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Chapter 1032

Alex gritted his teeth in hatred. "Thankful?!" he shouted. "You killed everyone who helped us!" "You killed Jerald!" "You killed allthe Mage Kings that helped us!" "You killed Agon!" "You ended all life on Aterium!" "You're a monster!" "HAHAHAHA!" Shang justlaughed. "And | feel nothing!" Shang shouted between laughs. "I feel zero guilt!" "| would do it again!" "And again!" "My eyes arefinally open!" "I can finally see my past self for what it truly was!" "Weak!" "| was weak!" "Empathy is weakness!" "Feelings forothers is weakness!" "In this world, you can only rely on yourself!" "HAHAHAHAHA!" Several powerful tears shot throughShang's body, but he only continued laughing. "You're so pathetic, Alex," Shang shouted in laughter. BANG! Shang severelyinjured Alex with one of his tendrils. Huge parts of Alex's body were torn off, and Shang just held Alex aloft with his torso. "Andyou are the reason," Shang said with a smirk. "You're my weakness." "And for making me weak for so long, | am going to punishyou with the worst thing | can imagine." "An eternity of not being able to become stronger." Alex gritted his teeth in hatred. "You'rethe God of this world now, Alex," Shang said with a smirk. "Can you feel it?" "The world?" "Aterium?" "That's you now." "IfAterium dies, you die." "But | also made a little change since I'm not as nice as Luciu

'Yes, if Aterium dies, you die, but if youdie, Aterium also dies." "The silver walls are now intrinsically connected to your mind." "If you go unconscious or die, the silverwalls will stop functioning, and the things outside the silver walls will enter." "Alex, you're such a nice guy. Lucius said so, didn'the?" "You wouldn't commit suicide if that meant destroying quadrillions of lives, right?" "HAHAHAHAHAHA" Shang laughedloudly. Blood flowed out of Alex's mouth as he ground his teeth into dust. Alex hated Shang so much. Sadly, this was not a newfeeling. Shang had always suppressed Alex. Alex had always tried to convince Shang to have some friends by filling him withregrets and guilt, but whenever that happened, Shang had outbursts and fought these feelings by killing more. And when Shangkilled Jerald, Alex had been fully locked away. Yet, Alex had still seen everything that Shang had done. To him, it had been likesomeone had taken control of his body and forced him to commit atrocities. "Anyway," Shang said before throwing Alex to theother end of the hall. "I think the wild and infinite outside is calling to me." "| hope you won't mind that I'm leaving you here tokeep things in check, right?" Shang said with a mocking chuckle. "Hey, at least I'm taking the Abominations with me. That'ssomething at least, right?" Shang turned around and laughed loudly. "Anyway, gotta go! Just stay where you are, okay?" Thenext moment, a black portal appeared, and Shang floated through it. And then, the portal closed. Silence. Crk. Alex's nails cutthrough the floor of the castle in hatred, suppression, and rage. Shang was gone. The next moment, Alex felt something changebeyond the silver wall. The Entropy was gone. But now, the unimaginable forces of Destruction were directly beside Aterium.Luckily, the silver walls kept the forces of Destruction at bay. Alex knew that this was probably how Aterium had once been. Afterall, the Abominations had only appeared something like a million years ago. At least, that was when the Archivist had noticedthem for the first time. Over a long period of time, a cloud of Entropy had formed around Aterium, and when that cloud hadreached a certain densitv. the Abominations had appeared. Since the cloud of Entropy was now gone, there also wouldn't be anymore Abominations. Additionally, since the Entropy gathered around Aterium only very slowly, it wasn't difficult for Alex todisperse it again. This meant that not a single Abomination would appear in the world again. ‘At least | kept that promise,’ Alexthought with regret. 'I'm sorry, everyone.’ 'I'm sorry that | disappointed you.’ 'Life on Aterium still underwent a reset, but at leastthe Abominations are now gone.' Yet, that didn't help Alex's feelings at all. Alex also wanted to see the outside and become morepowerful. But now, he was stuck in Aterium. Forever. The next moment, Alex felt a Spirit Sense wash over him, and he gritted histeeth in hatred. Abaddon! "You are part of the reason why all life was eradicated! CRRRRRRK! The next moment, an impossiblyhard and durable piece of metal shot out of the ground somewhere in Aterium. A moment later, the piece of metal wascompressed, and it changed its shape. SHING! The piece of metal vanished and appeared in front of Alex. It was a glowing whitesword! Alex's eyes opened in anger and hatred. SHING! Alex vanished. SHING! And reappeared in front of Abaddon, Kali, andGregorio. The three of them looked with surprise at the person in front of them. This guy looked a bit like Shang, but his Aurawas completely different. Alex looked with unending hatred at Abaddon. Alex was now the God of the world, and Aterium's Manawas his Mana. Abaddon was still only a Peak Mage Emperor, which meant that over ten Peak Mage Emperors of Mana wereinside Aterium. Together with Alex's own Mana, he had access to more Mana than a normal God. Additionally, since Alex kneweverything that Shang knew, he also had all of Shang's techniques and experiences. This was someone with a sevenfold SpiritSense in the God Realm. Alex was a Sword God. Abaddon's eyes widened in terror. Alex lifted his sword. CRACK! Reality toreapart. Abaddon was cut into bits and pieces of blood, which were then turned into tiny particles by millions of tiny cuts. Abaddonwas dead. Kali barely managed to react before the same thing happened to her as well. In an instant, their Mana was scatteredacross the world. Yet, Alex didn't seem happy at all. Gregorio looked with terror and fear at the person in front of him. "Shang?"he asked with uncertainty. "Is that you?" Alex took a deep breath. Then, he looked at Gregorio with narrowed eyes. "You werecomplicit," Alex said. "Without you, Shang would have never been able to destroy the world!" "For your own selfish goals, youwere willing to sacrifice everyone and everything!" "You're not better than Shang!" Gregorio's being was filled with horror. ButGregorio didn't have any opportunity to feel any more regret or horror. Alex killed him in an instant. Silence. Abaddon, Kali, andGregorio were dead. And Alex? He only put his head in his hands. He wasn't happy. He was stuck here. Forever. A moment later,Alex looked at the sword in his hand with gritted teeth. He moved the sword to his neck. But then, his Spirit Sense unwittinglywent over the world. By now, life had recovered. It was beautiful. The world was beautiful. It was brimming with infinite untappedpotential like a newborn child. Alex looked back at the sword, and tears came out of his eyes. Eventually, Alex just threw thesword to the side. He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill himself. He was stuck. In Aterium. Forever. The next moment, Alex lookedtowards the south. Alex and the Archivist looked at each other. Alex didn't want to kill the Archivist. After all, the Archivist haddone his best to kill Shang. "I guess we'll get to know each other very well in the coming eternity," Alex said with a helpless sigh.The Archivist looked with furrowed brows at Alex.novelbin

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