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Chapter 316

Sounds of people toasting each other could be heard from the private room on the second floor of therestaurant.

Paul stood up from his seat and raised his wine glass in Rainie's direction. “Come, let us congratulateour new Best Actress for acquiring the role of the female lead in ‘Time Warp.’”

As soon as he rose to his feet, the others followed suit and raised their glasses at Rainie.

A little flabbergasted at herself being so well-received, Rainie followed up with her own toast ateveryone. “Thank you! I'm grateful for the help I received from my superiors and colleagues alike alongthe way. I will work harder to honor the company.”

“All right!”

“Great job!”

After a few cheers, the bustle in the room resumed.

“This meal is on the company! Eat all you can and have fun! Don't worry about the expenses.”

“Sure thing!”

As the focus of the night, Rainie was toasted by everyone present.

By the end of it, she could no longer take it and had her assistant drink in her stead.

“Ms. Yeanisky, Sophie is even more of a lightweight than you. Look at her. She's already drunk. Youshould carry on.”

The person who spoke to her was a stylist. As she walked up to Rainie, she handed one of the twoglasses of wine she held to the latter.

Rainie smiled in resignation before taking it and took a few swigs.

The stylist curled her lips into a smile and backed away silently. When she made sure no one waswatching, she took out her phone to send a text message.

I've drugged her. She should almost be at her limit and will head to the restroom soon. I'll leave the restto you.

In the room next door, Rose smiled sinisterly after reading the message.

She found her subordinate's number and made a phone call.

“Have you arranged for the presence of the man and the press?”

“Don't worry. We've made all the necessary arrangements. The moment Rainie steps out of the room,we'll render her unconscious and send her to the room on the third floor where four hooligans are onthe wait. The press should be on its way. After that, we'll lead them to the room on the third floor for alive broadcast while disguised as the restaurant crew.”

Rose smiled with contentment. “Well done. I'll be waiting for your good news.”

“Of course.”

She set her phone aside after the call ended and was about to celebrate the occasion with a few sips ofwine.

At that very moment, there was a knock on the door to the room.

“Who is it?”

She received no verbal reply as the person outside continued knocking.

Worried that the knocks might attract attention from next door, she got up and opened the sliding door.

Before she could even register who was outside, she heard someone snap their fingers, and herconsciousness gradually faded.

At the same time, Bailey arched her brows and nimbly squeezed her way into the room.

She had taken Rose under her control using hypnosis.

After she scanned the room's interior, her gaze landed on the wine glass on the table.

Haha. She is celebrating even before her scheme has succeeded. What a vicious woman. I'll teach hera thing or two about using such underhanded tactics despite not having the grit and skill to pull themoff.

Even if Bailey were to ignore the fact that Rainie's downfall would negatively impact the box office of“Time Warp,” given that Rainie would be among the cast, Bailey was intent on protecting the girl whohad secured the affection of Sylvester, who had, in turn, acknowledged her relationship with Artemis.

Thus, Rose just had the awful luck to be captured by her.

She strolled toward the table while retrieving a vial that she emptied into the glass of wine beforehanding it to Rose.

“Drink it.”

Still under the control of Bailey's hypnosis, Rose wasn't self-aware at all.

Therefore, she took the wine glass from Bailey and downed its contents in one fell swoop. novelbin

Bailey arched her brows and patted Rose's face smilingly. “Go enjoy the men you prepared. You'll haveone heck of a night.”


Her phone beeped in her pocket. When she took it out, she saw a message from Artemis.

I've gotten rid of all of her accomplices. You can bring her to the third floor now.

Bailey curled her lips into a smile before snapping her fingers by Rose's ear. “Follow me.”

They soon arrived at the third floor.

After Bailey led Rose, who was docile and unaware, out of the elevator, she saw Artemis leaningagainst the wall. “Where are the men she arranged to come? The drug she had has kicked into effect,whereas my hypnosis will slowly lose its grip on her. I can't afford any delays.”

Artemis tilted his chin in the direction of the room at the end of the corridor. “Over there.”

Bailey nodded. “Okay. I'll take her over there. Check on Rainie on the second floor. She's drugged, andI don't want her to get into more trouble after she has just gotten out of one.”

Artemis crossed his arms while leaning against the wall languidly. Arching his brows, he replied, “I'vealready called Sylvester and told him his woman got drugged. I bet he's going to rush here even if hehas to run dozens of red lights.”

Bailey didn't know what to say to that.

I have to say they make the perfect team.

Twenty minutes later, the five-star restaurant was surrounded by the press.

The security guards in the restaurant failed to block them out and could only watch helplessly as theyswarmed into the restaurant like flies.

Their target was clear, so they maneuvered the lobby and headed to the third floor.

Some of them even made a fuss while running.

“Go to the third floor! According to a reliable source, Rose, who was an Oscars Best Actress for threeconsecutive years, booked out the third floor of International Restaurant to enjoy a night with a fewmen!”

The announcement triggered an uproar among the stupefied guests in the lobby.

“Come on. Let's go check it out.”

“Yeah. The best actress' affair is definitely worth checking out.”

Within moments, the lobby was in an upheaval as everybody flocked toward the stairs with looks ofelation on their faces.

Meanwhile, the drug Rose ingested had kicked into effect.

She never was a conservative woman. Throughout the years, countless directors, producers, andinvestors were enamored with her, so she had considerable experience in that regard.

While under the effects of the drug, all she could think of was to quell her desires, so she couldn't evenspare a thought for herself.

The atmosphere in the room was high.

As soon as the press rammed the door open, they began shooting photos rapidly. Flashlights shonenon-stop as clicking sounds filled the place.

Perhaps because of the commotion, Rose managed to regain a sliver of her sanity.

Seeing the press that swarmed into the room, she shrieked and reached out with a panicked look topush the man pressed on top of her.

By then, her manager came hurrying in from outside.

Upon witnessing the scene, she collapsed onto the ground, her legs having given out as she mumbled,“We're done for. We're absolutely doomed this time. This fool just ruined our efforts over the past fiveyears.”

“Ahhhhh!” Rose let out a shrill, maniacal cry when the man on top of her wouldn't budge.

“Wow, this is so invigorating.”

“Yeah. Listen to her scream. It sounds almost seductive.”

“If this makes it to the news, it's going to be the most explosive one during this year. Rose, thesupposedly pure woman who was Best Actress for four consecutive Oscars, got... Ahem.”

The security guards from the restaurant finally managed to squeeze their way in after parting thecrowd.

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