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Chapter 272

Controlling the stock market would make Saunders Group's stock prices look as if they were risingsteadily.

It would then attract a large group of shareholders to purchase the company's shares. Once the capitalchain had ruptured, the stock market would implode.

Countless people would lose all their possessions once Saunders Group announced its bankruptcy. novelbin

Has Ms. Saunders gone mad? Mr. Victor was sentenced to imprisonment because he tried to controlthe stock market. Is she trying to walk the same path he took?

“No way! I can't just watch you violate the law. Ms. Saunders, let's just announce bankruptcy if thecompany can't hold on anymore. Don't control the stock market and sell the stocks for cash, all right?You'll end up going to jail!”

A bitter smile appeared on Victoria's face. That's the whole point. I want to go to jail. Since that manwants to get revenge, then I'll let him get his revenge properly. All of his suffering over the past fewyears will be accounted for once I'm sent to jail. I don't have the right to beg him to forgive theSaunders family. All I can do is satisfy his wishes—let Saunders Group go bankrupt and go to jail onbehalf of my father.

“Lucy, I have my reasons for doing this, but I'm afraid I can't tell you about it. Whether you understandmy intentions or not, please do what I've told you today. You're free to talk to the board if you want toexpose me. I'll just blame it on myself for trusting you.”

With reddened eyes, Lucy hugged Victoria and cried, “Ms. Saunders, you're doing this because of Mr.

Gezmond, aren't you? Why are you so foolish? Why would you send yourself to jail because of agrudge from the past?”

Victoria lay her head on Lucy's shoulder and said calmly, “You won't understand. You'll neverexperience the misery of watching the man you love standing before you with his wife. It hurts so bad.I'm in urgent need to vent it out, and I need to end this ill-fated relationship. When everything's over, I'llneed you to help me return all the money I've transferred out to the shareholders. Don't let them faceany losses. I-I just want to use them to help me get into jail.”

“Ms. Saunders, you—”

“That's enough. I've already made up my mind, so you can stop trying to persuade me otherwise.Please help me to clean up the mess once I'm in jail. I'm counting on you.”

In the meantime, Lionel was leaning against the window of the CEO's office in Fashionista. He wassilently studying the southeast of the bustling city.

Standing among the sea of skyscrapers was a building that belonged to Saunders Group.

Right then, the office door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man dressed in a suit entered.

“Mr. Gezmond, Saunders Group's stock price has plunged terribly. The executives are panicking,investors are withdrawing their investments, and collaborators are canceling their agreements. We'vebrought Saunders Group to its lowest. Yet, Ms. Saunders hasn't taken any action against this. I'm afraidSaunders Group will be announcing its bankruptcy soon if this continues.”

“Really? Then, let it be so. Tell the relevant departments to make preparations to purchase thecompany.” Lionel's voice echoed in the large office. It was cold and emotionless.

“Understood.” The middle-aged man turned around to leave the office.

He had only taken two steps when Lionel called out again, “Hold on. Have you done as I told you andcollected the evidence of Vincent doing illegal transactions for the past few years?”

The middle-aged man shuddered. He turned around slowly and uttered with difficulty, “Mr. Gezmond,Mr. Victor has been sentenced to jail, and Saunders Group is going bankrupt soon. Isn't that enough?Vincent is old and terribly ill. He'll definitely die once he's sent to jail. You—”

Before the middle-aged man could finish, Lionel threw the former a chilling stare. “What's wrong? Areyou feeling sorry for them?”

“N-No,” the middle-aged man answered. He quickly nodded and went on respectfully, “I've collectedsufficient evidence to have Vincent imprisoned for life. I'll arrange them now and hand them to you.”

“Go on. No one in the Saunders family, apart from Victoria, will be getting a happy ending.”

The middle-aged man was speechless.

The news about Zoey asking the person in charge of Dyke Pharmaceutical to tamper with the new drughad caused quite a stir.

Everyone was waiting eagerly to find out what kind of terrible fate the international socialite would face.

The waiting took three whole days.

Three days later, Bailey used her identity as Anonymous to announce that the new drug produced byDyke Pharmaceutical had never been tampered with.

With that conclusion, it meant that Zoey had only attempted to commit a crime. According to the law,she only needed to be detained for two weeks.

The countless netizens waiting to see how everything turned out were not that disappointed at theannouncement. After all, Zoey was not really in their way. Hence, there was no need for them to wishher dead.

Of course, some lost their temper as soon as they heard the news.

For example, Rhonda.

Loud crashing sounds rang out in the living room of the Jefferson residence.

Rhonda swept all the glasses and antiques on the coffee table to the ground.

“D*mn it! This is so frustrating. I can't believe that vermin, Zoey, is still roaming free after all this!” shecursed.

Beatrice merely sat in a corner and watched her daughter vent her frustration. The former hadabsolutely no intentions of stopping the latter.

The truth was Beatrice wanted to vent her frustration as well. However, with her current identity, she

could not afford to lose her calm.

Rhonda slumped into the seat beside Beatrice and sobbed, “Mom... This was such a great opportunity,but we still failed to get rid of Zoey. This is so frustrating and annoying!”

Reaching out, Beatrice grabbed her daughter's hand and patted the back of it. She comforted the latter,“Perhaps Zoey not being sentenced to jail might be a good thing. It means that we can still count on herto deal with Bailey.”

Rhonda could not help but scoff. “Mom, are you really still counting on that idiot to deal with Bailey? I'drather count on myself rather than Zoey. She's on a completely different level compared to Bailey andwould be wiped out anytime.”

Beatrice smiled. “This round was a mistake. She underestimated Bailey. Now that she's been kickedout of the Ten Acclaimed Socialites, her heart must be filled with resentment. Just wait and see. Onceshe's out of jail, she'll definitely go to more drastic measures to take revenge on Bailey.”

Rhonda pouted and scoffed, “So what if Zoey wants to skin Bailey alive? It's only a waste of time whenshe can't even defeat Bailey. She almost got sentenced to life imprisonment this time. How am Isupposed to count on her to take down Bailey?”

“Zoey can't, but she has Waverly backing her, doesn't she? That woman is the matriarch of theShurmer family. She's got some incredible tricks up her sleeves. Even if Waverly can't kill Bailey, she'llmake Bailey's life a living hell.”

Rhonda's eyes lit up instantly. “That's right. Why didn't I think of Mrs. Shurmer? She's the championamong champions. Dealing with Bailey would be just a piece of cake for a woman who's been a

matriarch of the Shurmer family for over twenty years.”

Beatrice smiled and patted Rhonda's cheek. “That's why we shouldn't panic. Let's just relax and watchthe drama unfold.”

Bailey opened the door to the VIP room on the highest floor of Hallsbay's biggest nightclub, AuroraClub.

“Quick! Bailey's here!”

“Hello, Bailey.”

“Hello, Bailey.”

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