminished.

For a while she half hung in the closet, slowly coming to grips with her fear. Like all the children, shehad grown up being scared by stories of the haunted Madison house. The idea of being tied up all nightin a haunted house was terrible. But now she told herself that there were no such things as ghosts andshe was being foolish. It helped. Some.

Nancy might have spent a quiet night, perhaps even slept some, had it not been for that vibrator and itslarge supply of electricity. Her orgasm might have faded away as they all do eventually, but the vibratorcontinued on, providing stimulation in a place where she could not ignore it. She tried to think of otherthings, to forget the constant buzz within her sex. But she could not. Slower than the first time, butequally without her consent, her body warmed up towards another orgasm. When it came, it wasn’tquite as intense but still very good. Very good indeed.

It was a long night. The restless breeze outside rustled dry leaves and made dead tree branchesscratch against the house. There were creaks and groans from the ancient structure. It was a goodnight for ghosts.

Within her closet, Nancy fought against instinct and lost. The vibrator, tight ropes, nudity, and completehelplessness were too much for the young woman. She lost count after five orgasms. Perhaps she hadmore, or perhaps it was just that she rose up to a high level of sexual arousal and sort of floated there.Perhaps she even slept some, it was hard to tell in the dreamy afterglow of multiple orgasms.

Somewhere in the very small hours of morning the batteries wore down, releasing Nancy from the gripof uncontrollable pleasure. By the time dawn tinted the room with rosy light, she was hanging limp inthe ropes, eyes closed and drifting happily in a half sleep.

She had not been aware of his coming, only Nick’s strong hands working on the ropes then his armsaround her as he carried her downstairs to the van. She fell asleep on the floor, still naked and still

tightly bound.

A week later, at Nancy’s insistence, Nick again tied her and that wonderful vibrator in the same closetand bid her goodbye for the night. This time, Nancy vowed she would keep her eyes open all night tosee if there really were any ghosts in the old house. And to find out if they liked the show she put on.

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