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Chapter 517

Zayron snorted twice to that.

“The sky will rain when it wants to, and Aunt Caridee will marry if she wants to. Can you control that?”

Infuriated, Bailey took off her slippers and was about to throw them in her son's direction when thedoorbell rang, rescuing Zayron.

With that, she shot Zayron a vicious glare and gritted out, “Your father will deal with you later. Go getthe door.”

Words eluded Zayron when he heard that.

She's thinking of beating me up, and now she's treating me as a slave? How shameless can thiswoman be?

As soon as the door opened, in came Sebastian from outside.

Zayron stomped his foot. “What the h*ll? Where did this stray dog come from?”

Sebastian was speechless to be called a stray dog.

Wendy reached out to pat Zayron on the head, asking, “Is your Mommy home?”

“She's not. She's out messing around with her man. You—”

Smack! Before he could even finish his sentence, his mother's slipper ended up landing on the back of

his head.

The pain caused him to shut up right away.

Bailey came over and pulled her son to the side. Arching her brows, she looked at Wendy and smiled.“I never thought you'd be visiting me one day.”

Wendy couldn't help but smile when she recalled how they used to butt heads in the past.

“Yeah. I thought we'll remain enemies for our entire life. I never thought we'll now be friends who wouldhelp each other in need.”

“Well, come in. Zayron, bring Sebastian to your room and hang out.”

Zayron wordlessly and reluctantly did as told.

The two ladies took a seat on the couch before Wendy said, “I think you know why I came, so I won'tbeat around the bush. It's about Huntley. I found out about something, and this young man is, indeed,not as simple as he seems. He has taken control over half of the Hoffman family's power in mere threeto four years.”

Bailey was shocked to hear that as she looked at Wendy, astounded. “Half of the Hoffman family'spower? What background does he have? How is he capable enough to control that much power rightunder your father's nose?”

Wendy shook her head and said solemnly, “He's our relative from a prestigious family, and he's higher

in terms of seniority. Mr. Raymond noticed his potential and took him in since he was still young. Healso acknowledged Huntley as his godson when his own son passed away.”

“So, you're saying that he's been living among the Hoffman family for years and knew everything thereis to know internally?”

Wendy pursed her lips as a glint of worry flashed across her eyes. “That's right. He knows the way thefamily operated like the back of his hand. As for Julie, she had just returned to the family. She has nofoundation and no connections, so how could she possibly be Huntley's match? Bailey, do you haveany ways or ideas to help my sister with this?”

Bailey knitted her brows and thought for a while before sighing. “I don't even know what Julie is thinkinglately. She didn't even call me to seek my help, so that means she has formulated a plan. Let's just waita while longer and see how things play out. There will be turbulence in the Hoffman family if we takeaction now, and this could jeopardize the entire family.”

After that, the room went silent. novelbin

In the study of the Gezmond residence, Lionel was leaning against the window as he picked up a call.

“Surrender yourself to the police and shoulder the blame. Just say that you were the one who incitedVictor to manipulate the stock market and sell the stocks illegally. Got it?”

“Don't worry, Mr. Gezmond. I'll confess to the crime according to your wishes.”

Lionel let out a soft sigh as exasperation and exhaustion overwhelmed him. “Are you okay with

shouldering the blame?”

“I'm the one who framed Mr. Victor in the first place, so it's only right that I take the blame now. You'vesaved my family, Mr. Gezmond, and you even arranged everything for my family. I'll only be sentencedto a few years in prison at most. It'll be over soon, anyway.”

“Okay. Don't worry. I'll take good care of your family. You'll only be sentenced to five yearsimprisonment at most, and the least will be three years. I'll try my best to help you with this and lightenyour sentence.”

“Thank you, Mr. Gezmond.”

The next day, someone dropped by the Hallsbay Police Department to confess to the crime and turnhimself in.

The man stated that Victor from the Saunders family was framed, and that he was the real mastermindbehind the stock market manipulation case. He also asked to be severely punished.

The citizens of Hallsbay were stunned when word got out.

Vincent's burial was just over, and news about Victor being framed and imprisoned for nothing wasimmediately revealed. Such a dramatic turn of events was a pretty hilarious story to hear.

In the study at the Saunders residence, Victoria looked at Victor, who was leaning against the desk,and said in a calm voice, “Lionel has helped exonerate you, so you better watch your behavior fromnow on.”

Victor scoffed and couldn't help but say in a mocking tone, “He was the one who set that trap to frameme, and now I'm the one who owes him? How ridiculous. What a scheme Lionel pulled to have theSaunders family in the palm of his hand. He better pray that I won't have any dirt on him, or I'll makesure to ruin his family as well as his reputation.”

Victoria looked at him in despair and spoke in a painful tone. “You want to ruin his family? Victor, you'renot cursing him, you're cursing me. I'm his wife, and I'm bearing his child. Are you saying that you hopeto ruin my life?”

Victor snorted when he heard that. “You only have yourself to blame for marrying him. Are there noother men in this world who meet your standards? Do you really have to trample on your pride to bewith him? Someone as shameless as you don't deserve to be part of the Saunders family. From thisday onward, you are not allowed to set foot into the Saunders residence. Now, leave.”

Victoria staggered backward as she looked at Victor in disbelief, unable to accept what Victor, her ownbrother, had just said. She couldn't believe that her own brother would humiliate her with such harshwords.

“You... How could you say something like that? I'm your sister! Your biological sister! We share thesame parents!”

Victor sneered. “Since you had the guts to do what you did, why wouldn't I have the guts to say what Isaid? What's wrong? Do you still think you're chaste? Too bad. You're still carrying that b*stard's childin your belly.”

Victoria slumped on the couch and looked at her brother in a complete daze. The light in her eyesfaded as if her soul had left her body.

She was utterly disappointed in her brother.

“Fine. I'll leave. I'll leave the Saunders family. From now on, we're no longer siblings.”

“Good. From now on, whether you live or die is none of my business, so don't even think of gettinganything from the Saunders family.”

At the Shelbert Condominium, the doorbell rang.

Bailey opened the door, and before she could even see who was outside, a figure loomed over her andalmost crashed into her.

She reflexively extended her arms to support the person. It was only after she lowered her gaze thatshe found out who it was.

“Vicky, what's wrong with you?”

“Bay, I'm homeless now.”

As soon as she finished her sentence, Victoria's eyes rolled back, and she passed out.


In the infirmary at Holden's residence, Shannon stood by the bed and narrowed her eyes, looking atthe man on the bed.

“Call your subordinates and tell them to come and pick you up.”

Micah looked up at the ceiling. After a momentary silence, he said in a hoarse voice, “Don't worry aboutme. Just let me die.”

Shannon tried tamping down her anger but to no avail. She sprang forward, grabbed his collar, andbellowed, “Are you even a man, Micah Neyman? Are you intending to go back on your word? You saidyou'll avenge Eugene! Have you done so?”

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