Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 938 I Accept The Punishment
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Chapter 938 I Accept The Punishment

Look, there is even her lipstick mark on your clothes.

Judging from this enchanting lipstick mark, it's clear that the other party must be a uniquely sexy andcharming vixen.

Unlike me, who goes bare-faced all day and has nothing interesting to look at.

When it came to men, especially men of high status and power like Artemis, they truly deserved tohave an alluring woman.

That was because only with such a woman could one find the ultimate sense of conquest.

Originally, Bailey was just teasing him for fun. But the thought of that extremely enchanting Interpol'stop commander getting close to this man had made her uncontrollably jealous.

Even the most trained and skilled experts couldn't get close to Artemis, given his abilities.

Now, not only had someone approached him, but they had also left a lipstick mark on his collar.

This was enough to prove that he had no guard against the other party, and also showed how closetheir relationship was.

It was so close that it made Bailey feel extremely uncomfortable.

“Mr. Luther, I haven't even left a lipstick mark on your collar before. Don't you think you're makingthings hard for me to bear?”

Artemis was taken aback, finally understanding why this woman suddenly had such a huge emotionalupheaval.

He quickly followed her gaze toward his collar. When he saw the faint lipstick mark on the collar of thewhite shirt, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He couldn't help but curse inwardly.

He finally understood why Rebecca had such a mysterious smile when she left.

That crazy woman actually left a lipstick mark on my clothes.

D*mn! Isn't this deliberately setting me up? And it's setting me up big time. I can't dig myself out of thishole now.

“Wifey, let me explain...” said Artemis.

Bailey placed a finger on his thin lips, silencing the words he was about to speak.

“I'm used to showing my face without make-up and just wearing my casual home clothes. Have yougrown tired of seeing me like this after all this time?” she asked.

Artemis' handsome face darkened, and a flash of urgency flickered between his brows.

He regretted it now. He shouldn't have let that woman, Rebecca, in.

In the next moment, he abruptly pushed Bailey away, then swiftly ripped off his shirt and fiercely

stomped on it underfoot.

Bailey looked at him, who was flustered and exasperated, and a sly glint flashed across the depths ofher eyes.

She did feel a bit unwell just now, but the surprised look on his face when he saw the lipstick mark toldher that this man had also been tricked.

After that, all the gloom in her heart was dispelled.

She would naturally not doubt his love for her.

They had been through trials of life and death. If this man could still have a change of heart, then theretruly would be no such thing as love in this world.

Yet, his defenselessness against the opposite sex, allowing them to get close to him, somewhatannoyed Bailey.

Hmph, every time it's him, domineeringly warning me not to get too close to other men.

Now that it's his turn, he just can't do it.

So, I must teach this man a lesson properly. Otherwise, who knows how many other women I mighthave to deal with in the future because of him?

With that thought, she gave him a cold glance, then walked around him and headed straight for thestaircase.

Seeing her leave without a word, Artemis was completely anxious. After stomping on his shirt a fewtimes, he chased after his wife, bare-chested.

“Bay, please hear me out. Things really aren't what you think. That woman, she's just crazy. This ispurely a prank pulled by her. I've known her for several years and we've worked together in the past.Because of this, I didn't guard myself against her, which allowed her to set a trap for me. I assure you, Ihaven't had any impure thoughts about her these past few years. I haven't even been in contact withher for almost a year now. Bay... Wifey... Wifey...”

Hearing the cautious calls from behind, an intense smile surfaced in Bailey's eyes.

However, the thought of her never having left a lipstick mark on this man's clothes, yet allowing anotherwoman to steal the first opportunity, made her feel uncomfortable.

“But you let her get close to you, even allowed her to kiss you. Don't deny it. I can smell the same scentof lipstick on your face.”

Hearing that, Artemis was on the verge of tears.

This woman's dog-like nose is truly so sharp that I have nowhere to hide. Forget it, no amount ofexplanation will suffice. It's better to just return to the room and get punished by kneeling on thekeyboard honestly.

Watching the slender figure ahead, the anxiety in Artemis' eyes gradually dissipated and got replacedby deep affection.

Silly girl, it's your innocence and purity that I love. Your natural face without makeup allows me to calmmy mind completely and lose myself in your aura.

If I were truly that superficial, enamored by those heavily made-up, gaudy women, I'd probably besurrounded by mistresses by now.

Over the years, it's not that I've been without women by my side. I've seen countless top-tier beautiesof all sorts, but not one of them has caught my eye.

Only you have stormed into my heart. From then on, your importance alone makes everything else inthe world seem light.

Walking ahead, Bailey noticed the man behind him had fallen silent. She couldn't help but furrow herbrows. novelbin

Is that it? That's all he's going to say? If he were to reflect a few more times, I might have just droppedmy act.

“Don't follow me and don't come into my room tonight,” she said.

Tsk, this punishment for me is simply too severe. If I don't hold her while sleeping, I might haveinsomnia all night.

“Wifey, how can I get punished by kneeling on the keyboard if I don't enter your room? All right, I won'tdefend myself anymore. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. I accept the punishment,” he responded.

The tense expression on Bailey's face instantly relaxed, and her eyes once again filled with glee.

After the two entered the room, Artemis obediently went to the small study inside to dismantle thekeyboard.

Ignoring him, Bailey headed straight for the dressing table.

A moment later, when Artemis emerged from the study with his keyboard, he saw Bailey sitting at thedressing table, applying her makeup.

Bailey was stunning. She had exquisite features that were breathtakingly beautiful. Even withoutmakeup, she could outshine a host of international actresses.

Now that she had light make-up on she was even more beautiful.

Artemis was so captivated by the stunningly beautiful face in the mirror that he couldn't bring himself tomove.

He was not a man swayed by feminine allure. No matter how many women tried to beguile him, heremained unflustered.

But Bailey was an exception.

Realizing what this woman wanted to do, he pleaded with a sense of helplessness and resignation.“Wifey, would it be okay if I kneel on this keyboard for the night? Don't punish me with the torment offlirting with me yet not letting me have you. It's lethal, you know. I'd rather kneel all night, or have youcurse me out.”

Bailey let out a cold snort, then pointed at the changing room across. “Go put on a white shirt,” shesaid.

Artemis' robust body shuddered intensely.

My guess is correct. This woman is planning to... But can I really say no? Of course, I can't.

After a moment of silence in place, Artemis tossed the keyboard he was holding and, as if resigned tohis fate, walked toward the dressing room.

Bailey looked at herself in the mirror, a slight frown creasing her brow.

All right. I'm disgusted by my own appearance.

Even though it's beautiful, it's not the style I like.

However, such bewitching beauty is indeed what men are fascinated by.

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