Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 980 Profound Regret
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Chapter 980 Profound Regret

Her arrival only made Artemis, who was already wearing a gloomy expression on his handsome face,even more upset.

“Ken, throw her out. Mrs. Luther is currently unavailable to entertain visitors,” he ordered.

Ken acknowledged and was about to step forward to seize Stephanie when Bailey intervened.

“It's okay. I also have a few words to share with Mrs. Rogers. Ken, you may leave us for now,” she said.

Rubbing his nose meekly, Ken bit the bullet and stepped back.

Artemis' orders could not be disobeyed, but the directives of his wife held even greater sanctity.

Offending Artemis might only get him punished once, but if he were to offend Bailey, she couldcomplain to Artemis every day. That could lead to him being punished daily.

Leaning on the head of the bed, Bailey raised an eyebrow at Stephanie who was striding toward thebed, asking with a smile, “May I know what brings you here, Mrs. Rogers? If it's not something ofutmost importance, I would advise you not to disturb me. My husband can be quite temperamental, andI fear he might have you thrown out, which could harm your reputation.”

Stephanie glared fiercely at Bailey, her eyes brimming with unbridled rage. “Ms. Jefferson, this is theRogers residence, and I am the matriarch here. Don't you think it's improper of you to overshadow thehost?”

“Overshadow?” A smile slowly spread across Bailey's countenance as she calmly stated, “Maybe

you're not yet informed about the events outside. Allow me to enlighten you. The chaos in the squarehas come to an end. Both Broderick and his son, along with your husband, have all been apprehended.The Rogers family, in name, is now on the verge of extinction. As the saying goes, 'might makes right.' Istand here as the conqueror. It appears that you are not in a position to criticize me.”


“I'm sure you didn't just come to pick a fight with me, right? Are you sure you want to provoke me? If Iget angry, I might not agree to whatever request you're going to ask of me, you know.”

Stephanie's body quivered violently, her chest rising and falling with intensity as she battled to containher anger.

Now that the Rogers family is entirely under the control of the Luther family, our influence has dwindled.What choice do I have but to endure? Resist? Quit messing around. So many assassins andbodyguards from the Rogers family couldn't stop this woman. How could I dare to challenge her?

Taking a deep breath, she bit the bullet and spoke. “My apologies for losing my composure earlier. Ihope you can be the bigger person and not hold it against me. A few days ago, a quack doctor usedacupuncture to treat my son, and it left him crippled. The experts I hired are at a loss, unable to find asolution. I've heard that your medical skills are exceptional, and I would like to request your assistancein saving my son. I understand that we don't have much of a relationship, and I believe in not acceptingfavors without merit. However, I kindly ask for your help out of consideration for my daughter,Catherine.”

Bailey shot the other woman a sidelong glance, a hint of mockery flashing in his eyes.

In truth, Catherine had never intended to take over as the head of the Rogers family. All she wantedwas to live a peaceful and contented life with Luna.

However, Joseph and Stephanie were overly suspicious, believing that she was coveting everythingthat originally belonged to their son. Therefore, they repeatedly sabotaged themselves, never learningtheir lesson. In the end, their actions not only inflicted harm upon their own son but also unleashed acalamity that wrought havoc upon their entire family.

People like them may not deserve sympathy, but if Catherine asked for her help personally, shenaturally wouldn't refuse.

However, this concession extended solely to Catherine. She wouldn't agree to anyone else's request.

“Save Mr. Harvey? Sure, but let Catherine come and talk to me herself. But you guys sure are good atshooting yourselves in the foot. Actually, Catherine had approached me before this, hoping I could helptreat her brother's illness, and I agreed. She also mentioned that once her younger brother wakes up,she will leave the family, disengaging herself from the Rogers family's power dynamics and transferringthe inheritance rights to him.”

Stephanie took a few stumbling steps back, disbelief etched across her face.

Catherine went to ask for Bailey's help? She even said she would return the inheritance rights toHarvey? If that's really the case, then what's the point of everything we did?

If it weren't for treating Harvey's illness, Joseph wouldn't have gone into seclusion in the main house,providing an opportunity for those in the first branch of the family to take advantage due to oversight,

ultimately leading to the entire family's downfall.

“Did she really go to you for Harvey's sake?” she asked in disbelief.

Bailey didn't provide a direct response. Instead, she countered, “Do you think I have any reason to lieto you? Catherine has already severed ties with all of you. I have no reason to lie just to preserve yourfamily bonds.”

Stephanie's face was a canvas of emotions.

In the end, guilt, shame, self-reproach, and pain all merged into profound regret.

They shouldn't have pushed Catherine into a corner.

Had they not left Catherine alone, the Luthers wouldn't have taken action.

Indeed, it was their malicious intentions that led to this catastrophic disaster.

No one else could be held responsible for this; they brought it all upon themselves.

After standing by the bed for a full three minutes, Stephanie left the room with her heart filled withendless regret.

She understood that, regardless of what she said, Bailey would never give in and save her son.

If she wanted to cure Harvey, she had to rely on the daughter they had abandoned.

Bailey watched her retreating figure with a cold gaze, the mockery on her face slowly fading.

The Rogers didn't deserve any sympathy at all.

Catherine had done so much for them, even fighting with all her might to secure a chance for theirsurvival in the end. However, they were never satisfied nor grateful. They betrayed her kindness, andultimately, they were met with ruin and death, getting what they deserved.

“Artemis, this place is too filthy and cold, filled with schemes and plots everywhere. I don't like it. Willyou take me back to the manor?” Bailey asked.

Artemis embraced her tightly, his voice hoarse. “All right, I'll get you out of here right now. We'll neverreturn to this place.”

After finishing his sentence, he turned around and instructed Ken to get the car ready.

Bailey contemplated and added, “The Rogers family won't be able to stir up much trouble now. LetCatherine handle the rest. Once she's finished dealing with things here, have her bring her youngerbrother to the manor to me.”

Artemis gave a light hum in response and then strolled out.

He shared Bailey's plans with Simon in the ward next door.

“All right, got it. I'll relay the message to Catherine when she wakes up. Now that the Rogers family hasbeen reclaimed, all the rights are in her hands. As long as she doesn't plan on abandoning me tobecome the head of the Rogers family, I support her in everything else,” Simon responded.

Artemis replied, “Mm. Remember to have her put Mr. Broderick and Mr. Joseph under house arrest. Wecan't let them cause any more trouble. Once you all have finished dealing with matters here, hurry upand bring her brother to the manor. Luna's issue can't be delayed any longer. From here on out, I won'tbe interfering. There's still Kurt to deal with, and I simply don't have the energy to handle it all.”

“All right. Thank you, Artemis. You guys be careful too. Kurt is an expert in poisons. Don't fall for histricks,” Simon cautioned.

“Got it.”

Ten minutes later, Artemis left the Rogers residence with Bailey.

As soon as they returned to the manor, Cameron hurriedly made his way to the main house.

Initially, he had urgent matters to discuss, but upon seeing Bailey's pallid complexion, he quickly asked,“Are you injured?” novelbin

Bailey waved her hand, recognizing the anxiety etched between his brows, and said, “It's just a minorinjury. Did something go wrong on your end?”

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