Tales of the Rope

Chapter 13: Homemade Straitjacket
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Chapter 13: Homemade Straitjacket

Chapter 13: Homemade Straitjacket

Hi, my name’s Marla, and straitjackets are something that I’ve always had a fascination about but not alot of experience with. For one thing, they aren’t for sale down at the corner supermarket. I am not surewhere you can even buy them. Nor are they cheap, at least I’ve been told that leather straitjackets costhundreds of dollars. I saw a photo once of a rubber one, but don’t know if that’s much cheaper.

What I like about them is the security. I use the word security when I mean inescapability. A goodstraitjacket should make the wearer totally unable to remove it. A secondary effect is that the person isalso limited in her actions. And they’re more comfortable than tight ropes for long-term bondage. Notthat I haven’t done some pretty long term rope bondage, but it stands to reason that a straitjacket willrestrict the circulation much less and put less strain on the limbs. If you’ve ever been tied with yourelbows tight together behind your back for four or five hours, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

When I lived with Bill, I used to sleep all night with my wrists crossed and tied behind me. The ropesweren’t extra tight, but snug enough so that I couldn’t work them off by myself. And the knot wasalways up between my wrists on top where the fingers just can’t quite reach. I’ve also spent the night inhandcuffs (self imposed for the most part, before I met Bill), and one time spent a good part of a nightwearing a single glove. But I’ve never worn a straitjacket long enough to test its comfort. Thehomemade one I did try wasn’t a store-bought one and only approximated a real one. Still, it wassecure, since Bill insisted on any bondage being real, just as I did. Let me tell you about it.

It was one Saturday afternoon, and Bill wanted to go to a movie but I didn’t want to see the movie hedid, so I suggested that perhaps he could leave me in the apartment in a state of total immobility whilehe enjoyed a male blood-and-guts movie. I had studied most of the morning and was tired of the books.And it was not uncommon for me to be left alone in the apartment naked and tightly bound up. Usuallyit was in a hogtie, often to a chair, and sometimes in other forms of restraint. I guess I haven’t told youyet, but one of my favorite games is to be tightly bound and then left alone for an hour or two. It is very

scary to be alone in a house or apartment and totally helpless, but also very exciting. And I have foundthat some men really enjoy knowing that there is a naked, helpless girl waiting for them to return.

But I digress. Bill got some rope out but then got a funny look on his face. He told me that he was goingto try and create a straitjacket effect as we had talked about a few times. I immediately stripped off myblouse and jeans, and then waited to see if he wanted the panties and bra off, too. He did. Nothingunusual there.

To begin with, he took a small length of thin rope and looped that a dozen times around one wrist. Thatwas tied, and then black electrical tape wrapped around the knots. It created a snug loop around mywrist. He repeated that with the other wrist, and then he had me stand up and he looped a long ropearound my waist, pulling it in tightly. When he had half a dozen loops around me, he tied off the rope infront and then brought it down between my legs and up my bottom to the back. It went around the ropein the small of my back and then back between my legs to the front where it was tied tightly. That gaveme a sort of harness around my waist that couldn’t slide up because of the ropes through my crotch,and was far too tight around my waist to move downward.

Then he tied the end of another length of rope to the place where the crotch rope looped over the waistrope in the back. He had me hug myself so that my arms were wrapped around me in front with myhands by my sides. He brought the rope up to my left wrist, which was the arm closest to my body, andsqueezed it through the loop around that wrist. Then he brought it back to the waist rope. When hepulled, my arm was wrapped tightly around me. He then brought the rope up to my other wrist andrepeated the process.

He repeated this process with each wrist until there were six lengths of rope between my wrists and thewaist rope in back (three doubled passes). Each was pulled tight and knotted before the next one wasput on. They also alternated between the left and right wrists so that if I pulled on one, it pulled on theother wrist. If he had left me tied like that, I don’t think I could have gotten out. When he was gettingsome of the other equipment, I tried to bring my arms up and over my head but I couldn’t even begin to

get them over my breasts. My breasts are medium sized, but the arms were so tightly pulled that Icouldn’t lift them at all. And the way my upper arms squeezed my breasts between them really lookedand felt funny. I saw it in the mirror over the dresser.

Well, he wasn’t finished by a long shot. He took a short rope and tied my arms together where theycrossed in front. He tied that rope down to the waist rope in front, jerked it tightly and knotted it off witha grin. I’ll have to admit, I was enjoying it. It’s always fun when you’re getting to try out a new form ofbondage, and this was looking interesting.

Then he pulled a sweatshirt over my head so that my arms were completely covered. It was one of hissweatshirts, so it was pretty large on me. He cut a small but perfectly round hole in the front, andanother in the back. These were down by the waistband elastic. He put the end of another length ofrope through that hole and tied it with several knots. Then he passed the rope between my legs and upto the hole in the back of the shirt. The rope went through that hole and back and forth about four orfive times. He pulled tightly so that the shirt was pulled down and tucked in-between my legs.

