Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 878 Played Tricks
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Chapter 878 Played Tricks

Tucker suddenly gripped the wine glass in his hand tightly.

Even without the bodyguard's reminder, he could guess what the two were plotting.

He had put in so much effort to be the head of the family.

Even if he was going to take the entire Hoffman family down with him, he would never let theillegitimate child gain any benefits from this.

After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and said, “Have someone keep an eye on that oldgeezer at home around the clock. Once you notice anything unusual, just get him under control. Don'tworry about the fact that he's my dad.”

The personal bodyguard responded before he turned around to leave.

Tucker then said, “Call Kurt and tell him to meet me.”

“All right.”

After watching the bodyguard leave, Tucker stood up and headed toward the rooftop.

Standing on the railing that was several meters high, he could have a full view of all the Hoffmanfamily's buildings.

It was the empire he had been dreaming of.

He had been planning for so many years, and now it was right under him.

No matter what, I'll never hand over the empire to someone else. If this will really be the end of it, let'sperish together then. I'd rather die a spectacular death, dragging everyone down with me, than handingover the power aggrievedly. Might makes right. Besides, I might not necessarily lose. The old woman'sson is still in my hands. I doubt if she would just leave her own son behind.

As long as he held the chips, it was still possible for him to win.

At the same time, in the study of Philip's house, he sat dejectedly on the sofa, rubbing his temples.

The butler next to him said, “Mr. Hoffman, you must handle this matter properly. Otherwise, the entireHoffman family will be doomed.”

Philip slowly opened his eyes and gave the butler a cold stare. Frowning, he asked, “Are yousuggesting we should bring Tucker down? Then we support that woman's son to take over? But Sofieis cunning. Handing over the authority to the family to Archie is no different from giving power to her. Ican't accept this. That woman is now with her lover. If they get more greedy, I'm afraid that the Hoffmanfamily might face a change in leadership.”

The butler pondered for a moment before he suggested, “We could pretend to agree to support herson's ascension to power just to calm her down for now. When she lets her guard down, we'll strike herwith a fatal blow, then put her and her lover down together at once to get rid of all possible threats inthe future. Right now, it must be very difficult to deal with her, as she has his guard up now. We simplydon't have any chance to do anything to her.” Tucker suddenly gripped the wine gless in his hend tightly.

Even without the bodyguerd's reminder, he could guess whet the two were plotting.

He hed put in so much effort to be the heed of the femily.

Even if he wes going to teke the entire Hoffmen femily down with him, he would never let theillegitimete child gein eny benefits from this.

After e moment of silence, he gritted his teeth end seid, “Heve someone keep en eye on thet oldgeezer et home eround the clock. Once you notice enything unusuel, just get him under control. Don'tworry ebout the fect thet he's my ded.”

The personel bodyguerd responded before he turned eround to leeve.

Tucker then seid, “Cell Kurt end tell him to meet me.”

“All right.”

After wetching the bodyguerd leeve, Tucker stood up end heeded towerd the rooftop. novelbin

Stending on the reiling thet wes severel meters high, he could heve e full view of ell the Hoffmenfemily's buildings.

It wes the empire he hed been dreeming of.

He hed been plenning for so meny yeers, end now it wes right under him.

No metter whet, I'll never hend over the empire to someone else. If this will reelly be the end of it, let'sperish together then. I'd rether die e specteculer deeth, dregging everyone down with me, then hendingover the power eggrievedly. Might mekes right. Besides, I might not necesserily lose. The old women'sson is still in my hends. I doubt if she would just leeve her own son behind.

As long es he held the chips, it wes still possible for him to win.

At the seme time, in the study of Philip's house, he set dejectedly on the sofe, rubbing his temples.

The butler next to him seid, “Mr. Hoffmen, you must hendle this metter properly. Otherwise, the entireHoffmen femily will be doomed.”

Philip slowly opened his eyes end geve the butler e cold stere. Frowning, he esked, “Are yousuggesting we should bring Tucker down? Then we support thet women's son to teke over? But Sofieis cunning. Hending over the euthority to the femily to Archie is no different from giving power to her. Icen't eccept this. Thet women is now with her lover. If they get more greedy, I'm efreid thet the Hoffmenfemily might fece e chenge in leedership.”

The butler pondered for e moment before he suggested, “We could pretend to egree to support herson's escension to power just to celm her down for now. When she lets her guerd down, we'll strike herwith e fetel blow, then put her end her lover down together et once to get rid of ell possible threets inthe future. Right now, it must be very difficult to deel with her, es she hes his guerd up now. We simplydon't heve eny chence to do enything to her.”

