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Chapter 456

Holden glanced at Wendy silently.

He was not good at explaining himself. Moreover, there was no need for him to explain anything.

What does she mean by a new lover? Shannon is my biological sister.

Taking in his silence and the indifferent look on his charming face, the woman's expression turnedchilly, and her eyes reddened. “Holden, you jerk! Sebastian is still in Raymond's hands. Your son iscarrying your burdens because you offended them back then! How can you ignore your own son'splight and flirt with a woman so leisurely?” she choked out.

After saying that, Wendy wiped the tears from her eyes and bolted out of the door.

Shannon, who had just woken up, was about to greet Wendy, but before she could say anything, thelatter was already gone.

Thus, Shannon turned to her brother and said anxiously, “Holden, you should go after Wendy andexplain the situation to her. She truly loves you! Otherwise, she would not have turned her back on herfamily and given up on her inheritance. It's extremely difficult to find someone who cherishes youwholeheartedly in this day and age. You should treasure her more.”

Holden furrowed his brows in response. He had never appeased a woman before, let alone a womanwho had given birth to his child.

It was awkward enough for him to see her, much less try to console her with gentle and soothingwords. The mere thought of doing so made his scalp tingle.


Shannon struggled to sit up, but she was immediately pushed back down by Holden. “Just lie still anddon't move around.”

“Then hurry and explain the situation to her. Otherwise, I'll get off the bed and go myself!” novelbin

Inside the second bedroom, Wendy sat at the edge of the bed while wiping her tears.

Standing at the door, Holden hesitated for a brief second before explaining, “She's my sister. My realsister.”

Wendy lifted her head and looked at him with tears still clinging to the corners of her eyes, lookingextremely pitiful.

Unconsciously, Holden took a few steps forward and slowly walked to the side of the bed. He thenreached out to wipe away a teardrop at the corner of her eye.

Wendy stared at him blankly, enjoying the brief moment of tenderness he was showing her.

“Don't worry about Sebastian, for I will surely rescue him. So, please stop saying such things toprovoke me. It's extremely hurtful.”

With that, Holden turned to leave the room.

Pursing her lips into a thin line, Wendy asked through clenched teeth. “The famous doctor, Anonymous,should be able to cure your amnesia. Holden, do you wish to regain your lost memories?”

Holden halted in his steps, but still, he did not turn around. He stood rooted to the spot for a longmoment before letting a single word escape through the gaps between his teeth. “No.”

“What are you afraid of? Are you afraid to find out that you were the one who betrayed me after youregain your memories? Holden, are you such an irresponsible person? Once, I abandoned my familyfor your sake without hesitation. Now, it's your turn to face the truth from your past. Are you just goingto ignore it?”

Holden exited the room without responding.

Livid, Wendy grabbed a pillow and angrily hurled it in the direction Holden had vanished in. “Idioticjerk!”

I would have left ages ago if I didn't need his help to rescue Sebastian.

Meanwhile, the hype about Vespera's appearance in Hallsbay continued to spread like wildfire.

Initially, only a small group of people worshipped Vespera, but the number of supporters soonincreased at a rapid pace. Thus, Lina was able to secure a foothold for herself in the city.

Meanwhile, in the CEO's office at Luther Group's headquarters, Bailey placed the documents in herhands on the desk and said with a smile, “I don't think you can avoid donating the funds, because if yourefuse to donate, they're just going to assume that I'm the one pulling the strings due to my dislike ofVespera. Obviously, the public thinks I would be reluctant to let the antique appraising ceremony be a

lavish event, let alone allow Vespera to stand in the limelight, thereby replacing my position inHallsbay.”

Sweeping his gaze over the newspapers, Artemis could not hold back a laugh. “Then, they aremistaken. Not only am I going to donate the money, but I'm also going to make sure the ceremony forthe receiving of the cultural relics is extremely grand. I will ensure that Vespera steals the show, makingeveryone worship her.”

“Pfft!” Bailey could not hold back her laughter. Artemis is up to his tricks again. I have a feelingsomeone is going to suffer.

Reaching out for the internal phone, Artemis called the chief secretary.

“Mr. Luther, how may I help you?”

“Contact the finance department and request they donate five billion to the Cultural Relics Bureau.Also, get the public relations department to contact everyone notable in Hallsbay. They are to dropeverything and attend the event held by Cultural Relics Bureau the day the relics arrive in Hallsbay. Tellthem that if they are absent, they will receive an invitation to Luther Group. We will then chat aboutpossible mergers and acquisitions over some coffee.”

“Yes, Mr. Luther.”

Bailey raised an eyebrow. Ratemis appears to be quite dashing today.

“And here I thought I was the merciless one. I didn't expect you to outdo me. Aren't you afraid you'dsend someone right to their grave under that immense pressure?”

Rubbing his chin, Artemis replied languidly, “The rumors about your unknown father and that you're anillegitimate child were spread at that woman's behest. She's obviously trying to crush you and besmirchyour name in order to take over your position in the hearts of the people in Hallsbay. She hit a nervethere, so I'm already showing her mercy for not having her killed outright.”

Bailey could not help but chuckle.

Oh, Lina. Why couldn't you have just stayed put? Why did you leap out of the pan and into the fire? Ialready let you have Vespera's identity, but still, you were not content and tried to use said identity topressure me. Hmph, I think you've overstepped your bounds. You deserve whatever Artemis has inmind for you.

“Artemis, I'll become addicted to you if you spoil me so much.”

“That's fine, I'll just have to—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Bailey's expression changed drastically as she bent over.

Shocked, Artemis hurried to the other side of the desk and held her. “What's wrong? Does yourstomach hurt?” he asked anxiously.

In the blink of an eye, Bailey's forehead was covered in sweat, and her face had turned as pale as asheet.

She clung tightly to Artemis' arm and murmured in a trembling voice, “I had my meal at the office today.Someone must have done something to my food or drink because this is a sign of a miscarriage.”

Upon hearing that, Artemis' expression instantly changed. Bending over, he attempted to lift Bailey intohis arms.

Bailey shouted frantically, “Don't move me! I can't be moved at this moment, or I'll immediately have amiscarriage. Pour a glass of warm water and bring it to me.”

Sweating all over in a state of panic, Artemis helped her lean against the desk before rushing over tothe water dispenser with his cup.

Bailey reached into her pocket and fished around for a moment before finding a porcelain bottle. Eversince she decided to keep the child, she was cautious enough to keep the anti-abortifacient with her atall times just in case she needed it.

Who would have thought it would come in handy now?

After mixing the pill with some warm water, she swallowed it.

The next second, a searing pain coursed through her abdominal cavity.

She had taken a wonder drug that would cause a certain degree of harm to the mother's body. Afraidthat Artemis would stop her from taking it, she had not informed him in advance.

However, even if she did not tell him, that did not mean Artemis was unaware of what she had done.

“What did you just take?” asked Artemis through gritted teeth.

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