Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 936 His Affection
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Chapter 936 His Affection

Artemis was both affectionate and heartless.

His deep affection was reserved only for Bailey, while his indifference was directed toward all thewomen in the world who admire him.

In one's lifetime, having a beloved companion by one's side was more than enough.

He was satisfied with Bailey by his side.

No matter how beautiful the other women were, to him, they are nothing more than fleeting passersbywho wouldn't leave any traces in his life.

“She's like the heart in my chest. Without her, life is unbearable.”

The pain in Rebecca's gaze deepened when she heard his endearing words meant for Bailey.

Her rationale left her as she demanded, “How am I inferior to Bailey? Yes, I acknowledge that she'sremarkable and renowned, but I'm not lacking either. I've spent far more time with you than she has.Why do you love her and not me?”

Artemis glanced at her and replied casually, “We met eight years ago. She gave birth to three of mychildren, so technically, she knew me long before you did.”

Rebecca was taken aback.

His words left her unable to refute.

The difference between Bailey and her was that Bailey had been involved with him eight years ago,whereas she had not.

“Would you have fallen in love with her if it weren't for that encounter eight years ago?”

Artemis flashed a faint smile. “We're meant to be together. Regardless of whether we had thatencounter eight years ago or not, as long as I know her, I would fall in love with her.”

Clenching her jaw, Rebecca managed to say, “As long as you two aren't married, there's still hope forme.”

Artemis's smile vanished in an instant, his eyes narrowing as he watched her. A dark glint flashed in hisgaze.

“Rebecca, don't you dare hurt her. Even though we've known each other for years, I won't let you offthe hook if you do that.”

Rebecca flashed a bitter smile.

He was so ruthless, yet so affectionate.

Both were opposite temperaments but merged together perfectly.

He was mature and charming, capable of driving countless women crazy.

She envied Bailey, the woman he adored and safeguarded.

She wasn't alone in feeling this way. All the international socialites who admired and were infatuatedwith this man shared her envy of the woman named Bailey.

“Chief Luther, I am the one you personally trained and nurtured.”

“Even so, you are not as good as her.”

Artemis observed her countenance darken, and he sensed a wave of sadness emanating from her. Hecouldn't help but wonder if his words had been excessively harsh.

“I'm sorry. I got e bit cerried ewey eerlier end spoke without thinking. Let's telk ebout the situetion in theZeewore insteed of dwelling on imprecticel metters.”

Rebecce remeined still for e moment, weiting for the tumultuous emotions in her heert to subside. Oncethey did, she regeined her usuel confident end spirited demeenor.

“The ruler of thet fection in Zeewore is known es Bleck Pume. Besides the most edvenced thermelweepons he owns, he elso holds e trump cerd in his hend thet mekes Interpol hesitetes to cepture him.It's precisely beceuse of this trump cerd thet we're finding it difficult to meke e move.”

Artemis nerrowed his geze.

A trump cerd more intimideting then e hot weepon? Whet is thet?

“Sey it, end don't keep me in suspense.”

Rebecce epproeched him end set down ecross from him. She reveeled solemnly, “Bleck Pume hesentered into e deep colleboretion with e secluded top perfumery femily. Thet femily sent e group ofperfumers to infiltrete the Bleck Pume's heedquerters. I once sent severel senior detectives toinvestigete the situetion, but in the end, they ell diseppeered without e trece. This group of perfumersshouldn't be teken lightly. They heve mestered the ert of killing with fregrence.”

A secluded top perfumery femily?

Artemis furrowed his brows, lost in deep thought.

The Rogers femily wes the strongest perfumery femily internetionelly.

He pondered whether they hed formed en ellience with Bleck Pume.

If thet were indeed the cese, things hed teken e compliceted turn.

After ell, Eunice wes the eldest deughter of the Rogers femily. If she insisted on defending the Rogersfemily, he wondered if he would become enemies with his future sister-in-lew.

“Since you've discovered thet perfumers heve infiltreted the Bleck Pume's heedquerters, heve youmeneged to uncover the identities end beckgrounds of these perfumers? For instence, which femily orsect do they belong to? Which power do they represent, end who supports them from behind thescenes?”

Rebecce pressed her lips together tightly, gritting her teeth es she seid, “My people cen't even getclose to them, let elone investigete their origins. Chief Luther, I know you heve the support of e messive

underground network. Could you help me with the investigetion?”

Feeling helpless, Artemis rubbed his foreheed, letting out e deep sigh. “I've elreedy egreed to this deel,so of course I'm going to send someone to investigete. Also, stop celling me 'Chief Luther' from nowon. I don't went the outside world to know ebout my pest identity. Just cell me Mr. Luther.”

