Surprised Wife With Twins

Chapter 978 Ivan Is Full Of Love
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Chapter 978 Ivan Is Full Of Love

Chapter 978 Ivan Is Full of Love

"Michelle went missing not long after her fifth birthday." Zack's heart began to ache. One could hear the

pain in his voice.

He still remembered that evening.

"I had dinner with people at work and when I got home, it was almost eight o'clock."

"At this time, Michelle usually practiced the piano in the living room. I could hear it from far away."

"But that day was very quiet. I had a bad feeling the moment I got out of the car."

Ivan frowned slightly, his mood turned heavy too.

Zack said, "When I walked into the living room, I saw Joan and Georgia crying. And the servants all

looked anxious as if something big happened."

"They told me Michelle was missing."

"As for why and how it happened, they couldn't make it clear. They only said that she disappeared

during dinner, and they thought she was upstairs."

"There was no surveillance system at home. We had a lot of people looking for her but to no avail."

"This was how we got separated. I don't know what happened. I don't know if she went out by herself

or was taken away by bad guys..."

"But these years, I kept dreaming of her. Never had I stopped looking for her because she disappeared

with half of the jade pendant."

"In my dreams, she called me helplessly. I would kill to save her, but every time she asked for help, shenovelbin

disappeared in the dreams."

Having said that, the middle-aged man lost control of his emotions. Tears fell off his cheeks.

"She is the greatest pain in my life."

Ivan handed him a handkerchief and comforted, "She is doing well now. Don't have to blame yourself."

But they both knew that Michelle must have had a hard time growing up.

How did she grow up without the protection of her parents?

"I don't know if you read the news, but she is now the vice president of the Marsh Group." The corners

of Ivan's lips curled up as he tried to ease the atmosphere, "She is doing very well in this position. In

the meanwhile, she is an outstanding designer and an excellent doctor."

Ivan told him, "Her excellence is beyond your imagination. We have two children, both are genius. They

are very smart. Their IQ is far above ordinary people."

Zack had heard about Jennifer and her babies, but he didn't know many details. After all, the Clarke

Group had nothing to do with the Marsh Group.

"In fact, I've been thinking of what's the best way to handle this thing ever since I got the result." Ivan

sighed softly.

He continued, "I don't want anyone to be shocked or disturb anyone's life. Nor do I want the media to

make hype about this, lest putting too much pressure on people involved."

Had he considered so much?

Zack looked at Ivan closely, feeling touched.

He didn't know that Ivan, such a sophisticated business man, could be so considerate.

Ivan said with a bit of apology, "Mr. Clarke, last night I tested Michelle's idea, and that's why I asked

you out today."

Zack's eyes were filled with anticipation. He wanted to know what his daughter think.

Ivan said, "I think she is longing for finding her family. But it seems she doesn't want to break the

current peace. I suspect... she remembers that you are her father. A five-year-old child remembers

things. "

"Does she?" Zack was puzzled, "Didn't you tell her about the result?"

"Nope." Ivan nodded, "I guess she doesn't want to disturb your life. So, maybe we should be patient. I

won't talk to her about this. I want her to make her own decision."

As he said that, he handed a contract to Zack. "I'd like to cooperation with the Clarke Group. And

Jennifer would be responsible for the whole thing. Here is the new project. I wonder if you are


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