Surprised Wife With Twins

Chapter 1465: Updating The Novel
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Chapter 1465: Updating The Novel

Chapter 1465: Updating the Novel

"Goodnight." Claire watched the two girls leave with a smile, seeing them sensibly close the door

behind them. Now she was alone in the room.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, her smile faded as she sighed softly. How could she have lost her

memory? Although the condition wasn't severe, it was quite bizarre. Would anyone believe it if she

wrote this experience into a novel?

She got up and walked to the desk, grabbing the mouse and opening the novel website... Yes, she was

going to update.

On the same night, at the Charity Medical Center, Rowan Watson had come to the hospital today. An

urgent neurosurgery required his expertise. For a doctor, nothing was more important than life. Rowan

Watson adjusted his state and devoted himself wholeheartedly.

The operating room was brightly lit. The scalpel in his hand was thin, and his assistants and team

members were just as calm and steady as him.

At this moment, his phone screen lit up in his office drawer, displaying a text message: "Hello, the novel

you're tracking has been updated."

Inside the operating room, Rowan Watson's eyebrows furrowed, "The tumor is malignant and has

developed so rapidly that it has invaded the surrounding tissues and is seriously adhered. When was

the MRI taken?"

"Three days ago," someone replied.


The person continued, "Mr. Adams, MRIs were done three days ago and five days ago. There was not

much change in comparison, but we didn't expect this in three days..."

"Enough." Rowan Watson immediately became stern, "We now need to strip these tumors and the

adhering tissues around them, try to minimize bleeding, and shorten the time. Let's begin."


Under the operating light, in front of the operating table, Rowan Watson kept his cool in the face of

danger. He was like a beacon of light, akin to an angel, professional, calm... he brought hope to


At night, in a suite at the Charity Medical Center, Eason dialed Tristan's number on his phone, "Brother,

I don't need to have an IV drip tomorrow. Can Monica take me to the welfare home?"


Tristan agreed and the two brothers chatted briefly, "Then Eason, go to bed early tonight. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, brother."

Tristan hung up the phone. He had already returned home.

While walking upstairs, he dialed Monica's number. At this moment, Monica was chatting with Belinda.

They were having an open heart-to-heart conversation for the first time, talking about their father and


"So Belinda, stop being sharp-tongued but soft-hearted. When Algerone leans towards you, don't pushnovelbin

him away so hard!" Monica was giving advice to her mother, "You've missed so many years, don't miss

any more."

Her phone rang, interrupting Belinda mid-sentence.

Monica looked at her phone. It was Tristan? She quickly answered, "Hello?"

"Monica, are you free tomorrow?" Tristan's voice was gentle, "Eason said he doesn't need an IV drip

and wants you to take him to the welfare home."

"Sure, no problem, just arrange your time."

"Mm." Tristan responded, "Then I'll come over to pick you up tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Okay, goodnight."

After Tristan hung up, Monica put down her phone. The smile on her lips revealed her mood.

Belinda asked her, "What's going on with you and Tristan? Are you two dating?"

"..." Monica was speechless, "I don't know if it counts. We haven't made it clear, but it seems like it."

"What are you saying?" Belinda frowned, "Doesn't he like you?"

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