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Chapter 761

Bailey held his head and fiercely kissed his handsome face several times.

“Alright, since you're being so honest, I'll help clear up your confusion. This is a life-extending medicine,but to be honest, I don't quite understand the specific principles behind it either. That old man hadspent most of his life researching and finally came up with this invention, which didn't seem so easy tounderstand. I soaked a rabbit, drained of all its blood, in the potion. Despite having not a single drop ofblood left in its body, the rabbit clung to life and didn't die. So, I guess this medicinal herb can prolonglife.”

Then continued, “Probably, Dr. White's final thoughts were the same as mine - to detoxify byexchanging blood. That's why he researched and developed this herb, so that people wouldn't dieimmediately after losing blood.”

The smile on Artemis' face gradually grew stronger. As long as there was a chance to survive and apossibility of living, he was willing to give it a try.

“Alright, I'll let you draw my blood tonight. Let's give this method a try and see if it works.” Bailey glaredat him.

“Do you think this is a game? Just saying you want to try it out? I've only tested it on rabbits, not onhumans. So, I'm not quite sure. If all the blood in your body is drained, this medicine would be uselessfor you. Wouldn't that mean certain death for you?”

Artemis' thoughts stirred, and he immediately became alert.

Could it be that this woman is trying to risk her life? If that's the case, I might as well bear the suffering


After all, if she died, he would immediately follow her in death. If she didn't die, and he tested themedicine instead, he wouldn't die either. So, he felt there was absolutely no need for her to suffer.

“Then you should try it on a few more animals and see if they all come back to life. If they do, there's noneed for us to hesitate. After all, we're facing death either way, and it would be a blessing if we couldsurvive.”

Bailey nodded with a smile, but she had other plans in her mind. The anatomical structure of animalswas different from that of humans. Just because an experiment was successful on animals, it didn'tnecessarily mean it would be successful on humans.

So, they still had to use living people for experiments. She couldn't bring herself to sacrifice others forher own benefit, nor could she let Artemis take the risk. She had no choice but to try it herself.

“It's getting late. Let's go back and rest for now. We'll talk about it tomorrow.”

Artemis let out a silent sigh. It seemed his guess was right; this woman truly intended to try themedicine herself. How could he bear to see her suffer like this? After leaving the laboratory, the two ofthem walked along the corridor toward the Luther residence.

As they were about to reach the Luther residence, Artemis suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned hishead to look at her, and leisurely said, “Bailey, if you have to personally handle things like testingmedicine, doesn't that make me somewhat useless?”

The smile on Bailey's face stiffened, realizing that he had figured out her thoughts. The next moment,she hurriedly reached into her pocket, attempting to use a stupefying drug to knock him out.

Artemis was already prepared, so how could he let her succeed? In a flash, he moved closer to her,grabbing her arm with one hand and placing the other on the back of her head. Bailey was subdued byhim, realizing that he wanted to knock her out.

She quickly spoke up, “Artemis, don't hit me. I was wrong. I really, really know I was wrong. Let mebleed you, and then observe your condition. If it were someone else, I wouldn't feel at ease.”

Artemis shook his head, leaned down to kiss her forehead, and said softly, “This process is too cruel foryou. It's better not to watch. Tarragon has so many doctors. They will take good care of me. Go andhave a good sleep, and when you wake up, everything will be fallen into place.”

Bailey's face suddenly darkened, and her smile completely disappeared.

She glared at him fiercely, gritting her teeth and said, “I haven't gotten over you feeding me memoryloss pill last time. If you dare to knock me out, I'll never forgive you in this lifetime.”

Artemis smiled, his gentle gaze sweeping across her pretty face.

“Bailey, no matter the outcome, I'll always be by your side. You don't need to worry; I won't forcefullykeep you in this world anymore. If I leave, I'll be waiting for you on the road to heaven.”

Tears rolled down Bailey's cheeks as she cried and shouted, “Artemis, don't do this, please don't. Letme face it with you, okay? Can we do that?” novelbin

Artemis smiled faintly. A wave of pain spread from the back of her neck, her vision gradually blurred,and in the moment before her consciousness completely vanished, she mustered all her strength androared, “Artemis, you better live well for me!”

As the last syllable fell, she slowly closed her eyes.

Fortunately, this guy didn't have the audacity to consider erasing her memory again, otherwise shewould have been absolutely disgusted. Artemis looked at the woman who had fainted in his arms, thesmile on the corner of his lips deepening by a few degrees.

He attempted to lift her up horizontally, but unfortunately, his body was extremely weak. After tryingseveral times, he eventually gave up due to his lack of strength.

“I'll do it.” Zeke's voice came from behind. Artemis handed Bailey over to him.

Zeke frowned and asked, “What's going on here? Why did you knock her out for no reason?”

Artemis nodded and recounted the events that had taken place. After hearing this, Zeke's angersimmered.

“Testing medicine? This girl is really something. I've never seen anyone as lively as her. Artemis, youbetter stay alive, or I'll grind your bones to dust.”

After a moment of silence, Artemis said leisurely, “If I survive, we'll start everything anew. But if I'munfortunate enough to die, please, Zeke, let her sleep forever. Don't let her open her eyes again, I don'twant her to face such pain. As for the Luther family, please take good care of them in the future. Simonhas great potential. With a little guidance, he should be able to shoulder the responsibility of the Luther

family. There are three more children, and although they have the care of their grandparents, uncles,and aunts, they still need the love of their dear uncle. I hope you can pay more attention to them andlet...”

“That's enough.”

Zeke turned his face slightly away and said with a tearful voice, “Live well, and I'll acknowledge you asmy brother-in-law in the future. But if you die, I will never admit that you are the son-in-law of theShurmer family.”

Artemis lowered his head slightly, and after a long silence, he squeezed out a single word throughgritted teeth, “Fine.”

Early next morning, Bailey gradually regained consciousness from her stupor. Gazing at the crystalchandelier above her head, she was momentarily lost in thought. The moment her consciousnessreturned, she gently laughed.

I had woken up. Does this mean that Artemis had made it through the night?

Because with that man's temperament, he would never let her wake up alone to face the pain.

She guessed that he had instructed Zeke that if he couldn't wake up, Zeke should use medicine to lether sleep forever.


The door handle turned, and the door opened. Zeke walked in, carrying a tray.

“Bay, you're awake.”

Bailey pulled back the covers, preparing to get out of bed, but suddenly her legs felt weak andpowerless, forcing her to fall toward the ground. Zeke quickly reached out to steady her.

“Be careful! You're a grown-up, why are you still so restless?” Bailey grabbed his wrist and asked,“Zeke, how is Artemis doing?”

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