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Chapter 822

She really had no idea what this middle-aged man beside her was doing.

He is, after all, the head of the clan. Why would he allow those clowns to put his daughter through suchmisery?

However, since this was their family business, Blaze wasn't interested in prying.

If Bailey hadn't provoked her using Cameron, she wouldn't have bothered to get involved.

Blaze swiftly rushed to the bedside in a few strides, pulled out a bottle of antidote from her pocket, andpoured the contents into Juliana's mouth.

She then helped Juliana into a sitting position before pricking several acupoints on her body usingsilver needles.

All of a sudden, Juliana leaned forward and spewed out a mouthful of black blood, expelling all theaccumulated toxins from her body.

Blaze observed her complexion again and saw that it had improved.

Following that, she administered a dose of stamina-restoring serum to her.

A moment later, Juliana, who was in a coma, slowly regained consciousness.

“Y-You are...” Her voice was raspy and unpleasant to the ear.

Just as Blaze was about to speak, the door suddenly flung open. The poisoned elders entered oneafter another.

“Hey, Poison Lady! Don't you think it's time you hand over the antidote now that you've rescued her?”

“Yeah. Don't mistake our tolerance for fear. This is the Hoffman residence, and we won't allow anoutsider like you to do whatever you want here.”

“Hand over the antidote quickly, and we'll let you leave unharmed. Otherwise...”

Blaze looked at the last elder who spoke, a smile playing on her lips. She raised an eyebrow andasked, “Or what? Are you going to kill me? Sure, bring it on. You won't be able to detoxify the poisoneven if you kill me. It's pretty nice to have so many people accompanying me to hell when the timecomes. However, are you guys willing to give up your lives of wealth and luxury to join me in theunderworld?”


That elderly man was about to yell at Blaze when Philip stopped him and said in a chilly voice, “Brat, Iwould advise you to know when to stop. Don't cross the line. Since the antidote is with you, we canalways get it from you after killing you. Why would we die alongside you? Hand over the antidote now,and I'll tell them to let you go. How's that sound?”

The young lady spread her palms, displaying an air of nonchalance as if she wasn't afraid of death, andsaid cheekily, “But I never bring antidotes with me. Those things need to be concocted on the spot.”

Philip choked on his words, feeling somewhat embarrassed when his attempt to exert authoritybackfired.

Blaze spoke again. “I can teach you how to concoct the antidote. That traitor, Kurt, is now in yourcustody, right? You can ask him to prepare the antidote. But, before you do that, I have a small request.You must agree to let me take Juliana away. Don't ask me why. I'm just doing a favor for someone.”

“That's impossible!” Philip rejected without a second thought.

Zeke was currently still in Moranta. Juliana would definitely go look for Zeke if she managed to escape.

By then, if the two of them joined forces and challenged the Hoffman family's influence around theworld, they would be sending the Hoffman family to their doom.

“I can grant any request you make, but not this one. She has violated the clan rules and can't leave theclan for the rest of her life.”

Unfazed by their words, Blaze shrugged. “If so, you all can wait for death to befall you. I'm afraid itmight be the end for the Hoffman family once you old geezers die.”

Naturally, the elders were unwilling to die. They began taking turns to speak, persuading Philip to agreeto Blaze's request.

Philip's gaze fell on Juliana as a dark glint flashed pass his eyes.

“Julie, think carefully. Huntley is still in my hands. Even though you two aren't married yet, theengagement has already been announced publicly. Are you really thinking of abandoning him?”

Colors drained from Juliana's face, causing her already-pallid complexion to turn even more ashen inan instant.

With a feeble and weak voice, she said to Blaze, “I know my master sent you here to rescue me, but Ireally can't leave.”

Blaze furrowed her brows. This girl has been sleeping for such a long time that she doesn't even knowabout her master's death.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion from Philip, she had no choice but to make things clear.

“It wasn't your master who sent me here, but the head of the Shurmer family. Your master's dead.” novelbin

Juliana's pupils constricted, and beads of tears rolled down her eyes. Her face was filled with anexpression of disbelief.

“You're joking, right? How can my master be dead? How is this possible?”

Blaze said coldly, “Someone killed her. Cut the crap and leave with me. My mission is onlyaccomplished after I hand you over to Mr. Shurmer.”

After a moment of silence, Juliana slowly pushed Blaze away.

Even though she didn't know what had transpired during this period, she firmly believed that her masterwouldn't die so easily.

Perhaps Master is trying to make Uncle Philip and the others lower their guard by feigning her death,leading them straight into a trap she had set. She can't be dead. She still has so many things to do.

“Miss, thank you for detoxifying me, but I can't go with you. My fiancé was injured severely whileprotecting me, so I can't leave him behind. Please tell Mr. Shurmer that I appreciate his kindness. Fromnow on, we're even. Tell him to get himself out of this predicament as soon as possible.”

Seeing the determined look in Juliana's eyes, Blaze no longer tried to persuade her. She helped herlean against the head of the bed before slowly standing up.

Blaze was capable of taking Juliana away, provided that the latter was willing to go with her.

What's the point in me insisting to take her away if she's reluctant to leave?

“Fine. If you don't want to leave, I can't force you. After all, I've already completed my task. We'll meetagain someday.”

Having said that, she strode toward the door.

The elders hastily chased after her.

After everyone had left, Juliana struggled to get up and walked into the bathroom.

Her residence was the only place without hidden cameras installed.

Before Blaze left, she stuffed a note in her palm.

Juliana guessed it was given to her by her master.

Sure enough, as the crumpled paper was unfolded, familiar handwriting came into view. It was writtenby Bailey. The note read: I knew you wouldn't want to leave with Blaze. That's okay. Just stay put. Wecan collaborate and wipe out Philip's forces in one fell swoop. I'm okay, so don't worry. Be careful anddon't expose any weaknesses or secrets. All you have to do right now is get well soon and wait for theright moment to strike.

Juliana chuckled and began sobbing quietly.

“Rest assured, Master. I will not give them any opportunity to take advantage again.”

In the meantime, all the elders were waiting anxiously in the living room.

Tucker spoke up. “Don't worry. I'm sure Kurt will be able to come up with the antidote to save all ofyou.”

“Hopefully. The Hoffman family does not groom useless good-for-nothings.”

“I second that.”

Right then, in the room, Blaze kept retreating as Kurt closed in on her relentlessly, a hostile glintswirling in his eyes.

“Kurt, I've told you before, I-I'd never fall for you.”

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