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Chapter 609

Meanwhile, Salem had made his way to the Saunders residence after receiving instructions from Victorto help him get the land deed.

Even though Lionel had placed the mansion under Victor's name, the land deed had always been keptin the shrine of the mansion.

Previously, as Victor had enough money to squander, he did not think of selling the residence.

Now that he had squandered all the money and shares away, he lost his source of income and couldno longer enjoy the luxurious lifestyle he used to live. Eventually, the desire to sell the house surgedwithin him.

Nevertheless, he dared not turn up at the Saunders residence, nor did he have the guts to sneak intothe shrine full of ancestral tablets to steal the land deed.

After all, he was traumatized after Bailey tried to intimidate him the other time by telling him thatVincent's soul would haunt him for being an unfilial son.

Since the Saunders family was now in ramshackle because of him and all that they had left was themansion, Victor reckoned that the ancestors of the Saunders family would haunt him if he were to stealthe deed personally.

Under immense fear, he could only send Salem to retrieve the land deed for him.

After all, he was Ulrich's son, and roaming around the Saunders residence would not get him intotrouble. Of course, that also meant he could steal the land deed without much difficulty.

When Salem avoided the housekeepers to get to the shrine, he saw clouds of smoke rising from inside.

He supposed someone was inside burning incense, thus decided to step away for a bit and return later. novelbin

However, just as he turned to leave, he heard muttering coming from inside.

He found the voice familiar and soon realized it belonged to his father, who seemed to be narratingsomething.

An odd look appeared on his face, and out of pure curiosity, he inched closer to listen.

He continued to listen to the narration for a few minutes, and before long, a hint of astonishmentflashed across his eyes.

Oh, dear. What did I hear? So, Mrs. Saunders didn't actually meet an accident but got killed by Lionel'sfather? He created what seemed like an accident to kill her because she found dirt on him. Oh, gosh...How is that possible?

While bewilderment inundated Salem, Ulrich's cries sounded from the shrine again. This time, it wasmuch louder, as he did not deliberately suppress his emotions.

“Mr. Saunders, Mrs. Saunders, I beg you. Please ensure Ms. Victoria is safe and sound. The baby inher belly was affected by her mood swings after Mr. Victor made her angry. She was in the emergencyroom for several hours before her baby got saved. She can't possibly endure another ordeal. Also,please let the incident back then remain a secret forever. Mr. Victor and Ms. Victoria mustn't know

about it. Otherwise, there'll be nothing but trouble. If Mr. Victor learns about it, he'll use that to threatenMr. Lionel and cause chaos for the Gezmond family. And it'll be even worse if Ms. Victoria learns aboutit. She'll hate Mr. Lionel to the core and break off all ties with him.”

Salem quietly retreated. He gave up on stealing the land deed, as he had learned a shocking secret.

It was a secret that could help Victor snatch back the shares and Saunders Group's authority fromLionel.

Meanwhile, when Bailey and Zeke arrived at the mansion in the suburbs, it was already empty.

A group of bodyguards combed through the place but made no discovery.

Andy approached Bailey and reported with his head slightly inclined, “Mrs. Luther, there's no one inthere. Neither is there any trace that a fight took place. They most likely retreated, but it's also possiblethey were taken away without the chance to retaliate.”

Turning to Zeke, Bailey asked, “What do you think?”

Upon a quick scan of the surroundings, Zeke casually replied, “They probably got sabotaged.”

Bailey nodded in agreement. “I thought so too. If they indeed retreated, Shannon wouldn't break off allcontact with me. Right now, I can't even reach her through special channels. That's enough to provethat she has been controlled.”

If that's the case, Artemis is in a dangerous situation. How do I save him?

There was almost no need to question why Bailey trusted Artemis that much. She firmly believed thateven if the entire world betrayed her, Artemis would never do so.

She was clear about his love for her. Essentially, she doubted that a man who was willing to die for herwould bring himself to hurt her.

That was why she was sure that the kill order was issued by someone else and had nothing to do withArtemis.

“What do we do now?” Zeke asked in a deep voice.

Bailey stood transfixed and remained silent for a couple of minutes before she turned to Zayron andsaid, “First, deploy all forces of the Saviors in Hallsbay and combed the entire city for Micah's andShannon's whereabouts. Second, run a thorough investigation and find out who the culprit is for issuingthe kill order even if that means deploying the spies we planted in Tarragon's headquarters. We have tofind out about your father's situation.”

Zayron bobbed his head. “Got it. I'll head to the Saviors' division and do as you instructed.”

“Okay. Be careful.”

After watching Zayron leave with a few bodyguards, Zeke furrowed his brows. “He's still too young. Youshouldn't let him get in touch with bloodbath and chaos right now.”

Feeling tired, Bailey dropped to her knees and replied hoarsely, “No matter if it's Tarragon or theSaviors, it'll be handed to him in the future. Max isn't cut out for such things and can only inherit Luther

Group. Zayron will have to handle the secret forces, so it's ideal for him to deal with such affairs now.”

Zeke decided to stop advising her. He bent down to carry her up from the ground and walked towardthe car.

Instinctively, Bailey wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against his shoulder. “Zeke, oncethe matters in Hallsbay have been settled, let's visit the Hoffmans and get your woman and son back,shall we?”

At the mention of Juliana, Zeke's face darkened drastically.

That woman sure is bold, isn't she? If I hadn't been busy and tied up with matters, I would've gone tothe Hoffmans and forced her to give the child to... No, I can't lose my cool. I'll lose my rationality if I getmad. I have to remain calm now so that I can protect Bailey and her kids.

“I didn't say I'll let her keep the child.”

Bailey chuckled. I'm pretty sure Zeke feels something for Julie.

Nonetheless, she felt a mild headache at the thought of the complicated relationship.

Wait, don't tell me my disciple will really become my sister-in-law?

“Well, I'm not against you pursuing her, but don't expect me to greet her politely when she becomesyour wife.”

Zeke was rendered speechless by that.

On the other side, Victor was waiting eagerly in his hotel room for Salem to bring him the land deed sothat he could head to the auction house to exchange it for money.

Unfortunately, Salem returned empty-handed.

“Where's the land deed? Didn't I ask you to go and get me the land deed? Where is it?”

Salem picked up a bottle of mineral water from the table and gulped down a few mouthfuls. Following aheavy panting, he briefly shared what he heard at the shrine with Victor.

“Mr. Victor, this is a great bargaining chip. Use this to threaten Lionel, and not just Saunders Group'sshares, but he'll have to give up and hand it over to you even if it's LG Corporation.”

Lionel was momentarily stumped. But upon snapping back to his sense, he began cackling maniacally.

“Hahaha! Even Lady Luck is on my side!”

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