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Chapter 87

Hado did not bite her. Instead, it approached her with its tongue stuck out.

Trembling, Felicity began to step back.

“You b-beast! D-Don't come any closer!”

Woof! Woof!

Hado opened its mouth to bare its sharp fangs at Felicity, causing her to fall on her butt into a flowerbed.

She was terrified of dogs, especially those that were mad and uncontrollable.

“Artemis, come out here right now! Do you want to watch your own mother devoured by a crazy dog?”

Woof! Woof!

Hado always hated being called a mad dog. His earlier ferocity that had just dissipated began toresurface again. With a brutal expression, it glared at Felicity, preparing to bite her.

Cognizant of its intention, Zayron yelled at it, “Hado, don't bite her! It's enough to just teach her alesson!”

At the end of the day, Felicity was the matriarch of the Luther family. Thus, he was worried aboutinfuriating Artemis if Hado were to bite her. If it came to that, there was no way Hado's life would bespared.

Upon hearing its master's instructions, Hado toned down its aggressiveness as it moved closer toFelicity. Underneath her terrified gaze, it stuck out its tongue and gave her charming face a lick. novelbin

This is terrible!

Felicity was outraged.

I've never been this humiliated this way throughout my glamorous life!

As anger overwhelmed her, her eyes rolled upward before she lost consciousness.

“Oh, no,” Zayron remarked as he darted down the steps to catch her before she collapsed onto theflower bed.

At the end of the day, Felicity was his grandmother. Without her, Simon would not have existed, andneither would he. This was a fact Zayron was still very well aware of.

Meanwhile, Maxton, too, hurried over to hold Felicity's other arm while not forgetting to flash a thumbsup at Zayron. “Idiot, you're amazing. Even Grandpa doesn't dare get on her nerves. Now that she hasfainted from being angered by you, I'm truly blown away.”

Throwing him a glare, Zayron fumed, “Stop wasting time and send her to the infirmary. If I end up killingher, I would be f*cking skinned alive by Jerk Uncle.”

At that moment, Artemis emerged from the living room and calmly descended the stairs. Extending his

hands, he carried the unconscious Felicity, uttering, “This will be the last time. No matter what she hasdone wrong, she's still your grandmother, understand?”

Zayron tugged his lips and grumbled, “In that case, should I allow myself to be kicked out?”

Stumped again, Artemis sighed in resignation before trying to console him. “She doesn't know yourfamily origins yet. When she learns of it, she'll definitely set aside her resentment and love you as hergrandchild.”

Hearing that, Zayron snorted. “I'm afraid the truth will make her angrier.”

Artemis was speechless.

Albeit what had transpired, he did not send Felicity to the mansion's infirmary. Instead, he escorted herback to the Luther residence.

Given that everyone in the family—young and old—was quick to lose temper, gathering them at onespot was a disaster waiting to happen.

When they were about to reach the Luther residence, Felicity suddenly awoke.

The moment she opened her eyes, all she saw was the final scene before she fainted, causing her tojump out of her seat.

Seeing that, Artemis grabbed her arm quickly and pulled her back down so that she did not hit her headon the car roof.

However, Felicity shoved his hand away and snapped, “How could you just stand there and allow thatb*stard to humiliate me with a dog? Did that wench cast a spell on you to make you treasure that son ofhers?”

Narrowing his eyes at her, Artemis plainly replied, “Mother, you're a socialite and a distinguished ladywho is well respected in the community. Such foul words shouldn't roll off your tongue, as it will onlymake you look uncouth.”

“You...” The furious Felicity glared at him and questioned through gritted teeth, “What do you intend todo? Are you going to marry that wench?”

Marry? If that's possible, I certainly would. It's just that...

“You're overthinking it. As I said before, I don't plan on marrying anyone in this lifetime, and I intend tokeep my vow.”

The words outraged Felicity further.

Never marry for the rest of his life? This is worse than marrying Bailey.

“As the scion of the prestigious Luther family, how can you not have a wife to take charge of familyaffairs? I will definitely not allow this. When your father returns home, we'll start the process for yourengagement to Rhonda.”

With a darkening expression, Artemis warned, “If you want to see the wedding attended by the bridealone and the Luther family disgraced, then, by all means, go ahead and hold it.”

“Y-You're threatening me?”

“It's not a threat. I'm just stating facts. Don't you just want to have someone take on the role of the ladyof the house? Regardless of who you force me to marry, I'll never acknowledge her both legally and inreality.”

Clutching her chest in anger, Felicity pointed a finger at her son's nose. Despite the movement of herlips, not a single word came out.

Throwing her a glance, Artemis added, “Mother, you had better stay home and concern yourself withCaridee's coming-of-age ceremony. As for the Chivers family, you're no longer part of them aftermarrying into the Luthers, so you should interfere less in their affairs. Otherwise, you might give othersa reason to criticize you. Granddad and Uncle Yoel might not care, but rumors are a truly terrible thing.”

Despite her anger, Felicity was amused. “Fine. One by one, all of you have grown headstrong andinsist on protecting that woman, haven't you? In that case, I can only use my own methods to kick herout of Hallsbay. If she intends to either marry into the Chivers or Luther families, it will have to be overmy dead body.”

Nodding slightly, Artemis did not comment any further for fear of Felicity fainting from shock again.

That aside, he was cognizant that whatever he would say now would be useless in the face of heranger.

It looks like I have to think of a way to stop the paternity test between Edmund and Zayron.

Breaking: Bailey Jefferson's Plagiarism Case Escalates.

Breaking: Bailey Jefferson's Designs Are All Copied From Snowflake.

Early in the morning, City Daily, Fashionista, The Today Show, and many other established mediaoutlets obtained the drafts of Bailey's old designs. After running a comparison, they noticed thatBailey's designs closely mirrored that of Snowflake's style.

As a result, the public labeled all her previous works as cases of plagiarism, accusing her of drawinginspiration from Snowflake's designs.

Once the news exploded, it sent a shockwave through the entire world.

At the same time, those who were against Bailey saw their movement gain greater momentum.

In the beginning, only those in Hallsbay condemned her. However, the resentment toward her graduallyswept across the nation.

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