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Chapter 154

Bailey froze on the spot.

Unauthorized practice of medicine? Me?

At the mention of that, her lips curved into a smirk.

If my guess is correct, Mrs. Luther must be behind this again.

Indeed, Bailey didn't have a medical license, so she could really be imprisoned if Felicity reported her.

I don't get why she hates me so much. Old Mr. Chivers is already on the verge of death. The cancercells are spreading quickly. Shouldn't she be putting all her effort into taking care of him now? Howdoes she even still have the time to mess with me?

“Let me get this straight, sir. You're saying I'm under arrest for unauthorized practice of medicine? Whatdo you mean by that?”

The officer nodded but responded with a question instead, “Did you sign an agreement to operate on aMr. Glen Chivers yesterday, Ms. Jefferson?”

“I did. Is there a problem with that?”

The officer glanced at her in puzzlement.

Is she playing dumb, or is she really this stupid? Doesn't she realize the graveness of the situation

she's in?

“According to our information, you have no medical qualifications, nor have you ever delved into thisfield. You certainly haven't had any experience tending to patients either, so how could you agree toperform such a major and risky surgery on Old Mr. Chivers?”

He then hesitated for a moment before adding, “We received a report from Mrs. Felicity Luther sayingthat you're a threat to Old Mr. Chivers. I don't know if there's some sort of a misunderstanding, but fornow, please come with us and cooperate with us in our investigations.”

Bailey scoffed as she heard that.

I knew it was her. It looks like she won't give up until I bring her down completely.

“Fine. Give me a moment. I have to pack a few belongings before I come with you.”

“Very well.”

Back at Luther Group, Dwayne was relaying the information he had just received to Artemis inside thelatter's office. “The police have taken Ms. Jefferson from her condominium on the grounds ofunauthorized practice of medicine, Mr. Luther. Should I engage our team of lawyers to bail her out?”

Artemis twirled the pen in his hand lightly as he fell into thought. “Bailey probably doesn't have anyrelevant licenses under her name, so my mother took advantage of that. It's no use getting our lawyersto protect her. The public would accuse us of shielding her, and that'd only hurt her reputation.”

“Then what should we do? It's too late to apply for a license now. Why didn't this issue ever cross ourminds? If we knew that Ms. Jefferson didn't have a license, we would've never let her sign thatdocument! We could've just let her perform the surgery in secret. Now we're in a mess.”

Artemis raised an eyebrow and scoffed. “The more they try to mess with Bailey, the more reputable shebecomes. She never wanted to disclose her identity as Anonymous, but now that all this hashappened, she won't be able to hide it much longer.”

Dwayne's eyes lit up as he slapped his own forehead. “Of course! How could I have forgotten? Bailey'snever applied for a medical license under her own name, but surely she's done that under her alias,right? That means we just need to prove to the judges that she's actually Anonymous.”

Artemis shot him a glance. “But she's an unpredictable one, so you'd still better look into this. Find out ifshe has a license under Anonymous. If she does, think of a way to prove it to the judges. If she doesn't,use the connections we have and get her one.”

Dwayne nodded. “You've really thought everything through. I'll get to it right away. So, should we leaveMs. Jefferson be for now? Just a reminder, your mother's definitely going to get the media to tell thepublic that Ms. Jefferson's practicing without a license.”

Artemis rubbed his temples and sighed in frustration. “My mother's grown way too conceited now. She'llonly learn her place after the truth hits her. Let her stir up as much trouble as she wants for now.Hopefully, she'll learn to let go of this meaningless grudge after that.”

Dwayne didn't know how to respond.

What is this? He's the perfect example of biting the hand that feeds him. How shameless and

pretentious could he be?

Meanwhile, Luther Group's public relations department was now having a press conference.

“Mrs. Luther, we've heard that you've reported Ms. Jefferson to the police for unauthorized practice ofmedicine. What is going on?”

“How could Ms. Jefferson be in the medical field, Mrs. Luther? Didn't she just become Luther Group'slead designer?”

“Mrs. Luther! I've heard that you and Ms. Jefferson don't get along and that you refuse to accept her aspart of the family even though she's borne Mr. Simon a son and a daughter. Are you deliberately settingher up to tarnish her reputation and make her leave Hallsbay?” novelbin

The reporters fired their questions at Felicity, one after another.

The latter held her hand up at them, and after the room had fallen into silence, she then answered withclenched teeth, “Bailey Jefferson impersonated a professional surgeon and signed an agreement tooperate on Mr. Glen Chivers.”

Expectedly, her words were akin to a bomb and caused an uproar.


Ms. Bailey actually signed an agreement to become Old Mr. Chivers' lead surgeon and operate onhim?

Glen had been undergoing conservative treatment ever since he was discovered to have a malignanttumor growing inside his brain, but it certainly wasn't because the Chivers family couldn't afford hissurgery. Rather, it was because despite having announced his need for a surgeon, no one dared takeup the role out of fear of their own prospects in the event that the surgery failed.

Yet, now that a woman in her mid-twenties had suddenly proclaimed to be an expert surgeon andsigned the document to become Glen's head doctor, it was no surprise that everyone was floored.What were the odds she would succeed?

“But Mrs. Luther, isn't Ms. Bailey a designer? How could she be a surgeon?”

“Something doesn't seem right. The fact that the Chivers family even allowed her to sign the documentclearly means she's capable of operating on Old Mr. Chivers. You claim that she's impersonatingsomeone, but where's the proof?”

Felicity slammed her palm onto the podium stand, silencing everyone effectively.

The room fell so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

“Bailey Jefferson is a heartless individual who has no regard for human lives,” the woman declared,staring straight at the crowd. “I spent the past two days looking into her and found that she doesn'teven have the most basic medical qualifications a doctor should have.”

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