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Chapter 377

These few pictures presented the complete state of that car accident years ago before him.

Micah stared at the last picture with wide eyes as fury boiled in him.

In the picture, the mother was crying while sitting in a pool of blood. The child in her embrace was allbloody, and blood kept gushing out from the back of his head. It was a ghastly sight.

The woman in the picture was familiar to him. It was Shannon.

Though the face of the child is covered in blood and blurry, he must be her son since she is hugginghim. Who is the father of her child?

He dared not face the truth, as he had a feeling that the instant the truth was revealed, all the bloodand tears Shannon had shed would become a lifelong hatred toward him.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, and lightning flashed in the sky.

Soon, rain fell, mixed with claps of thunder.

A bodyguard hurried over with an umbrella from a distance and was about to raise it over Micah's headto shelter him from the rain when Micah punched the bodyguard. “Get lost!” Micah growled.

Shocked by the murderous look on Micah's face, the bodyguard immediately retreated and dared notcontinue bothering him.

As the rain poured, Micah slowly raised his head and let the raindrops splatter against his face. The

force of the raindrops was too weak for him to feel pain, yet, his heart felt like it was being torn topieces.

He still could not understand the entirety of the situation and kept telling himself everything waspurposely made up by Shannon.

Yet, the look of deep hatred on her face continuously reminded him that he might have really made aninexcusable mistake.

He wanted to run over and question her, but he was afraid of facing her, afraid that if everything wastrue, questioning her would once again tear away the scab that had formed on her wound.

“Ahh!” Micah roared as thunder rumbled above.

His bellow was so deafening that it seemed to shatter the skies. novelbin

Shannon did not go up the stairs when she reached the stairwell. Hearing Micah's roar from outside,she slowly slid down against the wall and slumped onto the ground.

He feels pain too? Since he is also hurting, why did he want to kill my son? Eugene was innocent.Perhaps that woman felt that Eugene's existence was a nuisance, but he had no reason to kill his ownson because of that woman. I never wished to ruin their arranged marriage. I just wanted to live withmy son and then grow old by myself in a city. It was him... No—it was them who forced me to becomethis hateful. If they don't die, how can my child be at peace?

Meanwhile, Bailey was leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window while picking up a call in a private


It was from Victoria to tell Bailey about her pregnancy.

“Vicky, do you really plan on keeping the baby?”

Bailey was not supportive of Victoria keeping the baby as the latter's situation was different from hersseven years ago.

The reason Bailey gave birth seven years ago without getting married was that she did not have roomfor love in her heart. Even if she gave birth, her children wouldn't affect her future marriage or her lovefor any man.

However, Victoria was different.

She loved Lionel deeply. If she kept the child, she would be trapped for her whole life by the child.

As her friend, Bailey did not want Victoria to spend the rest of her life with a child. Victoria was stillyoung and deserved to get married and find her own happiness.

“Bay, you know how deeply I love him. If I didn't get pregnant, I would try to forget him, but now that Iam, I won't get an abortion. I love him so much. If I can give birth to a child for him, then my love forhim will be complete.”

After pausing for a moment, Bailey asked tentatively, “What about Dwayne? How will you face him? Ican tell that he treats you wholeheartedly. If you ever have to be married in the future, he will be a goodchoice.”

Victoria could not help but smile bitterly. “I can't give him an untouched body, and my love for him isincomplete too. Bay, I can't be so selfish. I can't trap him and accept his love guiltlessly.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“I'll find a chance to leave secretly. I don't want him to waste any more time on me. It's better to let himendure this temporary pain than drag it out and cause him more pain later on. I'll make him give up onme.”

Bailey made no reply.

“What are you thinking about?”

Artemis' voice beside her ear dragged Bailey back to reality. She lowered her eyes and noticed that thescreen of the phone in her hands had gone black at some point in time.

“Victoria called me just now and told me she's pregnant. She's preparing to leave secretly to makeDwayne give up on her. Artemis, I don't think I can be their matchmaker anymore, and your swornbrother is going to get his heart broken.”

Artemis hugged her from behind, wrapping her in his embrace. “Don't overthink this. We should leavethis to the heavens. Humans can't change fate. Dwayne will understand. You don't need to be worriedabout him,” he said warmly.

Bailey sighed. “Why are there so many people facing troubles in love? There's really nothing one cando when it comes to feelings.”

Chuckling, Artemis lifted her into his arms and walked toward the bed. “Those feelings can also makesomeone insatiable. I wish I could die in your arms.”

Bailey stretched out her hand to squeeze his handsome face. “Where did your image as a chaste andheartless CEO go? Artemis, you are becoming more self-indulgent and lacking self-control lately. Aren'tyou afraid of overworking your body?” she teased.

Artemis leaned in to whisper something in Bailey's ear that was so flirtatious that her face turned red.

“You scoundrel.”

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