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Chapter 166

I thought I could muster the courage to put this hopeless wait behind me, but reality slapped me hardacross my face. My determination and pretense of staying calm were utterly shattered by merelylistening to his wife addressing him as her husband. That man has permanently and thoroughly bondedwith my body and soul. I'm destined to stay trapped in this lonely limbo and grieve over my heartachefor the rest of this miserable life.

Meanwhile, Dwayne leaned against the wall outside the office with his head lowered, listening to themuffled cries on the other side of the wall in silence.

That outcome was within his expectation, yet he could not help but sympathize with her.

After all, they had borne witness to Lionel and Victoria's relationship and the special love they harboredfor one another.

Many among their friends had stated that they had observed the best representation of love in thecouple's relationship.

However, even a couple admired by so many people like them could not escape the irony of fate astheir affection toward one another turned into hate, resulting in the two of them drifting apart.

Lionel and Victoria had ultimately become the sacrificial lambs in the power game.

Lionel had escaped that ill-fated relationship, married a wife, and fathered a child. He was doing well inhis career and life. On the other hand, Victoria remained the only one who continued to be tortured bythe unfruitful romance.

She could only rely on herself to leave her lingering feelings behind as no outsiders could help her.

Dwayne clasped the doorknob and hesitated to open the door for around five minutes. In the end, hegave up.

I doubt she wants anyone to see her current pathetic state while she suffers from an emotionalbreakdown. If I barge into the room, the atmosphere will only turn awkward and more unbearable.

Since Dwayne could not stay by her side to share her pain and despair, he decided to be her silentguardian.

He sincerely believed that a human's heart was not made of stone, so his feelings would one day reachand touch her.

Perhaps after all those heart-rending experiences, Victoria would slowly open up to others and try toaccept him.

Dwayne figured they had a long future ahead, so he could afford to wait for Victoria.

At the same time, inside a luxurious and exquisite private manor in the eastern suburbs of Moranta,housekeepers dressed in tidy uniforms could be observed walking around the place as they diligentlycarried out their duties.

The Gothic-styled and lavishly decorated master bedroom gave the impression of a palace from therealms of fantasy, magnificent and romantic.

A slender and graceful figure leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window.

That woman wore a long red dress and stood barefooted on an expensive carpet.

Her thick, long, and curly hair hung freely on her back. The grand interior design of the roomaccentuated the elegance and refinement of her figure as she exuded a mysterious and forbiddingaura.

She was the matriarch of that manor.

All the tycoons from the business world would politely address her as Mrs. Gezmond.

Her name was Wendy Hoffman. She was a wealthy lady born in a prominent, highly affluent family fromAdrune.

Six years ago, she married LG Corporation's owner, Mr. Gezmond, raising her status further as one ofthe most honorable women internationally.

At that moment, she was frowning at the darkened screen of a phone. She parted her lips andmuttered, “That was so weird. We were engaged in a conversation. Why did she suddenly fall silentand hang up the call?”

Amidst her mumbling, a click sound suddenly rang inside the spacious room.

She instinctively turned to look and saw the bathroom door was opened, then a tall man emerged.

He was a man from Aploth with delicate facial features. His brows were neatly trimmed, and his nose

aquiline-shaped. He had a set of thin lips, a narrow chin, and a chiseled jawline. As a whole, his facewas flawless.

That man was very handsome. His every move highlighted his gracefulness and sophistication.

He was wearing black pajamas with his belt undone.

Large beads of water rolled down his muscular and tanned chest, causing him to radiate a seductivemanly vibe that could make any woman lose their mind.

Wendy gulped and said hoarsely, “Nell, are you testing my patience, or should I say, are you trying toseduce me?”

Lionel was momentarily dazed before realizing there was another person inside the room.

After his gaze swept past her face, Lionel subconsciously reached out to fasten his belt.

As he worked on his belt, he uttered in his deep and magnetic voice, “Did I not ask you to wait in theliving room? Why did you come upstairs?”

Wendy chuckled and waved the phone in her hand. “Someone called you. I wanted to bring the phoneto you so you could answer the phone, but I saw you were showering, so I picked up the call in yourstead.”

Lionel appeared unfazed as he asked casually, “Who called?”

“The number is not registered in your contact list.”

With that, she tilted her head in perplexity and said, “Did you not set your phone number as a privateline that disallows unknown numbers to contact you? How did that number earlier get through?”

Slightly taken aback, he narrowed his eyes and asked, “What is the number?”

Wendy repeated the number to him.

At that instant, a hint of an inexplicable look flashed across Lionel's dark eyes, but he swiftly recollectedhimself and feigned nonchalance the next moment.

“She was asking for Mr. Gezmond, so I think she should be your acquaintance, right? And you evenspecifically allowed that number to be connected to your line. Is she an old friend of yours?”

“You're overthinking this matter.” Lionel picked up a pair of slippers from the shoe rack and strode up toher. He said, “Although the floor is layered with carpet, it is still cold. You should never walk around thehouse barefoot next time. Do you hear me?”

She pouted and reminded him, “You haven't answered my question. Is this woman an old friend ofyours?”

Instead of replying to her, he slowly crouched down on the floor and gently lifted her tender and slimankle before helping her put on the slippers.

After that, Lionel straightened himself and said to her, “I'm going to get changed now. Then, I'll bringyou and Yonathan to have our meal outside.”

Wendy slightly narrowed her eyes as she watched his leaving figure disappear into the changing room.She murmured, “He has never avoided answering my questions since I've known him for so manyyears. He's been dodging and refusing to respond to my many questions today. Are there moreunknown stories behind this issue?”

The following day was the day Bailey would perform a craniotomy on Glen.

All the media in Hallsbay received the news. As a result, many reporters had camped outside theChivers residence early in the morning, hoping to be the first ones to receive the latest information.

The reporters were not the only party there. Many citizens had also hurried over to spectate theoccasion.

After all, that was a significant matter involving the first surgery performed by Anonymous following herreappearance. Therefore, that operation garnered significant publicity.

Moreover, no one dared to accept that procedure previously because none of the other doctors had theconfidence to assure success.

The public wanted to see if Anonymous was capable of achieving the miraculous feat and savingGlen's life.

Outside the operating room, almost every member of the Luther family and Chivers family werepresent. novelbin

Yoel held Bailey's arm and uttered solemnly, “Ms. Jefferson, I'll be leaving my father in your care. Youmust try your best to secure his life. If this surgery is successful, you'll be the Chivers family's savior,

and I will not interfere further in your relationship with Edmund.”

Artemis, who was standing aside, narrowed his eyes.

He did not fancy listening to Yoel's statement.

Edmund chuckled. “Father, stop pressuring Bay. She will undoubtedly put forth her best effort.However, the outcome of this surgery will have to depend on Grandpa's fate.”

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