Surprised Wife With Twins

Chapter 1084 Protective Boyfriend
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Chapter 1084 Protective Boyfriend

Chapter 1084 Protective Boyfriend

On the way back to Emerald Bay, Ivan was driving in the Lamborghini.

After the entire day at the mountain, the children were tired. They had fallen asleep. Jennifer put smallnovelbin

quilts on them.

The lights were warm. The car was spacious and comfortable with a faint fragrance in the air.

"Did they fall asleep?" Ivan glanced back.

"Yes." Jennifer reached out and touched the children's foreheads, then said softly to him, "There's

something I want to tell you."

"I'll listen."

"Joan took my dad's half of the jade pendant away. I guess she had given it to someone. My dad is

investigating this matter, but he hasn't found anything yet. My pendant and my dad's pendant are said

to be the key to the legendary treasure of the Clarke family once they are put together."

"The legendary treasure of the Clarke family ?"

Ivan seemed to have heard a new word, "Does your family have any treasures?"

"Who knows? People said so, but even my dad doesn't know where the treasure is."

Jennifer said, "He never took it seriously. My father thinks we must build our wealth with our hands."

"I see." Ivan nodded, "Your dad is insightful." Ivan very much agreed with this point of view.

At the same time, he also understood that those people wanted the pendant.

"Who is behind her?"

Jennifer was a little puzzled, and analyzed suspiciously, "My father is good to her, and he is also good

to Eason. Won't she feel guilty? She is ungrateful."

"Jennifer, from now on, I will personally send you to work and pick you up." Ivan promised, "At the

same time, I will find out who is behind the scenes within 24 hours."

"I'm not afraid, you don't have to follow me all the time." Jennifer said casually, "Maybe I can lure him


"No, I won't allow you to be the bait." Ivan refused, and then said calmly, "Believe me, within 24 hours

at most, I'll even pry into his lair!"

Jennifer sighed softly, "I feel that the matter is far from over... Could the person behind the scenes be

Eason's father?"

"I have no idea." Ivan told her, "No matter who it is, as long as it treats you, it is my enemy. Also, I will

take care of whoever offends your father as well."

Hearing his words, she felt warm in her heart, "You are such a protective boyfriend."

With him by her side, she felt very safe

Ivan was also very happy to get her approval.

The Lamborghini drove into the yard of Emerald Bay. Jennifer remembered, "Has Spencer left?" His

car was not there.

"Do you remember him now?" Ivan smiled, "With his character, I'll be surprised if he can stay for an


They got out of the car with the children in their arms. Yet, as they walked into the living room, Aubree

told them

"You guys are finally back. Spencer just left. He waited for you for ten hours."


The couple looked at each other, both feeling very surprised.

"He's been there?"

Aubree replied, "Yes."

"How... how can he stay?" Jennifer couldn't help but smile, "That's unexpected."

Aubree said, "We played chess. He cooked. But he left after receiving a call. Otherwise, he would still

be waiting."

Hearing so, the couple was very happy.

Spencer has really changed. He had grown up. He was mature.

"By the way, he brought these here." Aubree pointed, "He's quite thoughtful. Those are not common


Ivan and Jennifer smiled knowingly, "We'll call him later."

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