Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 978 If You Had Died
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Chapter 978 If You Had Died

Bailey shot him an annoyed glare.

Is it really necessary for him to be this anxious just because there's a bloody hole in my shoulder?

She said, “Say, Mr. Luther. Stop staring and do something. Do you happen to have any hemostaticmedicine? Apply some for me, would you? If I keep losing blood like this, you might end up a widower.”

Observing her nonchalant demeanor and how she was still in the mood to tease him, Artemis couldn'thelp but glare disapprovingly at her.

However, he dared not waste any more time. Swiftly, he retrieved a white porcelain bottle from hischest and, after unscrewing the cap, meticulously sprinkled the medicine onto her wound.

His actions were delicate, as if he were wary of causing her any further pain or harm to her wound.

Nevertheless, it was impossible to entirely prevent the medicinal powder from causing some corrosionto the flesh and blood.

Bailey winced in agony within his embrace, her breaths coming in short gasps.

“D*mn, that feels good,” she said with a sigh.

Artemis was a mixture of heartbreak and anger, his brows knitted in an intensely grim expression.

“You're constantly getting into trouble. It's best for you to stay at home like a hothouse flower. Startingtoday, you're forbidden from engaging in any hazardous missions,” he stated through clenched teeth.

Bailey was in such excruciating pain that she began to break out in a cold sweat and simply didn't havethe energy to argue with him any longer. She leaned wearily against him, her legs wobbling weakly dueto excessive blood loss.

Despite his anger, all of the rage within him evaporated in an instant when he witnessed her in such afrail and ailing condition.

He scooped her into his arms, proceeding deeper into the castle under the concealment of a group ofassassins.

When Broderick and Joseph comprehended that they were confronting a formidable adversary, in thespirit of unity against a shared foe, they temporarily set aside their differences. Together, they raisedtheir blades in the direction of the intruder.

No matter how intensely the two brothers fought each other, at the end of the day, the Rogers familywould still remain under the control of their own kin.

Nevertheless, if external forces were to intervene, the entire Rogers family could be eradicated.

They had been fighting for many years, vying for the coveted position of family head.

If the Rogers family were to truly change leadership in the end, all their years of strife and strugglewould have been rendered meaningless.

Seeing the rare unity between Broderick and Joseph as they shook hands and reconciled before

turning their weapons toward him, Artemis couldn't help but curl his lips into a cold smirk.

Great. I shall deal with both of them in one fell swoop. Saves me the trouble of dealing with them oneby one. Now that they've joined forces, I can annihilate them all at once. This family doesn't have areason to continue existing, because after the enormous changes today, even if the Rogers familymanages to survive, it will be but a shadow of its former self.

Within mainland Gregan, there existed numerous esteemed families, second in prominence only to theRogers family.

These factions had long harbored ambitions toward the Rogers family, biding their time until the familymet a major setback, after which they aimed to gradually consume the family's influence, ultimatelydismantling this noble lineage that had been deeply rooted in Gregan for centuries.

“Mr. Luther, the two old geezers have teamed up. Should we make a move against Mr. Joseph'ssubordinates?” asked one of the subordinates.

Artemis glanced at Joseph, whose bloodshot eyes blazed with a fiery determination, fully aware of thedeep reluctance the latter felt about surrendering.

A person like him, if given the opportunity to preserve his strength, would undoubtedly stage acomeback once he had recovered. When that moment arrived, it would usher in a never-ending cycleof trouble.

However, Artemis couldn't bring himself to eliminate Joseph either. After all, the latter was destined tobe Simon's future father-in-law. His demise at the hands of the Luthers would undeniably inflict anindelible scar on Simon and Catherine's relationship.

“Take action and get rid of all the assassins. Should any Rogers family members resist, execute themimmediately. Oh, and do not harm the head of the Rogers family. Capture him alive,” he commanded.

“Yes, sir.”

In contrast to the bloody battle in the square, the main house appeared considerably more serene.

All the individuals stationed to guard the main house had been subdued and brought under control bySimon's subordinates.

Numerous relatives of the Rogers family hastily made their way to the main house.

How could they remain oblivious to the gravity of the situation when such a tumultuous commotion haderupted in the Central Square outside?

It was precisely because they understood the severity of the situation that fear gripped them,compelling a frantic search for refuge. The main house was the only place where they could find solaceand safety.

As Simon carried Catherine through the corridor toward the main house, chaos broke out among thecrowd outside.

“Catherine, I heard that the Luthers are currently attacking our clan. Now, what are you up to bybringing the new head of the Luther family to the main house? What are your intentions?”

“Is it possible that this unexpected turn of events was your meticulous plan to join forces with outsiders

and swallow up the entire Rogers family?”

“Mr. Joseph has put so much trust in you, wholeheartedly supporting you as the next head of the family.And this is how you repay him? Can you really live with your conscience?”

“We should have cast someone as heartless and ungrateful as you out when you first becamepregnant with that illegitimate child. If you had died, the Rogers family wouldn't be facing this disastertoday.” novelbin

“Yeah! All of this is your doing. The Rogers family raised you for over twenty years, and yet youcolluded with outsiders to bring down your own clan. One day, you'll get the punishment you deserve!”

Catherine was firmly cradled in Simon's arms as they swiftly made their way toward the main house'sentrance.

She buried her head in his chest, hoping to ignore them. Nevertheless, those derogatory comments,much like the wind, managed to infiltrate every crevice, traversing the void and reaching her ears.

Initially, she had felt sympathy for these people and had contemplated imploring Simon to spare them,granting them a chance at a peaceful life.

However, as she listened to their indiscriminate accusations and the way they slandered her, the lastshred of kindness in her heart completely disappeared.

This turmoil had absolutely nothing to do with her all along. She was merely a pawn, manipulated byher own relatives.

In this scheme, she not only gained nothing but also paid a hefty, painful price.

All the subordinates who had once fought alongside her had perished.

She too was a victim, yet in their eyes, she had become the scapegoat for the family's downfall.

If she were to still feel an ounce of pity for them, she would be deemed foolish and too much of a saint.

“Do we need to stop and explain to them?” Simon asked with a hint of concern.

Catherine pursed her lips, a momentary trace of hesitation in her eyes. However, upon reflection, sheshrugged it off and spoke casually. “They're nothing more than a group of people who happen to sharethe same blood as me. I won't waste my energy worrying about these irrelevant people. Right now,saving my brother is what matters. Let's not waste time here. Hurry up and carry me inside.”

Simon let out a soft chuckle.

He felt relieved that she didn't seem affected by the accusations. After all, those were her relatives withwhom she had shared decades of her life. For a brief moment, he was genuinely worried that theirharsh words might wound her deeply.

Crossing the main house's courtyard, they proceeded toward the infirmary. From a distance, Catherinecould hear Stephanie's heart-wrenching cries.

Those anguished wails, brimming with sorrow and despair, seemed to release the agony of losing abeloved person.

Catherine managed to free herself from Simon's embrace, her steps unsteady as she staggered towardthe room.

As soon as she approached the emergency treatment room, Stephanie lunged at her, seething withanger as she roared, “You're nothing but a jinx and a burden! If it weren't for your fixation on yourbrother's inheritance, your father would never have taken such a reckless gamble, seeking aid fromsome quack doctor, only to fall into a trap and result in the death of my beloved Harvey!”

As her final word resounded, she had already dashed in front of Catherine, raising her arm to deliver aresounding slap to Catherine's face.

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