Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 918 Detoxification
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Chapter 918 Detoxification

If it weren't for Cameron's critical condition, she would have definitely slaughtered that b*stard today.

Leaving a cancerous man like him alive was indeed a major disaster waiting to happen in the future.

If they didn't get rid of it as soon as possible, they couldn't expect to have any peaceful days ahead.

Seeing his wife visibly upset, Artemis quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, urgently saying, “Let'ssave Cameron first, then we can head to Gregan to wipe out the Venom Valley. We'll kill them all.”

Simon chimed in from the side, “He's right, Bailey. It's perfect that the Rogers family is also in Gregan.We can take care of everything at once.”

Catherine was quiet for a moment.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings before finally fixing her gaze on the chaotic mess on the ground.

She instinctively wanted to stride over but was pulled back by Simon.

“Kurt is a sly little man. Who knows what traps he's set here? You better stay still and don't run aroundrecklessly.”

Catherine was left stunned in place when she heard his stern rebuke.

Was this guy yelling at her?

With this realization, she slightly furrowed her brows.

Bailey noticed her unusual behavior, walked over, and asked, “Catherine, have you noticed somethingamiss?”

Catherine's gaze swept over Simon's face before she said, “What clues could I possibly discern, beingstuck here with such a simpleton?”


With a swift smack, Bailey knocked Simon's arm away, glaring at him as she said, “Stand aside. Don'tdisturb Catherine.”

Simon was speechless.

Freed from the constraints of Simon, Catherine promptly strode toward the mess ahead.

Once she saw clearly what was scattered on the ground, she breathed a sigh of relief and said toBailey, “The love parasite on Blaze has been removed. Bailey, you don't need to worry. She's not in anydanger anymore. Women, after experiencing hardships, always become stronger. I believe Blaze willbe no exception.”

Bailey looked at the pile of insect residue on the ground, slowly clenching her fist as her gaze fell onArtemis.

Artemis nodded at her seriously and said, “Don't worry. I've already sent people to surround Kurt. If hehands over the antidote before he leaves, we'll spare his life for now and deal with him once we get to

Gregan. On the contrary, if he tries any tricks and refuses to save Cameron, he shouldn't even thinkabout leaving Moranta tonight.”

Seeing that Bailey had everything arranged, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This man was always cleaning up the mess for her behind the scenes.

With him by her side, she didn't have to worry about making a mess she couldn't clean up, no matterwhat she did.

At the break of dawn, a dark silhouette dashed into the base's medical room as the sun rose.

At the break of dawn, a dark silhouette dashed into the base's medical room as the sun rose.

“Mr. Luther, the antidote has been obtained.”

With utmost care, he presented a porcelain bottle to Artemis.

The few people waiting in the hallway breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the bodyguardsuccessfully retrieve the antidote.

After receiving the bottle, Artemis handed it over to Bailey.

Bailey, holding the porcelain bottle, rose to her feet and headed toward the ward.

Catherine blurted out, “Do we just feed it to him directly? Aren't we afraid that Kurt will play tricks?”

With a cool smile, Bailey said nonchalantly, “That scoundrel is greedy. I previously threw out the bait ofhelping him tame the Venom Valley, and he was tempted. He also knew that if Cameron died, not onlywould he not get what he wanted, but it would also bring about a catastrophe. So, under suchcircumstances, he wouldn't just stand by and watch Cameron die. With Blaze under his control, hecould totally force Cameron to risk his life for him.”

Catherine couldn't help but feel surprised and bore some respect toward Bailey when she saw howBailey could calmly analyze at a time like this.

This was Bailey, the internationally renowned heroine who possessed wisdom, beauty, and equally, astrong spirit.

After watching Bailey enter the ward, Artemis turned his head and asked the bodyguard who had justdelivered the antidote, “Where did Kurt run off to?”

The bodyguard drooped his head and said, “We don't know yet, but Ken has already initiated satellitesurveillance. No matter where he goes, we can pinpoint his location immediately.”

“All right, instruct Ken to personally keep an eye on that scoundrel. If he loses that man, tell him to getready for death and come see me.”

“Of course.”

Inside the ward, Bailey glanced at Cameron, whose expression had turned dark, then looked at theporcelain bottle in her hand, and sighed silently.

Perhaps it would be better to let him continue sleeping like this.

Because, upon his awakening, he would have to confront endless pain.

Blaze had been destroyed. That girl, she might never again show a smile as radiant and bright as thesun in her lifetime.

Perhaps what was destroyed as well was Cameron's heart.

Regardless of whether what he said to Blaze on the phone the night before about how he liked her wastrue or false, simply based on their many years of acquaintance and how she ended up in such apredicament to save him made this situation a challenging one for him to survive through.

She sat quietly by the bed for what seemed like an eternity, until Cameron's body began to shakeviolently. Only then did she snap back to reality.

Bailey, Bailey, what were you thinking about? Blaze sacrificed herself to get this antidote. What right doyou have to make decisions on his behalf?

After questioning herself twice in her mind, she took out several silver needles and successivelyinserted them into a few major acupoints on Cameron.

Next, she poured the antidote from the porcelain bottle into Cameron's mouth.

The medicinal powder melted instantly in his mouth, and Bailey began pulling out the needles.

As the last silver needle was pulled from his body, Cameron spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Bailey looked at the foul-smelling black pus on the ground and sighed in relief.

Then, she took Cameron's pulse again. It was only after confirming that all the toxins in his body hadbeen completely cleansed did she finally feel at ease.

Her guess was correct. Kurt would not let Cameron die.

That scoundrel believed that he would be able to use Blaze against Cameron.

Truth was, Cameron had no other choice but to compromise.

That scoundrel seemed smart and had made meticulous plans.

He managed to win over the woman he desired and manipulate them to help him seize control ofPoison Valley.

Well, he's certainly got a grand plan, but it remains to be seen if he's destined to become the leader ofthe Venom Valley.

As Cameron's pallor gradually returned to normal, the murderous intent in Bailey's eyes grew stronger.

Her gaze slowly shifted, settling in the direction of Hoffman castle.

Now that Sofie was dead and Philip was disabled, only Tucker remained.

Once they dealt with that scum, they could set off for Gregan.

In the meantime, at the Hoffman residence, upon learning that Kurt had fled on a cruise ship, thesleepless Tucker, in a fit of rage, smashed all the precious antiques in his study.

“What a useless fool, running to the ends of the earth for a woman and disregarding everything else.It's truly laughable. One day, when the sharp claws of Bailey grip your neck, you'll understand that onlypower can truly protect you!”

After venting his frustrations, Tucker gradually managed to calm his emotions. novelbin

What he needed to do now was to retrieve the confidential documents from that despicable Zoey.

Even though he was prepared to fight to his death, if he could survive, he would naturally strive toscore a glorious life.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Cameron woke up from unconsciousness.

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