Surprised Wife With Twins

Chapter 406 What Are You Laughing About?
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Chapter 406 What Are You Laughing About?


Linda was shocked, gaping at Catherine.

Catherine looked into her eyes calmly. Linda was her friend, and she must tell Linda what she had


‘A fiancée?’

The word made Linda’s heart sink and froze her blood. She felt suffocated.

It turned out her first love had ended before starting.

While feeling sorry for her, Catherine didn’t know how to console her. She didn’t know much about

Finnley’s private life.

However, she could tell Finnley wasn’t an ordinary man.

The following morning.

At the bedroom of Emerald Bay.

“Ivan, time to take the pills.” Jennifer passed a glass of water and the white pills to Ivan. “Have you felt

any better recently?”

Ivan swallowed the pills down and drank the water obediently. “Much better.”

Then they went downstairs together.

“Will you go to the studio today?”

“Yep. It’s been several days. I’ll go there in the morning and return in the evening, trying to catch up

with my plan.”

“What will you have for lunch?” Ivan asked. “I can deliver some food to you.”

“No, thanks. We can grab some food in the diners nearby.”

“No way!” Ivan reminded her, “The food might not be clean. I’ll deliver lunch to you personally. We can

have it together.”

“Gee...” Jennifer still wanted to refuse but felt delighted. “By the way, shall we return to Kelsington Bay

this evening? We haven’t seen your mother for several days.”

“Why not? Are you willing?”

“Of course. She’s your mother, a great woman who gave you life. Call her.” Jennifer wanted to improvenovelbin

their relationship with Aubree. “We cannot go there suddenly without informing her ahead.”

“Sure. I will, Honey.”

After breakfast, Jennifer and Pippa sat in Ivan’s Lamborghini.

Ivan went to work after dropping them off at the studio.

“Morning, Mr. Marsh. Here are two urgent files. I need your signature.”

Linda put two documents to Ivan in the office. She dared not look at his face as it was the first time she

could stand so close to him.

Mr. Marsh’s aura was way too strong.

Ivan picked the files up and started to review them.

Standing aside, Linda waited patiently.

When she plucked up her courage to glance at him, she was amazed by his gorgeous face.

Although Ivan was 38, he was in excellent shape. He looked handsome and spirited.

In fact, Linda wanted to ask him if Finnley had engaged as she believed that Ivan should know Finnley

pretty well.

However, she didn’t want to behave too rudely. She had no right to be so nosy, so she repressed the


“Thank you, Mr. Marsh.” She took over the signed files and left. Still, she failed to repress her love for


Ten in the morning.

Ivan called Marry. “Hello, Marry. Please prepare lunch for Jennifer, Pippa, and me. I’ll go home to take

them later. Make sure to put them in the lunchboxes.”

“All right, Mr. Marsh.” Marry knew what Ivan would take these dishes.

“A box of sliced fruits, too.”

“No problem.”


Ivan drove back to Emerald Bay, picked up the dishes, and headed for the studio.

Jennifer and he had lunch together.

Watching them, Pippa felt delighted.

“What are you laughing about?” Ivan noticed it and asked her gently.

Pippa laughed and held back her laughter instantly. “I’m happy about having the food delivered by you

personally, Mr. Marsh.”

Ivan said, “Help yourself.”

“Of course. Thanks, Mr. Marsh.”

Jennifer liked Pippa, and so did Ivan. They both thought she was sensible and wise.

On the way back to the company, Ivan dialed the landline number of Kelsington Bay.

The butler answered the call. “Hello, Mr. Marsh.”

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