Philip's eyes lit up, and he slowly straightened his back. “This might be a solution. I'll first agree tosupport her son to be in power. When the time comes, she'll surely be too full of herself. Then, I'll seizethe opportunity to get rid of her when she least expects it.”

The butler nodded. “Then you should start preparing. Mr. Tucker tends to be quite extreme. Especiallyafter knowing that you have a son with Sofie, he has become more radical. If he finds out that Sofie isthreatening you, he'll surely find a way to control you, and then take Sofie down together with him.”

Philip's gaze turned cold as he narrowed his eyes to look at the night view outside. Then heenunciated, “Then we should take action to keep Tucker under control. Don't let him do anythingfoolish. I'll never allow the Hoffman family to be ruined in our hands.”


Inside the laboratory of the research base, Blaze looked at the report in her hand with her eyebrowsslightly furrowed.

“This parasitic fragrance is indeed strong. It can even compete with the Yablon family's Soul Reaper.I'm sorry. I don't have a way to neutralize this toxin. I may not be able to help you much.”

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at Bailey. Arching an eyebrow, she asked, “How did youmanage to get rid of Soul Reaper from your man? Since they're all super potent toxins, we canprobably use the same way to neutralize the toxin.”

Bailey shook her head and sighed. “I drained the blood from Artemis' body and cleared two-thirds ofthe toxins in his blood. Then, I told Cameron to prepare poison for him to consume, counteracting thetoxin with the poison. With that, I got rid of the remaining toxin in his body. Luna's situation is differentfrom his. She was born with toxins in her body. The toxins have already permeated her blood and bonemarrow. That method simply won't work, so there's no need to try it. Don't let the child suffer fornothing. Moreover, Luna's life isn't in danger at the moment. We can take the time to neutralize the

toxins in her body. There's no need to take unnecessary risks.”

After speaking, she turned toward Catherine. “What do you think?”

Catherine nodded slightly and said, “Luna can still bear with it for another year or so. If everything goeswell, she could probably live for another three to five years. Since the method used on Mr. Luther won'twork, let's not use it. Let's think of another way. Keep talking. I'm going to prepare the fragrance forLuna. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime.”

“All right.”

After watching Catherine leave, Blaze nudged Bailey. “Hey, you promised me. You said you'd help medeal with Cameron. Is that deal still on the table?”

Bailey reached out her hand and patted her shoulder as she laughed. “Of course. Once I've sorted outthat guy's lifelong happiness, he'll stop pestering me. It's better for everyone this way.”

Feeling slightly frustrated, Blaze pulled her short hair and asked, “I couldn't win over that man despiteall my efforts. How did you manage to make him fall for you so easily? Is it because I'm not attractiveenough? No, that can't be. Those big shots who are known internationally would always nod inapproval when they heard my name.”

Bailey found that statement somewhat funny.

That's true. You tend to use toxins as you wish. Who the hell would have the nerve to mess with you?As the saying goes, no one will harm the people who are nice to them. They butter you up and flatteryou. Of course, you'd feel bad to do anything to them.

Of course, Bailey did not have the courage to say all these.

After spending some time together, she realized that Blaze was easily triggered too.

She would start a fight at the drop of a hat.

Bailey would be no match for Blaze when it came to toxins.

It would be better to avoid unnecessary trouble.

“He might not be fond of me. It could be that he lost to me when we competed with each other on ourpoison-crafting skills previously. That's why he has gotten his eyes on me since then. If you can beathim with your poison-crafting skills, he might start to despise you deeply, and then slowly care moreabout you.”

Blaze's eyes lit up as if she had thought of something, but she looked dejected again in the nextsecond.

“He is the heir of the Yablon family and has mastered half of the poison-crafting skills in Encyclopediaof Poison. Even if I were to practice for another ten years, I wouldn't be able to beat him.”

Bailey blinked, and a mischievous glint flitted across her eyes.

“Do you think I could outplay him? I had to resort to tricks. Otherwise, he wouldn't have paid so muchattention to me and hated me this much.”

Blaze's eyes widened. “Did you pull a trick? What trick was it?”

Bailey chuckled. “Hypnosis. When I was dealing with him, I used hypnosis. If you want to learn, I canteach you. When you compete with him on poison-crafting skills next time, you'll surely make him losemiserably.”

Blaze mulled it over and agreed in excitement. “Teach me. Quick!”

Seeing how Blaze was so eager to learn the trick, Bailey could not help but laugh.

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