Surprised Wife With Twins

479 Two Angles
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479 Two Angles

"What would you like, kids?" Aubree took the children's hand. "There are mangoes, grapes,

cantaloupe, and jackfruit in the fridge."

While in front of the children, she couldn’t be serious.

"Grandma, I’d like some mango!" Diana raised her hand cutely, her eyes narrowing as she smiled.

Alfie also replied, "Then I’ll have some mangoes too."

"Okay." Aubree let go of Alfie and Diana's hand and stood up, "I'll go get it." With that, she went to the

dining room.

It was the servants’ job to prepare fruits, but now Aubree wanted to take the time to adjust her mood.novelbin

Seeing Alfie and Diana’s innocent faces and smiles, Aubree just couldn’t be ruthless.

Although they were Jennifer’s children, their father was Ivan.

As their grandmother, Aubree loved them.

"Madam Aubree, I’ll do it." A maid followed her.

"No, leave it to me." Aubree picked up two large mangoes, washed them, and cut them with a knife.

Yet accidentally, she cut her index finger while dicing the mangoes. Blood quickly seeped out.

She stared blankly at her blood, couldn’t feel any pain.

The pain was always an afterthought.

The maid next to her screamed, "Madam Aubree! Put down the knife! You've cut your hand!" She

quickly took the mango and the knife from Aubree’s hand and wiped the blood with a handkerchief.

"I'll go get the medicines!" The maid was anxious.

Aubree's eyes were pale, "No need to panic. It's nothing serious." Compared to the injury on Ivan's

back, hers wasn’t worth mentioning.

Alfie and Diana heard the panicked voice of the maid and hurried to the door.

"Grandma, why is your hand bleeding?"

"Grandma, come out, you need a Band-Aid!"

Alfie and Diana were worried. They took Aubree into the living room.

Thomas took out the medicine cabinet.

"Let me do it!" Alfie skillfully pulled out the medicine as well as cotton swabs and Band-Aid from the

medicine cabinet.

How could a little kid know so many medicines?

"Why do you know how to deal with wounds?" Aubree sat on the sofa, looking at the little handsome


Diana was also helping, she opened the anti-inflammatories and answered, "Because when we were

young, Mommy was very busy. It was Alfie who dress my injuries when I hurt myself. We have

everything in our medicine box."

Hearing this, Aubree felt inexplicably bad.

She could imagine how busy Jennifer must be with two children.

Alfie gently applied painkiller cream to the wound after cleaning it.

Before putting on the Band-Aid, Alfie held Aubree’s wrist and approached it with Diana, blowing

through their small mouths.

"Grandma, you will feel less painful."

"Can you feel the cold air?" Diana asked.

Aubree's broken heart was completely mended by the children. After a few hours of being sad, finally

smiled. "Yes, it doesn't hurt anymore."

After a while, Alfie and Diana put the Band-Aids on.

The maid brought out the sliced mango.

"Thank you." Alfie and Diana thanked the maid. Then, they took out two small boxes from their

suitcases, "Grandma, we brought you presents!"

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