Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 959 Forbidden Ground
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Chapter 959 Forbidden Ground

A fleeting glint of murderous intent flashed in Joseph's eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

He harbored a deep desire for the child's demise, especially after learning that the troublemaker'sfather was Simon, intensifying his wish for the child's downfall.

The Luther Group, now under Simon's control, posed a significant threat, especially if he were tocollaborate with Catherine, potentially bringing catastrophe to the Roger family.

This audacious girl, however, was unwavering in her resolve. She had forced Joseph to unlock theForbidden Ground and copy the Fragrance Journal. Refusing her demands might lead to her aligningwith the Luther family to apply pressure.

If they fell out, and she distanced herself from Joseph, refusing to return to the Roger family, it wouldonly leave his son as the target of all their attacks.

No, I can't let my son endure any more suffering; he is my only hope. Until I find a cure for him, theremust be a scapegoat to bear the consequences.

Catherine seemed to be the only suitable shield, given the current circumstances.

“Enough, Luna is also my beloved granddaughter. When she's in danger, how could I stand by withouthelping? You can go to the Forbidden Ground. However, be aware that there are hidden dangersinside, and you'll have to face them on your own. I can't openly assist you.”

With these words, Joseph removed the family head seal from his body and handed it to her.

With the seal, the guards monitoring the Forbidden Ground would allow Catherine to pass freely. Sheaccepted it gracefully, thanked him, and turned to leave the room.

Joseph watched her departing silhouette with an intensifying sense of gloom in his eyes.

This ungrateful wretch, always fixated on that little troublemaker. If I hand over the Roger family to her, Ifear the entire clan will be swallowed up by the Luther family.

As Catherine left, the butler hurried in, his expression anxious. “Mr. Joseph, after the Divine Doctoradministered the injection to Mr. Harvey, he started vomiting blood. Mrs. Rogers has requested yourimmediate presence.”

Joseph sprang up from the couch, heading swiftly toward the door. “Let's go take a look, andremember, seal off the main house tightly. Do not let anyone outside learn of what's happening within.”


Leaving the main house, Catherine moved stealthily under the cover of the night toward the ForbiddenGround.

As she reached an artificial hill in the back garden, she slowed her steps and whispered softly, “Comeout. I know you've been following me.”

In the next instant, a figure darted through the dimly lit night and stood before her almost instantly.Simon looked somewhat embarrassed as he asked, “You noticed?”

Catherine sighed and turned her gaze to the unfamiliar face before her. In a hushed tone, she began,“My uncle, the elders' union, and all those ambitious individuals from the branch family have their eyeson me. In essence, I'm surrounded by wolves and tigers. Simon, you shouldn't have come. Do yourealize that the current Roger family is like a treacherous place filled with danger? You—”

Her nagging abruptly ceased, replaced by a stunned expression as she stared at the up-closehandsome face before her. Her pupils constricted dramatically.

This jerk. How dare he bully me!

This audacious person had actually dared to get close to her, sending a peculiar sensation coursingthrough her body, causing her to shudder involuntarily. She couldn't help but tense up.

Simon, not wanting to overstep, released her after a few seconds.

Catherine, in a fit of anger, slapped him across his handsome face.

Simon didn't attempt to evade the slap; he simply stood there, gazing foolishly at her flustereddemeanor. His inner thoughts praised her beauty.

“Have you had your fill of staring? If you're finished, then go away, or else I'll claw your eyes out.”

Simon remained unperturbed, leaning in closer to jest, “I'll take your slap as a playful flirtation,especially since it lacked force. Or is it that after our kiss, you've become all tender?” novelbin


Not giving her a chance to lose her temper, Simon took her hand and led her forward.

Catherine wanted to resist, but Simon gently cautioned her, “I've observed that there are always patrolsin the back garden. If you don't want to be discovered, keep your voice down and behave. Let's firstmake our way to the Forbidden Ground to secure the Fragrance Journal before we discuss anythingelse.”

Catherine was annoyed, and her irritation was palpable, but she couldn't argue with his logic.

The journey remained silent, and a few minutes later, the two reached a dense forest situated at thewesternmost part of the property.

Catherine whispered, “Wait for me outside.”

Simon didn't need much time to consider; he immediately protested, “I've done my research. Thisdense forest is highly dangerous. I can't let you venture in alone. You divert the guards outside, and I'llsneak in. Remember, no tricks. If you dare to charge in alone, I'll follow.”

Catherine glared at him, rendered speechless by his determination. She couldn't outmatch this man'sresoluteness in being ruthless.

“Just wait here,” she replied tersely.

With those words, Catherine emerged from behind the artificial hill and made her way toward theForbidden Ground's entrance.

No one could discern the method she employed, but within moments, all the bodyguards stationed at

the entrance had fallen unconscious.

She cast a meaningful glance in Simon's direction.

Hurrying over, he observed a few individuals with vacant expressions and inquired curiously, “What didyou do to them?”

The woman regarded him coldly and sneered, “You'd grasp it better if I did the same to you.”

“No, thank you.” Simon swiftly dodged to the side.

He didn't need her to explain; he could probably guess it anyway.

It was likely some sedative fragrance that could cloud one's mind, and he certainly had no desire toexperience its effects.

After Simon disappeared into the dense forest, Catherine quickly counteracted the sedative fragranceaffecting a few guards. Paying no attention to their bewildered expressions, she followed in Simon'sfootsteps and rushed into the Forbidden Ground.

Within the dense forest, there were no living guards, but it harbored mechanical traps and wild beastssuch as wolves.

As the two ventured deeper into the woods, several tigers and leopards charged toward them.

Catherine swiftly positioned herself in front of Simon, issuing a stern warning, “Stay behind me; don'tattempt to be a hero.”

Having said that, she deftly flipped her palm, releasing a wave of refreshing fragrance that permeatedthe area. Wherever it passed, the beasts fell to the ground, one by one, unable to rise.

Simon stood behind Catherine, unashamed of being protected by his wife, and cautiously surveyedtheir surroundings, ready to evade any surprise attacks.

As they delved further, various unknown dangers began to surface.

Beads of sweat formed a dense layer on Catherine's forehead as she clenched her teeth. “There aretoo many beasts. My sedative fragrance is limited. Simon, go to the secret chamber and transcribe theFragrance Journal. I'll fend them off.”

Now, Simon couldn't maintain his composure any longer. He glared at her and said firmly, “Do youreally think I'm that weak? Leaving my wife in danger while I flee? I can't do such a thing.”

After his declaration, he pressed down on Catherine's arm, propelling her through the only opening.“Go and copy the journal, especially those you're unfamiliar with. Try to complete them all in one go.”

Catherine hesitated briefly but ultimately reasoned that keeping them both here would be a waste oftime. It was better to take a chance. “All right, be careful. Don't confront them head-on; try to navigatearound them.”

“I understand.”

Simultaneously, Joseph halted on his way to the infirmary.

After a brief period of contemplation, he instructed the butler, “Inform the first branch of the family thatCatherine has entered the Forbidden Ground.”

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