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Chapter 132

Previously, she could ignore his plight, as she had no idea about their history.

She only found out everything as Glen recounted the entire incident to her. He was reminiscing aboutthe past and did not mean anything else, but she had to do something.

There was no way she could pretend nothing had ever happened and gloss over it.

If Old Mr. Chivers hadn't offered a helping hand, Granny would've frozen to death on the streets, andMother would've died when she was still a child. He saved their lives. Granny and Mother couldn'trepay him, so I can't just forget about it. This is the best opportunity for me to repay his favor. But I can'thold a scalpel! novelbin

Sensing her sadness, Glen stroked his beard and chirped, “Bay, don't take it to heart. I was remindedof your granny and got overwhelmed with emotions. At this age, nothing matters to me anymore. Thelonger I live, the more torturing it is for me. I want nothing more than to be reunited with my partner.”

Bailey's lips curled as she flashed an assuring smile. “You look like you can live till a ripe old age. Youshould be at ease and stay happy every day. You'll get to recover one day.”

Hearing that, Glen burst out laughing. “Everyone else resorted to different ways to console me, andhonestly, I'm bored of it. Your way of comforting me is quite interesting. All right, there's no need tocomfort me. I can't even find someone who can operate on my cranium, so there's no way I'll live till aripe old age.”

Bailey went quiet.

As the mood turned tense, Gwendolyn immediately tried to liven things up. “Looks like the saying 'birdsof a feather flock together' is right. Your granny and mother had a history with the Chivers family, soyou're meant to marry my son. If you want to repay the favor, then marry into the Chivers family andmake your grandpa happy by being a filial granddaughter-in-law.”

Glen slapped his thigh and exclaimed, “That's right. Bay, marry Eddy as soon as possible so I can get agranddaughter-in-law while I'm still alive. That way, I can tell your granny all about it when we reuniteone day.”

Tears threatened to spill out of Bailey's eyes when she heard his words.

She trusted Glen, for why would he lie to her? It would only take an investigation to confirm the facts.

Old Mr. Chivers must be friends with Granny. Otherwise, he wouldn't have remembered her for thatlong. I can't ignore his plight.

Her determined gaze landed on her right wrist.

Perhaps I can give it a try. I have to take a chance to repay this huge favor.

Jolting up from the couch, Bailey gave Glen a hasty bow and told him, “Old Mr. Chivers, I justremembered I have an urgent matter to deal with. I'm afraid I can't join you for lunch this noon. Should Icome over at night to keep you company?”

Hearing that, Edmund rose to his feet. “What's wrong? Did something happen?”

Bailey dug Edmund's car keys out of his pocket. Arching a brow, she uttered, “Lend me your car. Youshould spend time with your grandpa on behalf of me at home. I'll be here in the afternoon. Don't askme where I'm going or what I'm going to do. I'll explain everything later.”

Having said that, she hurried to the door.

Edmund wanted to go after her, but Glen stopped him. “She said 'at home,' so that means she thinkswe're family. Eddy, that's all I can do for you. You need to do the rest yourself.”

Halting in his tracks, Edmund kneeled before Glen and grinned. “Thank you, Grandpa. If you hadn'trevealed the history between you and her granny that happened decades ago, she wouldn't haveaccepted me and the Chivers family whole-heartedly.”

Turning to Gwendolyn, he asked awkwardly, “Mom, does she sound like a wife giving orders to herhusband earlier?”

“What a fool,” Gwendolyn chided jokingly. “You'll be a groom soon. I'm certain about it.”

After leaving the residence, Bailey strode toward the parking lot.

She got into the car, started the engine, and gave Veronique a call.

“Vero, you have a lab in Hallsbay, right? Can you bring me there? Is there an operating table here? I'dlike to give it a try.”

Caught by surprise, Veronique quickly regained her composure and replied, “Sure! It's at 38, BisonStreet. You can try operating on animals.”

“Mm. Don't tell anyone about this.”

“Got it. Bay, you're amazing. I know you can do it.”

“Really? I hope so.”

An hour later, Bailey arrived at 38, Bison Street.

It was an inconspicuous shop lot with a pharmacy signboard hung above the door. Veronique waswaiting for her outside, leaning on the doorpost.

After parking the car, Bailey unbuckled the seatbelt and got out of the car.

Before Veronique could say a word, Bailey told her, “Let's talk inside.”


The pharmacy might look inconspicuous on the exterior, but stepping inside would reveal more thanmeets the eye.

“Did you combine a few shop lots into one? This is big.”

Shrugging, Veronique revealed, “The entire row of shop lots belong to the Revelle family, so I combinedall of them into one.”

Bailey was rendered speechless.

She's indeed a daughter of a prestigious family. What a remarkable move.

Veronique brought her to the innermost room.

Rows of equipment and racks of bottles appeared in sight.

Bailey glanced around the room before her gaze landed on the operating table in the middle of theroom.

One glance was enough for her head to start spinning.

The bloody scene popped up in her mind and replayed again and again.

Her legs trembled violently. It was as if a pail of ice-cold water had been dumped on her, for she feltcompletely cold inside and out.

Sensing the change in her emotions, Veronique hesitated briefly before pushing her to the operatingtable.

“Bay, give it a try. You'll find out if you're capable of completing a surgery if you try it out. If yousucceed, then Old Mr. Chivers is extremely lucky. If you fail, no one can blame you for that.”

Bailey allowed herself to be pushed forward as her mind had gone blank. Slowly, a scene appeared asthe fog in her mind faded away.

It was a snowy day. A young lady clad in tattered clothes was shuffling along the street, leaving behind

a row of footsteps.

She was hugging a child in her arms. Despite trembling violently from the cold, she hugged herdaughter tightly and protected her well.

That is...

Bailey's vision started to blur.

Even though she had imagined that scene, it was exactly what Holly and Sophia had gone through.

She could imagine how Holly fainted outside the Chivers residence with Sophia in her arms, and shecould also picture how Glen saved them both.

The Chivers family saved their lives.

Granny, Mother, I'll do my best to save Old Mr. Chivers. Please help me to overcome my fear so I canhold the scalpel once again.

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