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Chapter 107

Having already forged a grudge against that woman, I will not have her as a daughter-in-law as long asI live. There are many outstanding girls from good families all over the world who are more talented,beautiful, and well-mannered. I do not care for that arrogant b*tch who broke my arm to marry into theLuther family.

Artemis got to his feet and gazed at his mother. “Are you saying that you refuse to acknowledge thetwo children? Are they going to be left to wander outside, then?”

Felicity gritted her teeth as she said viciously, “Those two uneducated little beasts are not worthy ofcrossing the threshold of the Luther residence. Give them a bit of allowance each month and let themstay away from us Luthers. I don't want them to defile our good name.”

Chuckling softly, Artemis turned to look at Simon. “What about you? Aren't you going to acknowledgethem too? Are you going to let them wander outside?”

Simon scowled. “I don't plan to marry that cold woman, and I won't grant them the status of being mylegitimate son and daughter. Bringing them back to the family will only subject them to gossip, criticism,and disdain from those of our distant relatives. Don't worry. I will raise them if they are really mychildren. But they will never be Luthers.”

“Very good.” Instead of flaring up, Artemis smiled. “Since you don't plan on making them a part of theLuther family, then I won't treat them as my niece and nephew, nor will I treat them as my brother'schildren.”

Felicity's sense of vigilance pricked. She felt something implicit in his words. “What do you mean? Ifyou don't treat them as your niece and nephew, are you going to treat them as your stepson and


Artemis merely maintained his wordless smile.

Felicity's anxiety grew. She warned sharply, “I will not allow you to have these crooked thoughts,Artemis. She will destroy you and the entire Luther family.”

Simon's eyes widened as he gazed at his brother in surprise.

Is he interested in Bailey? If so, that will be great as I can finally wash my hands of this.

“The person in charge of the infirmary is here, Mrs. Luther.”

Felicity glared at her eldest son. “Remember what I said. Don't have any wrongful thoughts. Otherwise,don't blame me for whatever happens to that woman.”

After she finished speaking, she looked at the door. “Send him in.”

The person in charge of the infirmary entered and fell to his knees after walking to the center of theliving room. “I went to the cold closet on the fifth floor for a quick check, Mrs. Luther, and found that Mr.Simon's blood sample is missing. It is my fault for the occurrence of such a big mistake, and I ask youto punish me heavily.”

Felicity stumbled and fell back onto the couch.

Although she had already accepted that the two children were Luthers, she still could not accept theenormous impact of the news amidst concrete, irrefutable proof.

I would be delighted to have obtained a grandson and granddaughter if the children's mother was a girlfrom a decent family of my choosing. What a blessing it would be.

However, at the recollection of Bailey breaking her wrist before so many eyes, she immediately foundher fondness for the two wild things the girl had given birth to disappear.

Simon jumped up from the ground, strode to the person in charge, and grabbed him by the collar. “Areyou sure it was Max who took my blood sample?” he demanded.

“Yes. I retrieved the surveillance footage before I came. Only Mr. Maxton entered the blood bank duringthis time, and I am confident he was the one who took it.”

Simon flung him aside before staggering and falling to the carpet. “They're really my children! Whatabout Queenie? I promised to marry her.”

“You have a girlfriend abroad?” Artemis caught on to something from Simon's words. novelbin

Indeed, the kid is twenty-six years old and has already reached the age of falling in love.

Simon scrambled to his brother and grabbed his arm desperately. “Help me, Artemis. Queenie and Iare truly in love and have planned our future together. I want to marry her after she graduates. I can'tmarry Bailey. I can't.”

Artemis reached out and rubbed his forehead. Although he appeared helpless, he felt immenselyrelieved.

There is still hope for me! Dwayne is right. I am fearless in business and should be similarly invincibleregarding romance.

“Give me a moment. Let me think about how to deal with this.”

“Definitely, Artemis. You are my brother. You must help me.”

Felicity gazed at her eldest son, whose brows gradually relaxed, with a complicated expression. Havingbeen astute for half her life, she could tell what her son was thinking.

Maybe I was wrong. It should not have been to prevent the woman from marrying into the Chiversfamily initially but to prevent her from marrying into the Luther family instead. Although Artemis andEdmund are cousins, their personalities are entirely different. Edmund is too elegant and upright. Hehas always been gentle and polite, adept at persuasion, and has a solid moral compass. As forArtemis, he is not afraid of how the world sees him and does whatever he pleases. With colossal powernow at his fingertips, he has become more willful than ever. Nobody can stop him once he isdetermined to do something.

Felicity detected a trace of ruthlessness trying to break through the confinement of his calm andcontrolled gaze.

He has already thought of stealing that woman Bailey for himself. No, I will not watch him go down thatroad and destroy himself and the entire Luther family. I will call my husband and have him come back


Bailey sent Edmund a text message that night.

I know you are sad. I am too. I'm not sad because I know the truth, but because I know you're in pain.In fact, I've often wondered if any woman in the world is worthy of a man as perfect as you. Probablynot, because reality has impressed upon me repeatedly that I am not worthy of you, so I have notdared to act on my feelings all these years and have only treated you as a friend. I think we shouldcontinue being friends in the future. Life is too short to accumulate frustration. May your years aheadbe filled with peace and joy.

The message had been sent half an hour ago, but the recipient had yet to reply.

There was still no reply another hour later.

That was how Bailey knew Edmund was hurt this time.

He would not give up easily if my children were any other man's. However, that person is Simon, hiscousin. What would it mean for his cousin if he continued to pursue me? What would it mean for therelationship between the Chiverses and Luthers? Edmund, after all, is the Edmund I know. Calm andrational.

Bailey did not leave the house for the following three days, allowing the rumors outside to ferment.

The Luther family did not visit her over the past few days, nor did she take the initiative to seek them.With such a drastic change, they were obliged to give each other time to adapt.

Meanwhile, Jessica was looking at Caridee cautiously across the table from her at a café at LutherGroup. “How is my artwork, Ms. Caridee? Are you satisfied?” she asked tentatively.

Caridee frowned.

Satisfied? What garbage is this?

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