Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 900 Cannon Fodder
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Chapter 900 Cannon Fodder

Catherine shrugged, her gaze sweeping over Simon. The look in her eyes seemed somewhatcomplicated.

After a moment of silence, she said with a relaxed expression, “What else can we do at this point? Let'sjust proceed as we discussed before. I will return to the Rogers family to assume the position of thehead of the household and enter the forbidden area to retrieve the Fragrance Journal. However, I can'tbring Luna to the Rogers residence, so I'm entrusting you with her care. Whatever happens to this childin the future, we can only let nature take its course. Hopefully, she will be blessed by the heavens andmanage to survive.” novelbin

“No way.” Simon rushed over, disregarding the cold gaze of Catherine, and directly grabbed her wrist.

“From what I understand, the head of the Rogers family cannot marry outside the clan. If you were totake up that position, what would become of me?”

Subconsciously, Catherine struggled for a while to break free, but to no avail. She couldn't help butfurrow her delicate brows.

“So, you're saying you clung to me relentlessly, only to forsake your daughter so easily? If I don't returnto the Rogers family to take over as the head of the family, I won't be able to get the Fragrance Journal.If I can't get the Fragrance Journal, then we can only watch helplessly as Luna dies. Simon, is this whata parent should do, watching your child march toward death with your own eyes? Aren't you afraid ofdivine retribution? Of course, you've never spent a day with her, nor have you raised her, so the father-daughter bond is shallow. But this can't be a reason to abandon her. Let go—don't force me to gettough.”

The accusation left Simon feeling ashamed.

Yes, he indeed never took care of Luna, nor did he raise her.

As a father, he was a failure.

But these things were beyond his control.

If he had known from the start that she had given him a daughter, would he have been indifferent to thefate of the mother and daughter?

“I didn't say I was giving up on Luna. Don't take my words to such extremes. I just feel that we shouldn'tsacrifice you in order to save our daughter. Our child is still young, and providing her with a completehome is what we, as parents, should do. You've already given me a child, so I have no choice but tomarry you in this lifetime. If the Rogers family wants to trap you with the position of the head of thehousehold, then...”

At this point, he paused for a moment. After a brief silence, he said fiercely, “Then I will have no choicebut to put pressure on the Rogers family and force them to give you back your freedom. If they stillrefuse to let go even after that, then I'll have no choice but to overthrow the entire Rogers family. You'dbest not doubt my words. I always follow through with what I say.”

Catherine was stunned.

She probably never expected Simon to utter such harsh words.

Was this guy spouting nonsense?

No, she didn't think he was trying to intimidate her. The men in the Luther family, none of them weresimple characters.

If this guy gained control of the family from his brother, in a few years, he would become the nextArtemis.

If he really targeted the Rogers family in the future, to be honest, the Rogers family wouldn't be able tohandle it.

After all, the Rogers family was just a reclusive family. They were just shrouded in a layer of mystery,and their actual strength was not that formidable.

Going against a behemoth like the Luther family was like attempting the impossible.

So, if this guy were to be provoked, the Rogers family might truly face a massive disaster.

“Simon, you're not a three-year-old child anymore. You should be able to manage your emotionsrationally. Can you please calm down a bit? I don't love you, and you don't love me that much either.Therefore, there's no need for us to pay for what we've done to each other in the past. Our child is inimminent danger now, and only the Fragrance Journal can save her. You can tolerate my return to bethe head of the family, right? You—”

Before she could even finish, Simon roared, “Who the h*ll said this is something I can tolerate? They'recoveting my wife. Do you think I can bear that?”


Catherine took deep breaths, trying to suppress the surging anger within her.

If she had to listen to any more of this, she couldn't guarantee she wouldn't poison the man on the spot.

After a moment of silence, she turned her head to look at Bailey.

Before she could even speak, Bailey beat her to it, saying with a grin, “This is between you two. Don'tdrag me into this and make me cannon fodder. When it comes to matters concerning children, it's reallyup to the parents to work things out. I'm afraid I can't offer any advice. You'll have to find a peacefulresolution on your own. Just a friendly reminder, though. My little brother-in-law can be quite terrifyingwhen he gets angry. If he's willing to risk it all for a beauty, picking a fight with the entire Rogers familybecause of you, then it's none of our business. Oh, by the way, my in-laws have already announced inHallsbay that they want Simon to succeed as the head of the family. In other words, the power of theLuther family is now in the hands of Simon. We, as a couple, have no control over whatever he wantsto do.”

Catherine laughed out of exasperation. She abruptly broke free from Simon's grip and turned to walktoward the laboratory.

“I'll go prepare the flower pollen that can suppress the parasites. Let's calm down for now and talkabout it tomorrow.”

Simon couldn't help but grumble, “The outcome will be the same even if we discuss it tomorrow. I won'tstand by as my future wife destroys her entire life just to save our daughter.”

Catherine was speechless.

As Bailey watched Catherine walk away in a huff while trying to maintain her elegance, she reallywanted to tell her to just let it out if she was upset and not hold it in, as men were made for women tovent their frustrations on.

But in the end, she still didn't dare to voice it out because if she did, the one who would definitely sufferwould be Simon.

After Catherine left, Bailey couldn't help but give Simon a thumbs up.

“Kiddo, you've really made something of yourself.”

Simon felt a tug at the corner of his mouth, and he flashed a grin. “Thanks to the authority my brotherand sister-in-law have given me, I finally have some confidence.”

Bailey was holding back a laugh.

Give it some time, kid, and you'll realize that your brother has been tricking you. Do you think you canjust sit back and relax after winning your wife over? That's not going to happen. As for you, the head ofthe Luther family, I'm afraid you'll have to serve at least ten years. And that's under the premise thatMaxton is promising and capable of shouldering heavy responsibilities at the age of eighteen. If hecan't stand on his own, I'm afraid you might be stuck in this position as the head of the house for therest of your life.

“No need for thanks, no need at all. We're all family here. Saying thanks is too formal.”

After some thought, Simon changed the subject and asked, “Bailey, do you have any other methods toobtain the Fragrance Journal?”

Bailey thought about it before chuckling lightly. “Just wait, your dear sister-in-law will surely get you theFragrance Journal.”

Simon added, “Without getting my wife involved.”

“Absolutely, I guarantee that in the end, you'll be able to have both mother and daughter and bringthem home.”

“That's good. Thank you, Bailey.”

Bailey turned her head toward Artemis, smiling as she said, “Mr. Luther, I must trouble you to strategizewith me. This concerns the lifelong happiness of your younger brother. Surely, you can't expect me toshoulder this alone.”

Artemis reached out and wrapped his arm around his wife's waist, flicking her forehead twice. “Whenhave you ever needed me?”

Bailey winked, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “You're still needed to have kids.”

The man said nothing in response.

In the mansion in the countryside, Zoey led Sofie through a secret passage.

“You old fox, you're quite cunning to actually have a tunnel made in the hidden room.”

As Sofie walked, she panted. “If I wasn't cunning, how could I have escaped from the brink of death?”

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