Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 888 Huntley Has Betrayed You
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Chapter 888 Huntley Has Betrayed You

The luck of the Hoffman family is running dry? Isn't the situation progressing favorably? Even if Dadpassed control of the family to Tucker, who wields fifty percent of the Hoffman family's power, doesn'tthe other half rest with Huntley? As Huntley lends us his support, when the second branch of theHoffman family and Sofie engage in their self-destructive clash, we could readily seize back the seat ofpower from the second branch.

“Dad, has something happened?” Juliana inquires urgently. “Please don't remain silent. If there's anissue, we can work it out together. You're outright declaring that our family is doomed. I'm completelyclueless here and have no inkling about how to offer assistance!”

Raymond sighed with an air of resignation and spoke in a leisurely manner, “Your Uncle Philip has anillegitimate child, who had been concealed within the IT company under the Hoffman family's umbrellafor years. Eventually, this individual handed over confidential documents to Sofie. Utilizing thesematerials, Sofie exerted blackmail pressure on Philip. To safeguard the family, Philip was preparing toimplicate Tucker in this predicament. Little did we anticipate that Tucker would turn so defiant, evengoing as far as imprisoning his own father. I'd wager he's plotting to go down alongside Sofie.”

A flicker of surprise crossed Juliana's eyes. None of this was within her knowledge. The second branchof the Hoffman family had assumed leadership of the household for a brief period, so why had so manycomplications suddenly emerged?

Following a brief pause, Juliana clenched her teeth and uttered, “Tucker's defiance and lack of filialpiety can't go unpunished. Can he truly take this age-old family, with a thousand years of heritage, andlead it to ruin alongside him? Dad, before he engages in a clash with Sofie, let's begin by removing hisrole as the head of the household. As for the highly classified document currently in Sofie's possession,we can explore alternate methods to retrieve it.”

Their initial priority should be to stabilize Tucker, preventing any hasty actions on his part, beforeshifting their attention toward safeguarding the overall strength of the entire family.

However, Raymond shook his head in despair, managing a bitter smile. “There's little we can doregarding him at the moment. He's seized complete control of the Hoffman family's power.”

Juliana rose from her seat, gazing at him in disbelief. After a stunned pause that lasted a couple ofminutes, she vigorously shook her head, asserting, “No, it can't be true. He can't have absolute controlover the entire family. The influence that Huntley wields acts as a substantial counterbalance. Howcould he possibly have unchallenged dominance? Unless...”

As her father's bitter smile met her gaze, a sudden weight descended upon Juliana's heart. Despite herreluctance to confront certain truths, the circumstances had advanced to a juncture where she could nolonger act impulsively.

“Has Huntley relinquished all his power to Tucker?”

Raymond gradually shut his eyes, his reply encompassed by silence.

Upon receiving the news back then, he had been equally taken aback. Trusting Huntley implicitly, hehad permitted him to wield nearly fifty percent of the family's authority for a considerable period.

That young man was profoundly enamored with his daughter. Raymond had believed that while theentire world might turn its back on his little girl, Huntley never would.

But who could have foreseen...

Reality dealt him a brutal blow. novelbin

“You needn't harbor any doubts. Huntley has betrayed you. He has indeed relinquished all the authorityhe once held to Tucker. It's due to this very support that Tucker's position has been cemented. It's withthis newfound strength that he dared to confine his own father, plunging headlong into a potentiallydeadly confrontation with Sofie, heedless of the fallout,” Raymond clarified.

Juliana took a few faltering steps backward.

Within her eyes, a fractured gleam danced intermittently.

A profound surge of anguish emanated from her heart, causing her to slightly hunch over.

She had already committed to that man, stating that once the affairs of the second branch of theHoffman family were resolved, she would wed him.

Our future was looking bright. Why would he do such a thing? Why!

“I can't bring myself to believe he would harm me. I just can't,” Juliana declared.

With those words spoken, she spun around and made a swift dash toward the door.

Raymond made no move to intervene. He had grown weary of dealing with these predicaments.Perhaps the destiny of the Hoffman family had reached its inevitable conclusion, fated to crumbleduring his lifetime. If his family were truly to perish, his sole recourse would be to seek redemption

through his own life.

Rushing out of the main house, Juliana made a beeline for Huntley's residence.

Clinging to her final vestige of hope, she yearned for him to offer some glimmer of reassurance. Yet, inencountering him again, the apathy etched on his countenance continued to wound her deeply.

“You were one of Tucker's men. You approached me, promising assistance, only to lull me into a falsesense of security,” she began, her tone a mix of hurt and accusation. “Both my father and I believedthat even as we relinquished our grip on power, you would stand as a barrier against Tucker. Amidst allthe calculations and forecasts we made, we never could have foreseen that you would conspire withTucker, deceiving us to seize the very authority we held. So... were your feelings for me also apretense? Was your talk of reciprocating kindness just a lie? You were merely manipulating me.”

Her voice grew more impassioned. “You even went to the extent of inflicting harm upon yourself inorder to wrest power from my father. Huntley, what have I done to warrant such betrayal from you?”

Huntley lay motionless on the bed, his handsome visage an impenetrable mask. It was as if he wasresponding to all her inquiries with resolute silence.

Within Juliana's eyes, concealed from any onlooker, a subtle mist started to take shape. A mixture ofreluctance, helplessness, sighs, and a trace of heartache seemed to converge in the depths of hergaze.

His love for her remained steadfast, an unwavering constant.

Huntley had once professed that even if he were to become the sinner of the Hoffman family, he would

ensure her liberation, preventing her from being ensnared within the clutches of power for all eternity.

He believed a woman should thrive in the embrace of happiness, and if he couldn't provide her thattranquility, his only wish was for the man of her dreams to bestow upon her such bliss.

For this aspiration, every sacrifice was deemed justifiable.

“You're far too naive, fated to be manipulated by others. How could someone like you ever be fit to leadthe family? The pieces are now in place. Let go of the obsessions in your heart. The world beyondthese confines is vast and open, far more appropriate for you than this cage. I understand it's hard foryou to accept, but such is the essence of the game played among adults. A single misstep and all isforfeit.” Huntley's words hung in the air.

Juliana's legs buckled, and she crumbled to the ground. “Why, why did you choose to subject me tobetrayal by the person I trusted most in such a manner?”

Her words poured forth, punctuated by sudden, uncontrollable sobs.

I earnestly wished to share my life with him, having even convinced myself to embrace this future, sowhy would he treat me like this?

Huntley flexed his fingers, a sharp jolt of pain coursing through his wrist. He might have disregardedthe pain, yet still, he couldn't raise his arm due to the unhealed tendon.

Strangely, this might be for the best—it prevented him from touching her and her from noticing thatanything was amiss.

Since it's already hurting, let's endure it to the very end. I'd rather she bears hatred toward me thanunveil that every action I undertook was to bestow upon her liberation and complete emancipation. Inthis existence, fate intertwined us while destiny kept us apart. All that remains is the aspiration for anopportunity in the next life. May the heavens afford me a chance in the subsequent life to stand by her,shield her, and love her.

“Take advantage of the calm before the storm. Depart swiftly with your father. Once you've distancedyourselves from the family... Reach out to your sister. She's presently under the protection of Holden,who's in charge of Tarragon. He can guarantee your safety, as well as your father's,” Huntley urged.

Dabbing at her tears in a rushed manner, Juliana surged to her feet. “I have no use for your feignedcompassion,” she declared, her voice brimming with resolve. “Huntley, starting now, we areadversaries. I advise you not to be within my grasp, for I can assure you, I won't let you off easy.”

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