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Chapter 622

Bailey hastily stretched out a hand and swiped the answer button.

The instant the call was connected, Veronique's voice drifted out of the phone.

“What are you doing, Bay?”

Bailey was taken aback, for the woman sounded pretty normal, not gravely ill as she had assumed tobe.

“Y-You're fine? No, that doesn't sound right! I mean, is something the matter that you called me?”Bailey asked.

Veronique chuckled softly. “You're too anxious. But that makes sense. You must be in a difficultsituation of late. You've got to take good care of yourself. Don't overtax yourself to the point that you fallill. I'm fine, so you don't need to worry about me. I called you to tell you that Justin is planning to bringme to Terrandya. I want to go and have a look at the endless grassland, Bay.”

At once, a pucker formed between Bailey's brows.

She was quiet for a moment before she sighed and replied, “Since he isn't stopping you from doing so,he probably has no objections to you going. I can also rest easy with him keeping you company. Goand enjoy yourself, then. After that, come back and continue receiving treatment. Don't give up easily. Ifyou die, it'll leave a scar on many people's hearts, one that can never heal.”

“Okay, okay, I know. You must take good care of yourself, too. I need to pack my luggage, so I'll behanging up first.”

“Okay. Take care.”

After ending the call, Bailey rubbed her sore eyes and said to Raiden, “Keep these corpses for now andask Artemis when he returns. He should be able to find out the last whereabouts of these suicideattackers.”

Arching a brow, Raiden drawled with a smirk, “You trust him this much? He has already launched ahunt for your life, yet you can still trust him without any reservations. Is he really that perfect in youreyes, Bailey?”

Bailey shot him a sidelong glance. Straightening her expression, she stated solemnly, “He's all I see,and he's my entire world. Bluntly put, I've integrated him into my blood and soul, making him a part ofmy life. Would you doubt yourself?”

That had Raiden at a loss for words.

He gave a slight bob of his head, his lips curving into a bitter arc.

That's true. Artemis is all she can see, and she even values him over her own life. Of course, shewould trust him completely. I knew that, so what was I expecting? Even if I can't get her love, I'll still beable to express my affection for her in this lifetime by quietly watching over her and protecting her sothat she can live peacefully in the arms of the man she loves, no?

In the master bedroom of the Gezmond residence, Victoria gradually regained consciousness.

When she opened her eyes, she was blinded by the light shining overhead and reflexively stretched outa hand to cover her eyes.

Out of the blue, a stabbing pain spread from her abdomen. On instinct, she reached out a hand andtouched her stomach.

Pregnant for more than four months previously, she already had a baby bump. While her belly was nothuge, it showed visibly.

Right then, however, she sensed something amiss.

She instinctively looked down, only to see that her belly was as flat as ever.

If my belly is already flat, does that mean that my baby is gone?

She struggled to sit up, but a hand suddenly pressed down on her shoulder, forcing her to lie backdown.

“Stay still. Wait until your body has gotten enough rest before getting up. Otherwise, you'll hurt youruterus.”

She jerked her head over and spotted Bailey standing by the bed. Grabbing the latter's arm, shequestioned urgently, “Where's my baby, Bay?”

Bailey closed her eyes and replied slowly, “You're still young now, so you can still have kids in thefuture. With you and Lionel hating each other at present, this isn't the right time for this child to be born,either.”

A forlorn smile bloomed on Victoria's face.

She stroked her stomach with her long and slender fingers a few times before saying in a hoarse voice,“You're right. With us hating each other, this isn't the right time for this child to be born. But I couldalready sense her movement. Although it was slight, and one might mistake it for a hallucination, I feltthat it must be her moving.”

Bailey fell silent for a brief moment. Subsequently, she tried consoling Victoria. “Perhaps she didn'treally want to be your daughter. While she had gone back to heaven midway to continue being anangel, you're still young, Vicky. Life has to go on.”

At that, Victoria flashed her a forced smile and said, “I know. You don't need to worry that I'll take myown life. I hadn't done so even after what happened back then, and I won't do so now.”

“Then, what—”

Victoria could seemingly guess what Bailey wanted to say. Before the latter could give voice to thequestion, she interjected, “I don't want to talk about him right now. Upon hearing the truth about mymother's death and learning that the suffering I experienced back then was undeserved, I can't helpfeeling resentful inwardly. You don't need to counsel me, Bay. When it comes to such a matter, I've gotto figure it out myself.”

In response, Bailey chuckled.

After having experienced so much, she indeed won't try to take her own life anymore. I'm being tooanxious. By now, her sharp edges had already been smoothened by the pain and suffering bestowed

by fate. When she gets back to her feet in the future, she'll definitely be facing life with a brand newattitude. I can seemingly see her majesty following her transformation. It'll certainly be a magnificentsight!

“All right. I won't do so, then. Just say the word if you need my help in anything,” she uttered in the end.

“Okay,” Victoria replied.

Thousands of miles high in the sky, a few private jets soared amidst the clouds.

In the cabin of the most luxurious and majestic jet in the middle, Artemis leaned against the windowand gazed at the clouds outside.

Suddenly, the cabin door was pushed open, and Holden walked in from outside. “We'll be arriving inHallsbay in a few hours. What should we do next?” he inquired as he walked into the cabin.

Toying with the emerald ring on his thumb, Artemis answered placidly, “Mr. Doyle and the others arealready under our control, so they won't be able to make any trouble. All that is left presently is theculprit stirring up trouble behind the scenes. So long as we ferret them out and eliminate the hiddendanger, we'll attain our goal.”

“That's true. Yvette will likely contact the culprit because she won't be able to rest easy as long asBailey remains alive. When we arrive back in Hallsbay, she'll definitely join hands with that person tofinish Bailey off. Once they make their move, we'll know who the other person is.”

Artemis merely quirked a brow, displaying a noncommittal response.

“Oh yes, I heard the names of a few people from Yvette's conversation with her personal bodyguardswhile I drew near to her these past few days. Go and investigate them. You might be able to find somewitnesses or evidence to prove that your sister didn't betray the organization back then by leakingconfidential information. Instead, it was Yvette who framed her.”

Afterward, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Holden.

Holden took it carefully, very much emotional.

That time around, he had returned to the headquarters to protect Artemis, first and foremost. Secondly,it was to investigate the matter of Shannon leaking the organization's confidential information back thenand seek justice for her.

“Thank you,” Holden said.novelbin

“You're welcome. When we arrive in Hallsbay, investigate where Mr. Doyle and the others imprisonedMicah and the rest. Then, make preparations to save them. Be on standby at all times. As soon as Isnuff out Mr. Doyle's influence, lead some men over and rescue them,” Artemis ordered.


In the study of the Gezmond residence, Lionel was speaking on the phone.

It was a call from Victor.

“You promised to transfer me the shares, Lionel. You can't go back on your word!” Victor growled.

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