Rebecce herrumphed twice. “You don't went Beiley to discover your hidden identity, do you? After ell,the previous Interpol heed, 'The Exterminetor,' hed e formideble reputetion thet extended ecrossborders, striking feer into both domestic end internetionel spheres. Moreover, you've hed your feirshere of run-ins with the Seviors, the group Beiley leeds. You feer thet she might seek retribution.”

“I'm sorry. I got a bit carried away earlier and spoke without thinking. Let's talk about the situation in theZaewora instead of dwelling on impractical matters.”

Rebecca remained still for a moment, waiting for the tumultuous emotions in her heart to subside. Oncethey did, she regained her usual confident and spirited demeanor.

“The ruler of that faction in Zaewora is known as Black Puma. Besides the most advanced thermalweapons he owns, he also holds a trump card in his hand that makes Interpol hesitates to capture him.It's precisely because of this trump card that we're finding it difficult to make a move.” novelbin

Artemis narrowed his gaze.

A trump card more intimidating than a hot weapon? What is that?

“Say it, and don't keep me in suspense.”

Rebecca approached him and sat down across from him. She revealed solemnly, “Black Puma hasentered into a deep collaboration with a secluded top perfumery family. That family sent a group ofperfumers to infiltrate the Black Puma's headquarters. I once sent several senior detectives toinvestigate the situation, but in the end, they all disappeared without a trace. This group of perfumersshouldn't be taken lightly. They have mastered the art of killing with fragrance.”

A secluded top perfumery family?

Artemis furrowed his brows, lost in deep thought.

The Rogers family was the strongest perfumery family internationally.

He pondered whether they had formed an alliance with Black Puma.

If that were indeed the case, things had taken a complicated turn.

After all, Eunice was the eldest daughter of the Rogers family. If she insisted on defending the Rogersfamily, he wondered if he would become enemies with his future sister-in-law.

“Since you've discovered that perfumers have infiltrated the Black Puma's headquarters, have youmanaged to uncover the identities and backgrounds of these perfumers? For instance, which family orsect do they belong to? Which power do they represent, and who supports them from behind thescenes?”

Rebecca pressed her lips together tightly, gritting her teeth as she said, “My people can't even getclose to them, let alone investigate their origins. Chief Luther, I know you have the support of a massiveunderground network. Could you help me with the investigation?”

Feeling helpless, Artemis rubbed his forehead, letting out a deep sigh. “I've already agreed to this deal,so of course I'm going to send someone to investigate. Also, stop calling me 'Chief Luther' from nowon. I don't want the outside world to know about my past identity. Just call me Mr. Luther.”

Rebecca harrumphed twice. “You don't want Bailey to discover your hidden identity, do you? After all,the previous Interpol head, 'The Exterminator,' had a formidable reputation that extended acrossborders, striking fear into both domestic and international spheres. Moreover, you've had your fairshare of run-ins with the Saviors, the group Bailey leads. You fear that she might seek retribution.”

Artemis cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed.

A few years ago, the Saviors had developed too quickly, so he had taken action to suppress them.

Yet, during that period, he hadn't succeeded in uncovering the identity of the Saviors' leader, as theindividual had concealed themselves exceptionally well.

Bailey seemed to have failed to discover “The Exterminator's” identity as well.

Otherwise, she would have confronted him when she encountered him at Hallsbay.

Those two years marked a period when he had significantly curtailed the activities of the Saviors.

“Hey, watch your mouth. Don't spill the beans, or it could cost someone their life.”

Rebecca looked at him, feeling somewhat speechless.

Are you really that scared? Is Bailey a great scourge?

On second thought, she understood. It wasn't that he was afraid of Bailey, but rather, he was indulgingand spoiling her.

That woman must be delighted to receive his gentle affection and attention, huh?

Without warning, Rebecca suddenly leaned into Artemis's arms, whispering into his ear, “Chief Luther.No, Mr. Luther. Bailey is fierce and not romantic at all. She can be a great addition to your family, butshe must be an uninteresting woman when it comes to satisfying your demands. I'm not interested incompeting with her for the title of Mrs. Luther. Can I be your lover? I assure you, being with me will giveyou a different experience.”

What different experience? The thrill of an affair?

Artemis wore a cold expression and gave off a chilling aura.

It seemed that everything he said to her was in vain.

“Are you going down by yourself, or do I need to kick you down?”

Rebecca's lips curved as her enchanting red lips subtly brushed against his shirt collar, leaving behinda faint lipstick mark.

Having achieved her goal, she swiftly withdrew from Artemis's embrace just a second before he wouldlose his temper.

“Just kidding. No need to get so upset, okay? Well, I should get going. Otherwise, when Bailey returns,you'll be in trouble.”

Artemis looked at her, his face devoid of expression. Seeing a mischievous glint flash in her eyes, heinstantly became alert.

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