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Chapter 729

Bailey suddenly leaned forward and forcefully grabbed Cameron's collar.

“Cameron, are you sure Artemis hasn't been poisoned? Tell me the truth! If something happens to him,I won't be able to live either.”

Cameron looked at Bailey expressionlessly and said calmly, “What does it have to do with me whetherhe's poisoned or not? Bailey, you should ask him this question. Anyway, I don't know, and I don't botherto know. Why should I pay attention to another man, especially when this man is the one you love?”

Bailey suddenly felt discouraged, scratched her head, then displayed a wry smile and replied, “I guess Iworry for nothing. Cameron, please make another request. As long as it doesn't involve kickingArtemis, I'll agree to anything else. Veronique's illness can't wait any longer. I'll go to Dellmoor a fewdays later. I don't have time to waste in Hallsbay. Do you know? My disciple is still suffering in theHoffman residence, waiting for me to save her. I've so many things to settle.”

Cameron slewed his eyes and laughed, saying, “We can change the condition, but you're not allowedto reject. Otherwise, we'll stick to the first one.”

Bailey glared at Cameron and uttered a word through gritted teeth, “Speak.”

“It's quite simple. You promise to let me follow you for the next few months. No matter where you go,you've got to take me with you.” Bailey was somewhat speechless.

“I'm not your mom. Why do you want to follow me?”

“Hmm. You're not my mom, but you could be my future wife. I'm sure I can't go wrong by following you.”

Bailey did not want to give a response. Bailey suppressed the anger that welled up inside her. If shedisagreed, Cameron really would do nothing to save Artemis, given his temperament.

Fine! When Artemis returns, it will depend on whether he agrees to allow Cameron to follow along.

“Alright, I promise you. Let's go to the medical base right now.” Cameron sprang up from the groundand pulled Bailey up without extra trouble.

“Okay! Brief me on the situation, and I'll consider what kind of toxin to use.” Bailey nodded. Learningthat Artemis was not poisoned, she felt much more at ease and had the mental capacity to deal withother matters.

Inside the study of the Fletcher residence in Dellmoor, Raiden leaned back on the couch, raising aneyebrow as he looked at Zain sitting across from him.

“So Bailey said she'll come to Dellmoor in five days?”

“Yes! Your father's condition is worsening. I advise you not to let that woman who claims to be thesenior of Ethereal perform hypnosis on your father. It will only make his condition worse.”

Raiden thought for a second and asked, “Is Bailey the world's number one hypnotist, Ethereal?”

Zain shrugged and said calmly, “I'm not at liberty to answer that question. If you want to know, you canask Bailey.” novelbin

“Okay! You go ahead and get busy. Before Bailey arrives, please take care of my father.”

After saying that, Raiden stood up and left the study. In the first-floor tearoom, Tamara was savoringtea with a young woman around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old.

“Master Gibson, can you really use hypnosis to help relieve my husband's stress and restore hishealth?”

Yolanda nodded and explained, “Every treatment method has risks. It all depends on whether thepatient's family can bear such risks. I cannot guarantee with 100% certainty that I can restore hishealth. Perhaps more serious situations could arise. After all, hypnosis is a tricky thing. Once used on aperson, if the patient and the hypnotist can achieve a perfect harmony of thoughts, everything shouldbe fine.”

Yolanda added, “If the patient resists the hypnotist, it may cause some harm to the body. I must makethis clear to you. Otherwise, I cannot bear the consequences if something goes wrong.”

Tamara pursed her lips and asked again, “Is your father really the internationally renowned hypnotist,Master Josiah Gibson? I heard that he mastered the art of dream-tailoring skills. Do you know thistechnique as well?”

Yolanda lowered her head slightly, and a trace of chilling coldness flashed across her eyes.

Dream-tailoring skill... My father didn't teach me the art of dream-tailoring skills, saying I'm not talented.In the end, he passed on that nature-defying technique to that woman. I envy, I'm jealous, I hate her!

That originally belonged to Yolanda, as it was only natural for her to inherit Josiah's legacy andcontinue the family business.

However, the appearance of that despicable woman, Ethereal, caused Josiah to change his mind at thelast moment, passing on the exclusive secret technique to an outsider. Yolanda loathed Ethereal. Shewished to tear Ethereal, that despicable wretch, into a million pieces.

However, Yolanda did not know who Ethereal was. The latter was a mysterious figure who wassecretive in her movement and trace. Even though that despicable woman was Josiah's disciple, shehad never seen her before.

“Of course, my father passed on some techniques to me before he passed away. They should be morethan enough to treat Mr. Fletcher.”

“Good, good.” Tamara gently grasped Yolanda's hand and patted the back of it a few times.

“If you can cure my husband, you'll be the heroine to the entire Chanaea. At that time, whatever youdesire, I'll help you achieve it.”

Yolanda slewed her eyes.

Perhaps I can leverage the Fletcher family's influence to investigate Ethereal's whereabouts.

Yolanda had been holding back those feelings for too long, and she could not bear it any longer.

“Alright, Mrs. Fletcher, I'll take your oracular words to heart.”

“Sure! As long as you can cure my husband, I'll agree to any of your requests.”

Yolanda smiled as she stood up and nodded. She said, “I need to return to the lab to prepare somemedicine, so I'll excuse myself first.”

“Go ahead. I'll be waiting for your good news.”

Yolanda nodded at Tamara and turned to walk towards the door. After leaving the tearoom, Yolandabumped into Raiden at the turn of the corner. Yolanda let out a gasp and was falling backward.

A hint of hesitation flashed across Raiden's eyes, but out of a gentlemanly demeanor, he still reachedout and grabbed Yolanda's arm.

Yolanda suddenly leaned forward and directly threw herself into Raiden's arms. As Yolanda looked up,a cold yet handsome face came into view. Yolanda had only seen that man a few times, but everyencounter made her heart race.

“M-Mr. Fletcher.”

Raiden extended his hand to push Yolanda away, took two steps back, lowered his head, andapologized, “I'm sorry that I accidentally bumped into you.”

After speaking, Raiden walked past Yolanda and headed toward the tearoom. Yolanda slowly turnedaround, and her gaze fell on Raiden's sturdy figure.

Perhaps I can propose an additional condition to Mrs. Fletcher. I want to become the future matriarch ofthe Fletcher family. Raiden... Raiden...

Yolanda had set her sights on that man. Raiden walked through the corridor and entered the tearoom.

When Tamara saw Raiden come over, she asked with a smile, “You've been spending quite a lot oftime at home lately. I have something to discuss with you. Yolanda, the daughter of the famoushypnotist Josiah Gibson, and the senior of the top hypnotist, Ethereal, should be qualified to treat yourfather's illness, am I right?”

Raiden answered faintly, “I've invited Bailey to Dellmoor to treat him. She's the Anonymous DivineHealer.”

“No way!” Tamara exploded upon hearing Bailey's name.

“Anyone but her! Why should I entrust my husband's life to her? Hasn't she harmed my daughterenough already?”

Raiden nodded and replied, “I came over just to inform you, not to seek your opinion.”


Tamara pointed at Raiden angrily and exclaimed, “I disagree. Don't you even think about letting thattroublemaker set foot in the Fletcher residence!”

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