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Chapter 502

A half-smile nudged Bailey's lips.

She picked up her glass of fruit juice from the table and sipped on it slowly. “I didn't want you to learnthe truth. Zoey has kept you company for years, so she should at least be given credit for her effort. Ishouldn't be selfish by taking away her identity.”

“Bay!” Zeke's expression turned dark as he chided, “Don't think that way. It wasn't your fault. It wasSophia's fault for switching you at birth. She's a despicable woman! You were born with a silver spoonin your mouth but instead became a diamond in the rough. Despite the difficulties you've faced, youremain steadfast and proud. I have faith that you will lead a joyful and content life as you had overcomethose obstacles.”

Bailey turned over her shoulder to meet his gaze. Chuckling, she said, “I'm satisfied enough to haveArtemis with me. Don't purposely make any changes just for me. Zoey has been a Shurmer for morethan twenty years, and she didn't do anything evil. You should be understanding to her.”

Zeke sat up straight and said solemnly, “Bay, you can coexist with her. She's the adopted daughter,while you're the biological daughter of the Shurmer family. You both can be the Shurmer family's—”

Bailey cut him off with a wave. “I changed the data earlier so I wouldn't have to return to the Shurmerfamily. I don't want Zoey to think I'm snatching her identity away from her. Zeke, can you keep this asecret from your parents? Returning to the Shurmer family doesn't matter to me. Being recognized as aShurmer is just the icing on the cake for me.”

Zeke protested, “But you need the identity now. Everyone's calling you an illegitimate child as you don'tknow who your father is. People are criticizing, mocking, and hurling insults at you. As your brother,

how can I watch and do nothing as the haters tear you down?”

Bailey chuckled and shook her head. “It's okay. I've grown accustomed to it, so don't let it weigh onyou. They're criticizing me out of jealousy and hatred as I have multiple big-shot identities. Don't forgetthat I've even captured the heart of their Prince Charming.”

Amused, Zeke burst out laughing at her words. As she was insistent, he gave up on persuading her.

There will be another chance in the future for me to persuade her to return to the family.

“Forget it. I'll respect your decision. You're smart, and I'm glad you think that way. We've got plenty oftime ahead of us, so I'll find a way to make it up to you.”

Bailey's smile widened.

Artemis aside, this was the first time she had ever broken into such a heartfelt bright smile in front ofsomeone of the opposite sex.

Zeke couldn't help but tease, “Don't you act coy to me. If Artemis finds out, he'll skin me alive.”

Bailey shot him a glare. “He won't dare to do that. After all, he'll have to gain your approval to marryme.”novelbin

Hearing that, Zeke burst into laughter.

Bay's right. Artemis has to receive my approval before he could marry her.

“By the way, Zayron was the one responsible for starting the fire at your and Shirley's engagementparty. I've already punished him for doing that.”

Hearing that, Zeke put a hand to his forehead in exasperation. “Well, well. He's nothing but atroublemaker. I guess I should be grateful to him for what he did, though. The truth is, I never had anyromantic feelings toward Shirley. I was forced to have sex with her that night.”

Forced to have sex with her?

Bailey cast him a dubious look and asked, “Since you don't love her romantically, why did you have sexwith her?”

“I was drugged and ended up in bed with her without realizing it. When I woke up, we already had sex,”he revealed.

Drugged? They ended up in bed without him realizing it?

Something seemed off to Bailey, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

“Ah, that explains why you suddenly agreed to get engaged to Shirley. Zayron was just pulling a prank,so don't take it to heart. He's just being his mischievous self. You know how he likes causing chaos andbeing a troublemaker.”

“It's fine. He actually did me a favor by pulling that prank. I didn't want to get engaged to Shirley. Nowthat the engagement party is called off, I can put it on hold.”

Beep, beep!

Right then, Zeke's phone beeped. Artemis had sent him a text.

Artemis: I'll meet you outside in the hallway. I have something important to discuss with you.

“Bay, I need to go to the restroom,” Zeke said.

Back in the study at the Saunders residence, Lionel was busy organizing some files.

The door was pushed open, and in came Victoria.

She glanced at the pile of files on the desk as her gaze turned dark.

“Are you sure you're going to transfer all the Saunders family's shares to Victor? He's not abusinessman, and he'll likely burn through all of the assets in a matter of months once he gets hishands on them.”

Lionel signed the last document before lifting his head to look at Victoria, explaining gently, “Thesebelong to the Saunders family, and Victor is the legal heir. He deserves the assets. Whether or not hecan keep them isn't my business. What's crucial at this moment is to get him to agree to fulfill his filialduty and attend Dad's burial.”

Victoria walked over to the couch and sat down. Flashing a bitter smile, she said, “I can't believe wehad to use the shares to persuade him to attend Dad's funeral. Do you think Dad will rest in peace if hefound out about this?”

“Don't worry.” Lionel came over and gave her a comforting hug. “Your father, despite knowing he wasclose to his passing, did not request to see Victor. This showed that he had come to terms with things.He was solely concerned about your happiness. As long as you're content, he'll be able to rest in peaceand be reunited with your mother.”

He retrieved the files from the desk and gave them to Victoria. “I've transferred all assets and shares toVictor. You won't get anything. Is that okay with you?”

Victoria nodded. “He can have them all. As long as he doesn't engage in excessive spending orgambling, the wealth will be enough to sustain him for the rest of his life. I've done all I can. If heremains unrepentant, I'll sever my ties with him.”

With that, she pulled her phone out and called the landline in the living room on the ground floor.

“Tell Mr. Victor to come to the study. I need to talk to him.”

“Yes, Ms. Victoria.”

A while later, the door of the study was pushed open. Victor, clad in a black outfit, strode in.

“Did you summon me to complete the transfer procedure?”

Tears brimmed in Victoria's eyes as she choked out, “Victor, is money that important to you? Is it moreimportant than our familial bond?”

Hearing that, Victor sneered, “Of course money is more important than you. Familial bond, huh? Don'tbe so naive. You talk about familial bonds, but where were you when I was sentenced to prison? You

didn't do anything to stop me from entering prison, and now you're all about familial bond. What a joke.”

Victoria gazed at him, her heart aching with unbearable pain. Tears spilled from her eyes, cascadingdown her cheeks in rivulets.

Victor merely snorted icily and turned to look at Lionel. “Where is the property transfer agreement?”

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