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Chapter 650

In truth, they were worried over nothing.

Zeke already has a fiancée, and she's currently pregnant with his child. Their family will be perfect andcomplete, and they will live blissfully ever after, just like any other happy family. Where else can I goafter leaving the Hoffman family? Return to Hallsbay to destroy Zeke's marriage? I can't possibly dothat. Aside from the fact that Zeke is the love of my life and that I don't want to put him in a tight spot,getting Master involved in this is the last thing I want.

Since Juliana was truly indebted to Bailey, she could never repay the latter's kindness with enmity bywreaking havoc in the Shurmer family. This could put Bailey in a difficult position.

Therefore, she felt the arrangement was quite appropriate.

Juliana would prefer to have the child remain by her side, but what would happen to them in the future?

Should I keep this innocent child in prison with me for the rest of his life, taking his freedom away? No. Ican't be so selfish and ruin the child's life!

After remaining silent for a while, Juliana slowly looked up and said to Raymond, “All right, I agree withthe elders' plan. I will stay in the Hoffman residence for the rest of my life and never leave. I will remainin the dungeon for as long as I live without any complaints. However, I have a request, and I hope you'llagree to it considering we're father and daughter. I hope you will send my child out of the Hoffmanfamily and find him a family with a clean background. Please don't send him back to the Shurmerfamily. I don't want him to be called an illegitimate child by the public, and I don't want him to live hiswhole life in disgrace as well.”

The look in Raymond's eyes grew increasingly conflicted.

She seems to be in a state of despair now.

As he pondered about it, however, realization soon dawned upon him, and he understood the reasonbehind her daughter's decision.

There was a rumor in Hallsbay that Zeke's fiancée was already pregnant and they were about to getmarried.

As such, returning to Hallsbay wouldn't benefit Juliana in any way.

Just like what she had said, her child would be shamed by the public as an illegitimate child if he wassent back to the Shurmer family.

No mother would want their child to be called names and be insulted by the public.

Inevitably, this child has ended up on a path of no return, and her fate is much worse than her ownsister's.

Although Wendy had gone through many tumultuous hardships, she and her son were finally reunitedwith Holden as a family.

Their future was looking bright, but what about Juliana's future?

In other words, would she even have a future?

“All right. I promise that I'll make proper arrangements for the child. Of course, if the Shurmer familyinsists on taking the child away, there's nothing I can do. Zeke is, after all, the biological father. He hasthe legal right to claim his own child back.”

Juliana merely smiled without saying anything further. However, she suddenly changed the topic. “Whatdo you want me to do? Just tell me. I should still be of use to you now, right?”

Raymond's expression darkened.

Although that was the truth, his heart still twinged with pain when he heard Juliana mention that in sucha direct manner.

“We hope that you will contact Bailey or Zeke and let them know that you will never leave the Hoffmanresidence and will live in captivity for the rest of your life. Tell them to leave us alone.”

Juliana couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Is this even necessary? Zeke's about to get married. He must be delighted to hear that I would neverreturn to Hallsbay so he could enjoy his married life in peace.

Nevertheless, Juliana had no choice but to comply with their request since that was what they asked.

Huntley is still alive, and I get to keep the baby. What else could I possibly hope for?

“Okay. Please give me a communication device so I can contact Master.”

Raymond took a black communication device out of his pocket and placed it on the stone table.

“This device can only be used for one-way communications, and it does not serve any other purpose.Furthermore, someone will secretly monitor your conversations, so be cautious when speaking. Watchwhat you say and avoid saying anything sensitive. If you say something you shouldn't, you'll probablyanger those old geezers. By then, neither you nor your unborn child will survive. Huntley will also beseverely punished for your mistake. I hope you will heed the advice I give you as you father.”

Upon finishing his words, Raymond turned around and left, and the room plunged into utter silence.

A bitter smile crept up on Juliana's pale face as she gazed at the device on the stone table. Havingchosen this path herself, she had no choice but to steel herself and brave it out no matter how difficult itcould get.

She would have to accept her fate with a smile, even if it meant that she would be imprisoned hereforever.

Meanwhile, at the medical base in Hallsbay, the infirmary was in a chaotic state.

Richard and Genevieve rushed to the medical base ten minutes ago after they were informed thatShirley had suffered a miscarriage. Both of them were devastated as they cornered Bailey and refusedto let her leave, demanding an explanation from her.

Genevieve grabbed Bailey's arm and yelled furiously, “How could you be so vicious? She's bearingyour brother's child! Even if you wanted to protect your disciple, you shouldn't have murdered Shirley'sunborn child so ruthlessly! I can't imagine why you would do such a thing to a poor, innocent child who

hasn't even gotten the chance to see the world yet. You're a heartless person who has no regard forhuman life! Aren't you afraid of karma?” novelbin

Felicity quickly ran over and smacked Genevieve's arm away before pulling Bailey behind to shield her.

“Why are you being so unreasonable, you shrew? The matter hasn't been clarified yet, so what givesyou the right to blame my daughter-in-law? You're bullying her because you know that she has no oneto defend her, right? I'm not going to allow that. She's the Luther family's daughter-in-law now. Whoeverwants to bully Bailey has to get past me first!”

Genevieve's fury died down immediately as she glared viciously at Felicity, not daring to say anything inretort.

She didn't have the guts to confront and argue with the matriarch of the most prominent family in thecity.

The Gourd family could not afford to offend the formidable Luther family.

Turning to look at Waverly, who remained silent throughout the confrontation, Genevieve sobbed, “Whyaren't you saying anything, Mrs. Shurmer? Shirley is pregnant with the Shurmer family's child! It's yourbiological grandson. Are you just going to sit around and watch the child die? Or do you care so muchabout your relationship with Bailey that you'd think it's fine to sacrifice Shirley's unborn child?”

Waverly's expression turned grim.

She had never expected Genevieve to have the audacity to chide her.

Does she not know what she has done?

“Mrs. Gourd, both our families are considered close acquaintances. At this point, there's no need to sayanything. Since the child is gone now, let's just call off the wedding. Take Shirley home with you. It'stime to let the past go and stop holding grudges against one another.”

That was Waverly compromising for the sake of the Gourd family. On account of the long-establishedfriendship between both families, she decided to show some mercy.

However, to Waverly's frustration, Genevieve refused to let the matter slide even though Waverly haddecided not to pursue the matter any further.

“No way. I'm not going to let this slide. Bailey's action is absolutely despicable. She will only becomeworse if we don't teach her a lesson!”

Waverly narrowed her eyes as she looked at Bailey, who was being shielded by Felicity, and then at thepushy Genevieve. She felt a wave of anger rising within her.

“Are you sure your daughter is pregnant with my son's child?”

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