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Chapter 774

Bailey picked up the cup from the table, all ready to throw it at that man. Then came Cameron'sexclamation.

“Look! He moved! His eyelid twitched! I told you this trick would work, but you didn't believe me.”

Did his eyelid really twitch?

Bailey quickly turned her head and saw that Artemis' eyelashes were indeed fluttering. Sheimmediately tossed aside the cup in her hand and rushed straight to the bedside.

She grasped Artemis' hand that was hanging by his side and anxiously called out, “Wake up, Hubby.Please wake up.”

Cameron was triggered when he heard the woman addressing the man in the bed as such. He couldnot help but mutter, “Maybe we should concoct a deadly poison and send him straight to meet with theGrim Reaper.”

Had that statement of his been made in the past, Bailey would have definitely argued and fought withhim. Yet, at that moment, her thoughts were all on Artemis alone, so she could not be bothered to dealwith a nuisance like Cameron.

“Just so you know, Artemis, I visited the branch of Tarragon Headquarters during the past few days andhad my eyes on quite a few talented young men there. If you still don't wake up, I'll run a harem right atyour headquarters in broad daylight and corral for myself all the handsome men from Tarragon.”

Almost at the instant when she dropped her final word, a deep, grinding voice rang out within the room.

“Don't you... dare!” Upon seeing Artemis open his eyes, Bailey unwittingly beamed.

“Hehe! I wouldn't dare. They're nothing more than empty words.”

On that note, Cameron could not help but roll his eyes.

“Bailey, can't you live a day without a man by your side? You used to be such a carefree, independentwoman. Since when have you become this pathetic?” were his brusque words.

Bailey simply gave him the cold shoulder. She flashed Artemis a grin so bright and tactfully said, “I'mone obedient lady, so I wouldn't upset you by trying to get lucky with romantic encounters with somestrangers.”


Cameron cursed under his breath upon hearing that claim. On the heels of that, he forcefully kicked theedge of the bed and stormed out of the room. novelbin

Watching the woman he fancied flirt with another man, he naturally felt anguish assail his heart. Afterall, he was desperate and pathetic, following her around of his own will, only to lay his eyes on thecouple's public display of affection.

It was then that Artemis slightly coughed a couple of times before leaning over the edge of the bed andviolently spitting out a few mouthfuls of black blood. Bailey's visage did a one-eighty at that. Her smilevanished without a trace.

“Why are you coughing up blood again? Weren't the toxins in your blood already cleansed?”

Artemis slowly leaned against the headboard. A silent sigh escaped him when his gaze landed on thewoman's nervous mien.

It seemed that Cameron was right on the money; Bailey used to be such a carefree and spiritedwoman. However, because of him, she had changed drastically.

Whenever she encountered anything related to him, she would inevitably lose her sense of boundaries.That had never occurred in the past, not even in his wildest dreams. Ultimately, he was the reason.

“I'm fine. I just vomited out the residue of poisoned blood. Isn't this simple logic something you shouldalready know?”

Bailey was taken aback to hear that. As soon as she regained her composure, she reached out to himand read his pulse.

“A few days ago when I checked your pulse, you were still very weak. Now, upon checking again,you've gained much more strength. Artemis, you've managed to clear half of the remaining one-third ofthe toxins in your body. With a few more treatments from Cameron, you'll be able to make a fullrecovery.”

“A few more treatments, you say?” Artemis slightly narrowed his eyes.

“Does that mean I'll have to tolerate him as he continues to wander in my sight for a longer period oftime?”

Bailey's eyes curved like the shape of a crescent moon. Concealing behind those very eyes was a hintof laughter.

Cameron must really understand Artemis, huh? He knew that the first thing this guy would do when hewoke up was kick him aside, so he deliberately divided the treatment into several sessions.

“Well, there's no other way. If you want to thoroughly get rid of all the toxins from your body, you'll haveto endure it. Don't worry. My heart will always be with you, and he couldn't sweep my heart away.”

Keeping his lips buttoned, Artemis squinted his eyes. A moment later, his eyes suddenly lit up as if hewas struck by a thought.

“Let him tag along, then. Once he sees more of our intimate interactions, I'm sure he'll give up on youon his own. I don't want another man thinking about my wife day in and day out.”

No longer could Bailey stop herself from bursting into laughter.

This man's really getting cheekier.

“So, how are you feeling? Do you still feel pain or discomfort?”

Artemis reached out, grabbed Bailey's arm, and pulled her into his embrace. Immediately afterward, heleaned in to kiss her lips.

The next second, the strong taste of blood in his mouth overwhelmed Bailey, causing her to retchviolently as she shoved the man away.

Startled, Artemis locked her shoulders then and there while gently patting her back. His dashing facegradually turned grim.

“Why are you throwing up? Could it be that you've also been poisoned? Didn't you say that theinfectivity of the toxin will be no more once it secured itself a vector? What's going on here?”

Bailey slightly narrowed her eyes. She had been so busy as of late that it seemed that she hadforgotten something crucial.

Previously in Hallsbay, they had slept together, and Artemis left for quite a long time after that. On topof that, she had been in Tarragon for a while.

Could it be...

If things were really as she suspected, she would be in the soup. She was certain that after SoulReaper found a vector, its infectivity would be nil. Be that as it might, Artemis was the vector, whichmeant his sperm might have carried the poison as well.

At the time when the two of them shared the bed in Hallsbay, Artemis had already been poisoned. If hissperm had carried the toxin and she were to become pregnant, the fertilized egg in her would not bespared.

“Don't tell me you're really poisoned?” The sound of Artemis gnashing his teeth in frustration reachedBailey's ears, hence pulling her back from her wandering thoughts.

She turned her head and glared at him, fuming, “I'm just dry heaving. Did you see any clotted blood on

the floor?” Artemis breathed a sigh of relief.

She's right. If there's no clotted blood, she's not poisoned.

“So, what made you dry heave all of a sudden?”

A pucker formed between Bailey's brows. She was not sure if she was pregnant or if his spermcontained any toxins. Until she figured things out, she reckoned it was best not to let the man know.

“Your breath reeked of blood. It was so pungent that it stimulated my taste buds. Of course, I'd feel likegagging.” Artemis was convinced for the time being, for Bailey sounded ever so righteous andconfident, not to mention she maintained eye contact with him the entire time.

“I'm sorry. I was too eager to have a taste of your lips just now that I wasn't paying attention.”

Bailey pinched his handsome cheek and smiled.

“It's good that you're awake. It proves that this method is indeed effective.”

Artemis yanked the woman into his arms once again, uttering in a hoarse voice, “Never have I felt ascontent as I do now. The feeling of being alive is truly wonderful.”

Bailey smiled warmly in his embrace. Recently, it was as though her soul was going through purgatory.At last, she was glad that she could finally see the sunshine after the rain.

“Artemis, we'll be just fine in this lifetime. I saw the rainbow in the sky.”


Inside the private mansion's infirmary at Moranta, Shaun lay flat on the bed, staring blankly at theceiling above.

It had been two days, and he still could not bring himself to accept the fact that he was impotent.

Why am I impotent? What does this entail? I can never be a true man again, can I?

As the ruler of Epea's most prominent family, he could no longer fool around in the future. Nothing inthe world could be more cruel than his tragedy. He would rather lose an arm or a leg than become aeunuch.

Nevertheless, it seemed like the heavens had pranked him and messed his life up.

There was no room for him to even retaliate. Out of the blue, there was a creak at the door. The doorwas pushed open, and a bodyguard in black walked in.

“Mr. Carter, we've got our hands on the background of the Saviors' vice-leader.”

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