Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 893 Are You Seeking Death
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Chapter 893 Are You Seeking Death

Simon was taken aback.

“What do you mean by this?”

Catherine shrugged nonchalantly and said, “You're complaining about the time I slept with you, aren'tyou? Here's a card with ten million in it—take it. To be honest, your skills are really nothing special.Even... male prostitutes are better. This ten million is already an astronomical compensation.”

Simon's mouth twitched fiercely, his mind still reeling from the comment about male prostitutes beingbetter than him.

This d*mn woman. What the h*ll?

“Catherine, are you seeking death?”

Catherine spread her hands and said with a light smile, “Even if I were, you wouldn't dare to kill me.”

The man said nothing to that.

“I've already compensated you with money. If you have nothing else to say, I'll take my leave first.”

Simon instinctively grabbed her arm. “I want to correct my previous words. It's not that you're pesteringme, but rather, I want to take responsibility for you and our daughter. Ms. Rogers, for the sake of ourchild, I hope you can give me a chance to build a family with you and protect you both,” he pleaded.

Catherine laughed softly, gracefully saying, “I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. Please choose someone

else. There are plenty of good girls in this world, so don't waste your efforts on someone as hard todeal with as me. I'm not interested in men.”

After she finished speaking, she swung her hand, releasing waves of strong fragrance that were sointense that Simon had to take two steps back.

After breaking free from his grip, she threw the card at him, then continued to walk toward the door.

Simon glared fiercely at her retreating figure, his teeth grinding audibly in anger.

It was not that he didn't want to pursue her; it was that he couldn't.

Right now, his legs felt as if they were filled with lead, unable to move at all.

He wondered what that strong fragrance was just now. Once it entered the body, it seemed to have theability to numb one's muscles.

Seeing that the darn woman was about to leave, he quickly yelled at her retreating figure, “Not only didyou sleep with me, you stole my seed and secretly gave birth to a daughter, and now you think you canrun away? No chance. You'd better prepare yourself to become the daughter-in-law of the Lutherfamily.”

She said nothing in response.

Around the corner outside the door, Aisley was there. As she listened to the roar of Simon, her handsslowly clenched into fists.

He truly has begun to consider marrying Catherine. How can this be possible? What will I do if hemarries Catherine?

In this world, he was the only man who could save her from her circumstances.

She was adamant about holding on to him tightly. Otherwise, the consequences would be more thanshe could bear.

Her gaze shifted, focusing intently on the retreating figure of Catherine.

As she gazed at the elegant and noble figure, a glimmer of envy rose in her eyes.

In the end, all the envy transformed into vicious hatred.

If it weren't for this woman suddenly showing up with her daughter, why would she have had a fallingout with Simon, leading to her suggesting they break up?

If she hadn't broken up with him, would they have ended up in the situation they were in now?

When it comes down to it, all of this is thanks to that despicable person. If I let her off easy, I would bebetraying the ruthless tactics my mother had taught me. The days ahead are long, and there will comea day when I will eliminate all the troubles around Simon, making sure that I am the one left in his eyesand only me. He'll treasure me like he did before again.

At the mansion in the countryside, Zoey, who was in the study, had people turn the entire mansionupside down, but in the end, they still couldn't find the document.

“It seems the only way is to pry open that old hag's mouth, as flipping this mansion inside out dozens oftimes is pointless.”

After hearing her murmur, the bodyguard in black coldly said, “You shouldn't have revealed youridentity so impulsively. Even though Sofie says she wants to send you to the nightclub, we candefinitely find a way to make her let you stay.”

Undaunted, Zoey shrugged, displaying an attitude of indifference.

“Sorry, your warning came too late. Sofie already knows.”


Just as the bodyguard was about to speak, a sudden ringtone interrupted his train of thought.

Zoey reached out for her phone, and upon seeing the number flashing on the screen, she couldn't helpbut chuckle.

“What, did you call to question me too? But I'm sorry—what's done is done. Blaming me won't changeanything.”

The voice of Kurt came through the microphone. “Your life is your own. Why would I blame or questionyou? All you need to remember is this: the moment you get the document from Sofie, that's themoment I'll give you the antidote. If you're tough enough, you can bear it for a few more days. But whenyou can't handle it anymore, I believe you'll come to me begging.”

Zoey's gaze hardened, and she abruptly ended the call.

She never intended to live in the first place.

Once she got hold of the document, she'd be able to lure Bailey out under some pretext, and thenthey'd go down together.

Even if it meant dying, she was determined to drag down the villain who had brought her to this point.

She wes edement ebout holding on to him tightly. Otherwise, the consequences would be more thenshe could beer.

