Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 903 Sofie Signing Off
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Chapter 903 Sofie Signing Off

“Find someone more capable? But I have no idea who to turn to. Why don't you give me some advice,Chuck?”

Chuck seemed to have sensed her murderous intent. He slowly turned, ready to make a run for it atany moment.

“T-The Yablon family, the world's top poison-crafting family. They might be the only ones who candetoxify it. B-But of course, I'm not entirely sure either. After all, the origin of the poison is unknown,and it's highly likely that the Yablon family will be at a loss for what to do, too. But you could still tryasking the Yablons. T-They might have a solution.”

The moment he finished speaking, he dashed toward the door in a flash.

Sofie smiled coldly and pulled a silver needle from her wrist before hurling it straight toward the man'sback, aiming to pierce his flesh.

She didn't need to aim for his heart, for the poison she employed was so lethal that it would result indeath upon immediate contact with the human body unless an antidote was administered promptly.

That was indeed the case. After the needle pierced Chuck's shoulder, he ran a few more steps aheadbefore collapsing to the ground with a thud.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. How scary! Thankfully Zoey fed me the antidote to suppress the poison, or I would've metthe same fate as Chuck, dying on the spot. Looks like this old geezer was right. Perhaps the Yablonsare the only ones who can detoxify it. If that's the case, I can't stay in Moranta any longer. I have toretrieve the confidential documents, then leave secretly for the Yablon residence to seek the antidote.

She firmly believed that since she held the trump card that would determine the Hoffman family's fate,those old geezers from the Yablon family would definitely be more than happy to cooperate with her.

With that in mind, she swiftly gathered her belongings and, shrouded by the veil of the night, discreetlyslipped out of the inn.

Unbeknownst to her, shortly after she left, she was spotted by Zoey, who had been staking out theplace.

An evil smirk played on Zoey's lips as she watched the woman's silhouette, which was stumbling andstaggering forward clumsily.

This woman will surely leave the country after failing to find anyone who can detoxify the poison inMoranta. Before leaving, she'll definitely retrieve that confidential document. So... I'll get my hands onwhat I desire tonight.

Zoey followed Sofie all the way until they finally arrived at a self-service storage room at the end ofEast-West Road.

Seeing Sofie take out a package from the locker, Zoey stopped concealing herself and slowly emergedfrom the shadows.

“Sofie, do you know what it means to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger?” sheasked.

Sofie turned around immediately to see Zoey. In response, her pupils constricted.

“Y-You... You're not dead?”

Zoey sneered, “What makes you think I'm dead? Because of those cold-blooded creatures? They areindeed deadly, but could they possibly be more deadly than me? Sometimes, those animals can bemore sensitive than us humans. If I were as perceptive as them, I wouldn't have ended up in this statebecause of you. Sofie Carr, today is the day you meet your end. If I don't kill you, all the suffering I'veendured all this while will be in vain.”

Having said that, she pulled out a handful of silver needles from her pocket and flung them towardSofie.

That was such a familiar scene.

Just half an hour ago, Sofie had used the same method to kill Chuck.

Karma was just around the corner, and she didn't expect it would be her turn so soon.

“Hahaha!” Sofie burst out in maniacal laughter.

She had been clever for most of her lifetime, outsmarting countless people and living gloriously for somany years.

Who would have thought that in the end, she would meet her demise in her own daughter's hands?

How ridiculous! This is utterly ridiculous! If I had known earlier that this fool wouldn't only be useless

but would also drag me down with her, I would never have set foot in Hallsbay no matter what. My planmight've gone much smoother without this fool. I made a huge mistake, and in the end, my planbackfired, leaving me in this predicament. I've brought it upon myself.

The poison on the silver needle kept seeping into her body, causing her so much pain that shecollapsed onto the ground.

She loosened her grip on the package, and it rolled toward Zoey's feet. novelbin

Resentfully, she reached out to grab it, only to have her fingers stepped on by Zoey.

“Zoey Shurmer, you'll be punished by the heavens for killing your own mother,” she said laboriously.

With a cold smile, Zoey bent down slowly to pick up the package, and from within, she took out astorage card.

“Even if retribution is due, you should be the one who faces it first. After all, you were the one whothrew me into the snake pit. I got lucky and survived. Now the tables have turned. What right do youhave to guilt trip me?”

Sofie slowly stopped struggling, tilting her head back to gaze at the ceiling above. A bitter smile tuggedat the corners of her lips.

Zoey continued, “I know you're not willing to give up, so I've given you a chance to survive. I've alreadyhad someone reveal your whereabouts to Bailey on the way here. That woman will be here soon. If shedecides to help you, you'll most probably have a chance at survival. But if she refuses to save you,then with your last breath, then muster your last ounce of strength and offer her these silver needles.

Bring her down with you.”

Sofie slowly clenched her fists.

The prime of her life and her dashing moment should be the instant she launched an attack onTarragon.

She could have won; she could have risen above everyone else, trampling everything under her feet.

Alas, Bailey appeared out of nowhere and saved Wendy, causing her to lose her leverage over Holden,ultimately leading to her complete defeat.

Hence, her current predicament was all thanks to Bailey.

If fate were to grant her a chance to drag that woman down to hell, she would certainly seize it withouthesitation.

Zoey knew Sofie had made up her mind the moment she saw the latter slowly pulling out the silverneedles from her body.

Though she didn't hold much hope, she believed it was worth a try, even if there was only a onepercent chance.

This old hag is of no value to me, but this is the last she can do.

“I'll leave you here to wait for Bailey, Mother. Good luck to you.”

Just as Zoey predicted, Bailey indeed received news about Sofie's appearance on the street corner.

When she proposed to Artemis that they should go and investigate, the man didn't decline.

Sofie, Philip, Tucker, Kurt, and Zoey were all targets they aimed to eliminate.

Therefore, they naturally wouldn't turn a deaf ear to news regarding Sofie's appearance.

“Let's go and see what they're up to this time.”

No sooner had the couple stepped out of the house than they bumped into Cameron, who had comelooking for Bailey.

“Where are you going at this time of night?”

Artemis huffed coldly. “It's none of your business. Get lost.”

Cameron chortled.

This jerk is still as salty as ever. He hasn't changed at all.

“Bailey, do you still want me to save Simon's daughter or not?”

Bailey couldn't help chuckling and briefly explained the situation.

Cameron furrowed his brows. “You mentioned earlier today that Sofie is being manipulated by Zoey.And recently, Zoey and Kurt have been in close contact. How about this? I'll go with you guys. If that

woman resorts to using poison, I might be able to lend a hand.

Artemis was about to refuse without a second thought when Bailey stopped him.

“Great! I appreciate your help. Let's get going then.”

Displeased, Artemis lowered his voice and asked menacingly, “Why are you letting him come along?”

“Mr. Luther, do you even understand poison? If not, you should just shut up and let him tag along.”

Artemis fell silent. What's the big deal? I'll start learning tomorrow.

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