Surprised Wife With Twins

Chapter 1735: The Truth Comes Out
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Chapter 1735: The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 1735: The Truth Comes Out

"It's not impossible, but I can't say for sure," Ivan analyzed. "After all, her personality is completely

opposite of Catherine's."

"Look into whether Catherine did her any favors," Jennifer asked him. "Can you find out the specifics of

their relationship? Will it be too difficult?"

Ivan's lips curled into a faint smile. "I've already sent people to investigate. We'll have results soon." He

thought to himself, as expected of my wife, so smart.

Jennifer was relieved to hear that. Once they found out the truth, things would be clearer.

Helping someone means seeing it through. Now that Rowan was back with the royal family, any

obstacles had to be removed and all the poison weeded out of the palace. It would benefit all of Lu


Anyone who dared poison the king was nothing short of deranged! If someone like that took over the

country, it would be a misfortune for the common people.

In less than a minute, Ivan's phone rang. He took it out, glanced at the caller ID, and answered. The

person on the other end reported:

"Mr. Marsh, Jolie was brought into the royal family by Catherine's maternal side. When Jolie's mother

was critically ill, Catherine paid for her treatment. Although she didn't make it in the end, Catherine still

handled the funeral arrangements. Jolie's birth family situation was dire-she had no father and her

mother was just a sanitation worker."

After hearing this, Ivan basically understood the relationship between the two women.

The person continued, "Mr. Marsh, Jolie has always been extremely loyal to Catherine, viewing her as

family. In the palace, she has always protected her. Plus, with the king's favoritism towards Catherine,

Jolie rose with the tide, eventually becoming the head of the royal guards. Catherine is also genuinely

fond of her."

"I see." Ivan's expression was calm.

"Also, Mr. Marsh, Jolie is devoted to the king like she is to Catherine. She has no ulterior motives," the

person added.

If that was the case, things would be much easier.

"Good work," Ivan said as he ended the call. He then relayed the conversation to Jennifer.

After listening, Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good then. Now there's only one enemy-Eden,

and whoever is behind him."

"After dealing with Eden, it will at least serve as a warning to others," Ivan assessed. "Even if someone

else has ideas, they'll know to back off."

So tonight's operation had to succeed. Failure was not an option.

The rain continued to drizzle down.

In the Queen's Palace:

"Jolie, shouldn't you see a doctor?" Catherine asked first thing in the morning, worried. "You looknovelbin


"I didn't sleep well last night, nothing else wrong with me," Jolie said, looking at her. "I just can't shake

this feeling that something big is about to happen. With the king gone and Louis inheriting the throne,

how could Eden not make a move?"

"That's why we need to take care of Eden before the king leaves," Catherine said. "Do you have any

good ideas?"

"The best timing would be when the king departs and the country is in mourning. Even if Eden died

then, no one would have the energy to investigate too deeply." Jolie had already considered this.

Catherine also felt it made sense.

"I just got word that the king coughed up blood again this morning," Catherine said, distressed. A sense

of powerlessness enveloped her. "He probably won't last a week."

"My Queen, you must stay strong. You still have Prince Taylor."

"If it wasn't for Taylor, I fear I would follow after him. But now with Louis' return, I can't even see him."

So Catherine had no appetite for breakfast.

Meanwhile, Eden had been acting strange all day. The relentless rain put him further on edge.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

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