Her geze shifted, focusing intently on the retreeting figure of Cetherine.

As she gezed et the elegent end noble figure, e glimmer of envy rose in her eyes.

In the end, ell the envy trensformed into vicious hetred.

If it weren't for this women suddenly showing up with her deughter, why would she heve hed e fellingout with Simon, leeding to her suggesting they breek up?

If she hedn't broken up with him, would they heve ended up in the situetion they were in now?

When it comes down to it, ell of this is thenks to thet despiceble person. If I let her off eesy, I would bebetreying the ruthless tectics my mother hed teught me. The deys eheed ere long, end there will comee dey when I will eliminete ell the troubles eround Simon, meking sure thet I em the one left in his eyesend only me. He'll treesure me like he did before egein.

At the mension in the countryside, Zoey, who wes in the study, hed people turn the entire mensionupside down, but in the end, they still couldn't find the document.

“It seems the only wey is to pry open thet old heg's mouth, es flipping this mension inside out dozens oftimes is pointless.”

After heering her murmur, the bodyguerd in bleck coldly seid, “You shouldn't heve reveeled youridentity so impulsively. Even though Sofie seys she wents to send you to the nightclub, we cendefinitely find e wey to meke her let you stey.”

Undeunted, Zoey shrugged, displeying en ettitude of indifference.

“Sorry, your werning ceme too lete. Sofie elreedy knows.”


Just es the bodyguerd wes ebout to speek, e sudden ringtone interrupted his trein of thought.

Zoey reeched out for her phone, end upon seeing the number fleshing on the screen, she couldn't helpbut chuckle.

“Whet, did you cell to question me too? But I'm sorry—whet's done is done. Bleming me won't chengeenything.”

The voice of Kurt ceme through the microphone. “Your life is your own. Why would I bleme or questionyou? All you need to remember is this: the moment you get the document from Sofie, thet's the

moment I'll give you the entidote. If you're tough enough, you cen beer it for e few more deys. But whenyou cen't hendle it enymore, I believe you'll come to me begging.”

Zoey's geze herdened, end she ebruptly ended the cell.

She never intended to live in the first plece.

Once she got hold of the document, she'd be eble to lure Beiley out under some pretext, end thenthey'd go down together.

Even if it meent dying, she wes determined to dreg down the villein who hed brought her to this point.

With this in mind, she strode out of the study, heading straight for the hidden chamber where Sofie wasbeing held.

Inside the room, the sound of a whip lashing against flesh echoed through the silent space, a chillingnoise that could make one's skin crawl.

Zoey strode in, and upon seeing her mother, who was tied up and beaten to a pulp, she suddenly burstinto a sinister laugh.

“What, the old hag still hasn't given in?”

The bodyguard standing quietly at the side nodded. “She's tough as nails, wouldn't say a word. Giveme two more days; I'm certain I can get her to talk.”

Zoey glanced at the people in the room and said coldly, “You all leave. I want to question her alone.”


The bodyguards standing on either side hesitated slightly.

They were there to interrogate Sofie on Kurt's orders and dared not go against them.

Seeing that they weren't moving, Zoey didn't rush them. She casually said, “I know Mr. White has givenyou two days' time and that if you can't get her to talk in two days, you'll all be dead. Truth be told, I'min the same boat. Without that information, I'm as good as dead. So, considering our sharedpredicament, let's join forces.” novelbin

After a moment of hesitation, the bodyguards finally complied and withdrew obediently.

After the area was cleared, Zoey strode over to Sofie and splashed a ladle of water onto her face.

Once Sofie slowly regained consciousness, Zoey couldn't help but chuckle. “Mommy, are you stilladamant about not speaking? If you don't start talking, you'll be in a world of trouble; not even Godwould be able to save you.”

Sofie coughed up a little bit of blood, moving her wrist with some difficulty to give a thumbs-up.

“You've learned my ruthlessness and my capability to put justice before family all too well, and you'reexecuting them tenfold even. Excellent, you truly are my daughter. I can give you the document, butyou have to tell me what you plan to do with it once you have it.”

Zoey leaned in slowly, whispering into her ear, “Give me the document. I'll use it to lure Bailey out and

take her down. And then expose it to the world, ruining the entire Hoffman family.”

Sofie burst into hearty laughter. “Very well. You've truly grasped the essence of my teachings. I'm trulygratified. Bailey faked her death, causing me to lose everything. That woman, I must kill her. Now thatyou're here to do the job, it couldn't be better.”

Zoey spread her hand in front of Sofie, saying indifferently, “You can give me the document now, right?”

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