About then I was figuring I was almost done. My arms were well tied under the sweatshirt and I didn’tthink I could get free. The only question was how he would tie my legs. Bill was too good a bondageperson to leave me free to wander around the apartment and get into trouble. But he wasn’t evenfinished with the top of me yet.

He fetched a roll of duct tape, that silver-gray tape that is about two inches wide and very strong.Beginning below my shoulders, he wrapped it around my body as tightly as he could. The tape stuckimmediately to the shirt and was wrapped pretty tightly. He wrapped four or five turns around above mybreasts, then some right over them. Then some more around my waist, and a few around my hips.

I looked at myself in the mirror and it was quite a sight. The arms of the sweatshirt were taped tightly tothe sides, and the whole thing looked like a bizarre Christmas package, silver tape on a whitesweatshirt. Bill told me to struggle and I did. It was an agreement between us that I would always give

each bit of bondage a good test and be honest about any weakness I found. Both of us wanted thebondage to be very, very real and escape proof. I tried my hardest to pull my arms any way they wouldgo but they stayed well tied. The sweatshirt and tape around my body helped to make the whole thingvery secure.

I told him that the only way I could maybe get free would be if I could rub the tape and sweatshirt off ona table edge or something, then try to get a knife to work on the ropes. I knew full well that I was, ineffect, telling him to tie my legs, but I didn’t care. Well, I should be honest: I did care. If he had left mylegs free, then I would have really tried to work the homemade straitjacket off. And might havesucceeded. I am pretty good at escaping from all the practice I had as a teenager. It was one of ourrules that if there was a chance of getting free, I should make every effort to do it. That was the onlyway Bill could improve his bondage so that I couldn’t get free the next time. Besides, I enjoy thehelpless feeling. It’s fun to challenge the ropes and try to work free, and a sort of enjoyable thrill when Ican, but deep down I really enjoy the helplessness too much to want to ruin it very often.

Actually, I only got free from Bill’s bondage a couple times, and those were when we had just begunthose games.

Anyway, my arms were wrapped around me and I was pretty sure I couldn’t get them free. Then Billsecured my legs for the evening. He sat me down in the corner of our bedroom where we had the ringscrewed into the wooden floor. It was a metal screw with a ring on the top. We got those at a hardwarestore and Bill screwed several of them in useful places around the house, including the floor in thecorner of the bedroom. We kept that corner relatively free of stuff so that any time I was to be tethered,it could be done there. He tied my ankles together with clothesline, cinching down the ropes very tightlyand knotting the rope a dozen times. That was one of the things I liked about his bondage, it was sohard to get out of. If you managed to work out the last knot, there were a dozen others waiting to defeatyou. And the last knot was never near your fingers.

Well, he knotted the rope around my ankles with a few feet left over. That he passed through the ringand back to my ankles. That was done twice and the rope pulled and knotted several more times. Myfeet were pulled up to the ring so that the ropes around my ankles were touching the ring and my legsheld out in front of me, flat on the floor.

You might wonder why he tied my ankles right up against the ring, but there was reason. One time hetethered me by the ankles to that ring but left enough slack so I could bend down and get my teeth towork on the knot. After that, when I was tethered by rope, I was either gagged or the rope tied shortenough so that I couldn’t get my mouth near it. In this case, my ankles could not move away from thatring, and it was impossible for me to bend double enough to get my mouth down to my ankles. Andeven if I could, the knots were down under the ropes on my ankles. If my arms had been tied behindmy back, I might have been able to bend enough to get my face near my feet, but with my armswrapped around me, that was impossible.

Bill took a shower and dressed for the show. He told me that if I couldn’t escape, I would just have towait for my dinner until he came home, which would be three or four hours from then. I had beentesting the “straitjacket” while he was in the shower and knew that I couldn’t work it off.

If I stretched out on my back, I could just reach the edge of the bed with my head. But that didn’t helpme any. Bill saw me lying on my back and got a look on his face that I recognized. It was the look thatsaid he thought he saw some way that I might - just might - work something free. He fetched my collarand another length of rope. The collar was a leather dog collar we bought at a pet store. It was aboutan inch wide and buckled shut. There was a hole in the tongue of the buckle so a small padlock couldbe put through it, locking the collar on. He put it on my neck, informing me as he did that he wasworried that I might be able to rug the tape off against the carpet.novelbin

I disagreed but, as usual, was ignored. He helped me up to a sitting position, bending my legs so thatmy knees were sticking up. That made the rope connected to my ankles really tight, sort of locking myfeet down to the floor. Then he tied my legs together just above the knees. When he cinched down the

ropes and knotted them, there was about two feet left over. Then he ran the rope up to the collar andthrough the ring there that is used to snap on a leash when you take the dog for a walk. Back down tothe knee bondage it went. It was pulled and I found my chin coming to rest against my knees. He tiedthe rope off with four or five knots, all on the underside of my legs where my teeth couldn’t reachthem.

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