Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 858 This Woman Is Hypocritical
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Chapter 858 This Woman Is Hypocritical

This future sister-in-law of mine is kind of impressive. The spices that were concocted? A perfumer?Could she be from a top perfumery family? Haha, I'm now more intrigued by my future sister-in-law. Awoman who can blend fragrances must surely be dignified, elegant, and beautiful. I wonder if Simoncan handle her?

Simon shot his younger sister a cold glance, then snatched the phone from her hand. He got up andheaded towards the balcony.

“Have the top detectives from Luther Group investigate where she's planning to take the child. If thedestination is Moranta, find a way to stop her.” novelbin

After hearing what her older brother had to say, Caridee couldn't help but roll her eyes.

This guy is just too full of himself. Does he actually think that she will come to Moranta to make ascene, disrupting his ex-girlfriend's wedding? From my perspective, my future sister-in-law is surely acool and indifferent woman. Otherwise, the news about Simon's eight-year-old illegitimate daughterwould have probably spread all over the world by now. The lack of drama and the fact that none of ourrelatives and friends heard anything about it proves that she doesn't care about the wealth and name ofthe Luther family. She must have a different motive to suddenly approach Simon. I'm sure she's not thekind who would be consumed by jealous rage and disrupts someone else's wedding just for a man.

As a result, Caridee felt that Simon's worries were unnecessary and that woman was definitely notheading to Moranta.

It turned out that Caridee's guess was correct.

When Simon found out that the woman didn't leave Hallsbay to find him but went to Dellmoor instead,he felt somewhat embarrassed.

Caridee sprawled on the sofa and burst into hearty laughter, showing his pride no mercy.

“Simon, if you ask me, she couldn't care less about you. And here you are, worried that she wouldcome and stir up trouble. How does it feel to have your ego smashed to pieces now?”

Simon was indeed dealt a blow, a heavy one at that.

That woman should be aware that I have come to Moranta to attend my ex-girlfriend's wedding, yet shedidn't bother to ask me about it. Could it be that from the very beginning, she had no intention ofshamelessly clinging to me? If that's not what she wants, then why did she bring her daughter toacknowledge kinship?

Caridee rose from the sofa, walked over to her elder brother, and patted him on the shoulder.

“Simon, there are indeed very few women in this world who do not covet vanity. I presume your futurewife must be a woman of extraordinary temperament. This is your true destiny in love. You must seizeit well. As for those who run into the arms of another man right after leaving you, it's better not to havethem at all. You had better not make a mistake and let your judgment be clouded. Don't miss out onyour true destiny over a woman who's not worth your time. If you ask me, forget about attending thelousy wedding. Hurry back home and pursue my future sister-in-law instead.”

Simon gripped his phone tightly, falling silent for a moment. Gradually, a decision began to form in hisheart.

Caridee is right, I should know how to make the right choices.

“I'm going to take a private jet back—”

Before he could finish speaking, the phone he was holding suddenly rang.

Glancing down, it was a message from his ex-girlfriend.

It read: Simon, haven't you always wanted to know why I chose to marry Prince Fabian? Indeed, I havemy reasons. I'll tell you on the day of the wedding. You must be there.

After reading the message, Simon found himself once again caught in a dilemma.

Caridee snatched the phone from his hand. After reading the message, she couldn't help but snigger inresponse.

“I used to find this woman quite likable, but after witnessing her recent antics, I've seen her true colors.Brother, trust my intuition, this woman reeks of hypocrisy. You mustn't feel sorry for her. Reasons?Even if she is in some sort of trouble, she shouldn't have married someone else right after breaking upwith you. Why would you value such cheap love? In my opinion, she's just using pity to win yoursympathy. Don't fall for it.”

Simon rubbed his brow, sighing. “I need to clear the air with her, otherwise she will keep pestering mein the future. The wedding is set to take place in three days. I think I should stay and meet her to clearthings up. Your future sister-in-law and her daughter have gone to Dellmoor. There shouldn't be anydanger, and I've arranged for people to protect them discreetly.”

Caridee slapped her forehead abruptly as she remarked in resignation, “Indeed, first loves are the mostprecious of them all. Despite her behavior, you're still siding with her. I hope my future sister-in-law is amagnanimous woman. Otherwise, you're in for a tough time. I'll accompany you to the wedding in threedays. If you don't want to give your beloved the brutal truth, let me do so on your behalf.”


“No objections allowed. Otherwise, I'll have Veikko disrupt her wedding and turn her into a laughingstock among her circle.”

Inside the study of a suburban mansion, Astrid hung up the phone as a mysterious smile emergeacross her lips.

Shaun, sitting on the sofa, saw her staring blankly into space with her back to him. He asked in a coldvoice, “Is everything arranged?”

Astrid slowly turned around with an indiscernible smile. She said, “The bride-to-be has sent a messageto Simon, insisting that he must attend the wedding. Simon has agreed, and I can assure you thatCaridee will accompany him. You can proceed with the rest of the plan.”

“Good.” Shaun clapped his hands in excitement. “I'm waiting for the moment when Caridee falls intoour trap. You'd better mask that horny scent of yours. Don't let that little devil of the Saviors catch awhiff.”

Astrid's face darkened, a cold glint flashing in her eyes.

What does this jerk mean? Is Caridee pure and flawless, while I'm cheap and pretentious? Beforefalling into this hell, I was once a lady of high society. Caridee is the one responsible for my terriblecircumstances.

“Mr. Carter, don't forget the agreement between us. I will approach the vice-leader of the Saviors asCaridee. Once he's completely captivated by my beauty, I'll kill him while masquerading as her, makinghim suffer gut-wrenching pain. And once you have Caridee, you must use every means to torment her.Make her life a living hell. You'd better remember this at all times.”

Shaun's face darkened slightly, and with one kick, he sent her sprawling to the ground.

“Do I really need a wretch like you to remind me over and over again? The state you're in now isexactly the fate that awaits her. I won't show any mercy just because she's a woman.”

Astrid remained silent.

Meanwhile, in Musbane, Sofie and Damien were being hunted down by the Hoffman family.

They were trapped in Thymion and had no room to escape.

Inside a small inn, Sofie slammed the table with her palm and ranted, “Philip, I can't believe howruthless you are. I swear only one of us will be left standing in the end.”

Just as she spoke, her legs wobbled, causing her to slump back into her chair.

“Damien, what should we do? That old geezer has issued a global bounty on us. There's no way wecan escape.”

Damien slightly hung his head, a somber glint flickering in his eyes.

“Don't you think someone has been helping us from the shadows? Otherwise, with our limitedmanpower, we should have been killed a hundred times over by now.”

Sofie abruptly turned her head, narrowing her eyes at him. “Are you suggesting that someone ispreventing Philip from killing us? Who?”

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