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Chapter 152

That question caught the stymied Rhonda completely off-guard and caused her to regard hercounterpart in utter bafflement.

What's eating this old woman this time around? Don't tell me that Bailey had managed to piss her offagain?

That very thought of that greatly pleased Rhonda, as the more abrasive Bailey was, the worse thelatter's chances of marrying into the Luther family would be. That was exactly the sort of outcome thatRhonda was clamoring to see.

“Trained in medicine? I've never heard that she was. Why, Mrs. Luther? What's she up to now?”

Felicity glared at her, fuming. “How did you Jeffersons beget such a shameless daughter? Without anyclinical experience or professional certification, what makes her think that reading a couple of medicalbooks would be enough to enable her to perform a craniotomy on yourgranddad? She even went as faras to declare that she was capable of delivering a fifty percent success rate in the procedure. Hmph.What a massive joke. novelbin

The astonished Rhonda regarded her with eyes gawking. She then replied in a quivering voice, “How isit possible for Bailey to understand how to perform craniotomy? She has never even gone anywherenear this field of expertise before.”

Curse you, Bailey, you little b*tch. Are you seeking to steal my thunder? D*mn you! Just die, why don'tyou!

In order to pacify that old pervert Cadence, there was no quantifying how much hardship she had toendure every single day. She thus saw Bailey's abrupt attempt to supplant Cadence as an attempt todoom her.

Should that b*tch succeed, all my earlier efforts would go down the drain. On top of that, it is possiblethat any dirt Cadence may have on me could wind up reducing me into his plaything.

After staving off the bouts of giddiness that washed over her, she clasped Felicity's arms with someurgency. “Could she possibly be thinking of taking advantage of this opportunity to take Granddad's lifebecause of her personal feud with you? Typically, such high-risk procedures could not commencewithout first signing an indemnity form, so even if she did cause Granddad to die, she couldn't beprosecuted for it.”

That comment from her only added fuel to Felicity's fire. “Must I be reminded of this consequence asthough I don't already know it? Now, help me figure out a way by which I could keep that woman awayfrom your Granddad and prevent her from killing him.”

Pursing her lips, Rhonda fell silent for a while before her eyes lit up. “I've got it. A life-saving professionlike this must surely require relevant qualifications, Mrs. Luther, so why don't you have someone lookinto whether Bailey is licensed to practice? If she isn't, you should be able to report her to theauthorities and have her arrested and charged once she assumes responsibilities for Granddad'streatment proper.”

Haha. Clever girl, coming up with something like this. You've been digging your own grave, BaileyJefferson, so bury yourself deep and die well in there. It'd be best if you don't have any bones

remaining afterward, or I'll surely crush them to dust as well.

After Felicity heard those words, her face evoked a hint of glee.

“Oh my. How did I not think of that? You're so smart, Ronni. All right then. I'd have someone goinvestigate immediately to see whether Bailey is licensed to practice medicine, and if she isn't, I'll haveher thrown into prison for being in violation of the law.”

Rhonda's lips curled up into a smile. With an old hag like her who despises Bailey as much as shedoes around, Bailey can forget about ever establishing herself in Hallsbay. Someday, Felicity willdefinitely chase Bailey out of town.

Over at the Luther Group's HR department, Victoria had her head buried inside a pile of documents.The entire office was so deathly quiet that the shuffling sound of pages being flipped could vaguely beheard.

Her workload had suddenly doubled ever since she took over Bailey's duties.

A summary of the media companies under LG Corporation.

When she saw that document, her body shuddered. A name that had been confined to the recesses ofher mind was suddenly jolted back to the fore, and it slowly ebbed away at her nerves and faculty ofreason.

Post a renewal of leadership, LG Corporation, a massive multinational enterprise formerly known as MNetworks, went on to acquire several international media companies. Rebranding itself as LG after ittransformed itself into a force to be reckoned with, the individual at the helm of this internationally listed

company is Lionel Gezmond.

All of that is, of course, exactly as Bay told me.

Truth be told, few outsiders know much of anything about the CEO of LG Corporation since the entirecompany is fully managed by a woman named Geri Mulligan.

“All these years, I kept worrying for you as I was afraid that you might struggle to hold your own withoutthe support of the Gezmond family. Never have I expected you to be the real head honcho behind theinternational group LG, and you have even gotten married and started a family of your own. I guessthat you must be happy and content now, Lionel. Has the time come for me to let go?”

Her mumbling echoed throughout the vastness of the office.

“It's high time indeed.” The delightful voice which emanated from the doorway made Victoria jump upfrom her seat.

After she had ascertained the identity of the newcomer, she became stumped. But she went on tolunge at her as soon as she was able to recover her own composure. “Heartless woman. Squeezing offevery ounce of my energy and now coming over to scare me?”

With brows raised, Bailey smilingly dangled a couple of carriers in front of her counterpart. “Are yousure you want to get into a fight with me right now? It would be an awful shame if these bags of fooddropped onto the floor.”

As she braked to examine the contents of the bags, Victoria's aggrievement swiftly morphed into joy.She then threw her arms around the woman, chuckling. “I knew that you doted on me, Bay,

purposefully bringing these takeouts here for your favorite glutton.”

Bailey could not contain her amusement. “It's already past ten in the evening, so why are you still in theoffice? Have you that much to do?”

“I can see that standing there and running your mouth obviously isn't too tiring for you. Why don't youtry getting busy like me for two days straight and find out for yourself?” Victoria snorted in retort.

“All right, all right. I know that it's been tough on you. Haven't I just bought your favorite treats to rewardyou with?”

With that, she strode over to the coffee table and unpacked the boxes from the bags. “This sort of chilimight be addictive, but it's too caloric dense. You ought to eat it less often going forward.”

Embracing her once more, Victoria looked at her intently for a while before she pursed her own lips.“You've never told me about any of the numerous secret identities you had, sweetie. To think that youwere actually the internationally renowned Anonymous! Word has it that you learned everything youknow about surgery from the trailblazing Cataleya Moore. That is absolutely insane, darling. How did Iever get acquainted with a Big Shot like you?”

Bailey twitched her lips. This woman is flying off the rails again.

“Well, are you going to eat this, or not, because I'm going to have to dump it in the trash otherwise?”

“Don't.” Victoria immediately reached out to hold her by the arms and rocked her coquettishly. “My dearBailey. What other high-profile personas do you have? I want a complete lowdown for all of them atonce.”

Smiling haplessly, Bailey reached out to caress the back of her friend's head provocatively. “Since I'm aBig Shot, then shouldn't my layers of secrets unravel one at a time? What's there to look forward to if Iwere to reveal them all in a single sitting? On your part, you'll just have to keep your doggone eyespeeled.”

“Boring. I'd just go look it up online later when I get back in to see what other elusive Big Shots thereare out there in the world.”

Shaking her head, the genial Bailey sought to change the subject. “So, Vicky. Have you finally made upyour mind to move on from Lionel?”

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