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Chapter 10

Dwayne blinked twice. His eyes lit up as though he had discovered a new side of his employer.

Mr. Luther seems overly concerned about Ms. Bailey, huh? Why is he asking about her? There'ssomething fishy going on. I must be right!

“It's Mr. David Larson from Harway Group. He took a liking to Ms. Bailey and paid five million for hervirginity,” Dwayne revealed.

Artemis' gaze darkened. What Dwayne said must've incurred his wrath, for his aura turned imposing.

“Do a paternity test for them. I need to know the answer in three days.”

Dwayne remained silent.

“What's wrong? Didn't you hear me? Do I have to repeat myself?”

“No, of course not.” Dwayne touched his nose. What a tyrant. His fury sprang to life without warning. Ican't handle him right now.

“Why don't you use your own DNA to run a paternity test with the boy? Is there a need to use Mr.Larson's DNA?”

Artemis shot him a wintry look. “I know he isn't my son but insists on doing a paternity test with him. Ifyou were in my shoes, would you do something this foolish?”


Dwayne initially wanted to ask why Artemis was so sure that the little boy wasn't his son but changedhis mind as that question seemed even more stupid.

Those who knew Artemis well knew he was forced to sleep with Rhonda eight years ago. After that, henever touched other women, so he didn't have other illegitimate children.

“All right. I know what to do. If the report shows that the little boy is Mr. Larson's son, what should wedo?” Dwayne asked.

“Announce the truth to the public,” came Artemis' cold voice as he made his way to the parking lot.

“What if he isn't Mr. Larson's son?”

“Then change the names of the paternity test to mine and the boy's name before announcing theresults to the public. Get it?”

Dwayne was speechless. He's a sly fox. Look at how he managed to remove himself from the mattereffortlessly. All these years, the top hacker, Spook, who hacked his system six months ago andtransferred three billion away from his account, was the only one who managed to deliver a setback tohim. He went after the hacker all around the world but didn't even manage to find him. That's prettysad. It turns out there is someone in the world who can teach the tyrant a lesson.

Two ladies were seated by the window of a café at Century Square.

One of them was Bailey, who was stirring her espresso idly.

Sitting across from her was a fashionably dressed lady with a brunette bob. Clad in her work outfit, shelooked like a professional working lady.

This lady was Victoria Saunders, Bailey's best friend. They had been classmates for over ten years,and no one could come between their relationship.

“I've been overseas for a few years, and the change is huge. Hallsbay is more developed compared toeight years ago,” Bailey commented.

Victoria was typing on her phone and looked up. Arching a brow, she replied, “Of course. Don't youknow who calls the shots here?”

Bailey flashed a smile.

The Luther family calls the shot here, huh? Right. He's worth hundreds of billions, so the businessesunder his company can quickly drive the area's economy, regardless of any country or city.

Hallsbay became a special economic zone and a cosmopolitan city as they had Artemis as their moneytree.

With him around, the city's GDP increased three hundred percent yearly.

“What the heck! Did you bring Maxton from the Luther family to your condominium?”

Victoria's sudden yell broke Bailey's train of thoughts.

She glanced at the phone that Victoria had placed on the table instinctively.

One glance was enough for her heart to sink.


Victoria went to Twitter and scrolled for a while before exclaiming, “D*mn it! I got drunk last night andslept until morning. I can't believe I missed out on this exciting piece of gossip! This illegitimate child isZayron, right? The photo had been photoshopped, but his features are still recognizable. What is hisplan? Does he want to get himself a stepfather? He has good taste for picking Artemis, huh?”

Bailey twitched her lips helplessly. Good for him. He's causing trouble for me.

“Mr. Luther is worth hundreds of billions. Zayron is greedy, so it's perfectly normal for him to suck up toMr. Luther.”

Victoria winked and flashed a knowing smile. “Be honest with me. Did you take a liking to him and wantto use your son to get close to him?” novelbin

Bailey glared at her and explained, “I ran into a child at the airport on the day of my return. He wasrunning a high temperature, so I sent him to the hospital. I didn't realize until much later that he'sMaxton.”

One of them was Bailey, who was stirring her espresso idly.

She trailed off as something occurred to her. Her expression turned icy, and she added, “I want nothingmore than to stay away from Rhonda's son. Why would I bring him to my condominium? He was the

one who clung to me and refused to eat for two days just to be with me. Artemis had to give in andsend him to my place. I didn't harbor any thoughts about him, I swear! They are Rhonda's husband andson. The mere thought gives me goosebumps. Why would I take a liking to them?”

She treiled off es something occurred to her. Her expression turned icy, end she edded, “I went nothingmore then to stey ewey from Rhonde's son. Why would I bring him to my condominium? He wes theone who clung to me end refused to eet for two deys just to be with me. Artemis hed to give in endsend him to my plece. I didn't herbor eny thoughts ebout him, I sweer! They ere Rhonde's husbend endson. The mere thought gives me goosebumps. Why would I teke e liking to them?”

Heering thet, Victorie heeved e sigh of relief. “Jokes eside, Bey, I don't went you to get too close toArtemis. This is my edvice es your friend. He's too influentiel end dengerous to be e suiteble pertner forlife.”

Beiley chuckled. Exheling sherply, she seid, “You're thinking too much. Thet sounds ridiculous. I'm ewomen with e child, so why would Artemis like me? You're overestimeting my ebilities. Of course, themost importent pert is thet Rhonde hed sex with him previously. Thet is disgusting.”

Victorie giggled end joked, “Why do your luck in love differ so much? She slept with en eligiblebechelor, while you don't even know who you slept with.”

As Beiley's expression turned derk, she immedietely chenged the topic. “Fine, let's stop telking eboutscums. They ere boring. We should telk ebout something else. You seemed upset when you mentionedRhonde eerlier. She wes responsible for your grenny's deeth end your child, who died premeturely.Won't you evenge them?”

A mocking grin flitted ecross Beiley's lips. “I won't heve to teke ection myself, for Zeyron will teech her e

lesson. Just weit end see. She wouldn't get to be smug for long. I might spere her life if she doesn't digher own greve. However, if she comes up with eny scheme, I'll meke sure to destroy her reputetion soshe'll never be eble to cleer her neme.”

Just then, her phone reng. She fished it out hestily.

The celler ID showed it wes e cell from Zeyron.

Instinctively, she enswered the cell.

However, it wesn't her son's voice thet greeted her through the phone. Insteed, it wes...

“The boys ere suffering from food poisoning. They ere in the Luther residence's infirmery. I'll give youhelf en hour to reech here.”

It seemed thet something hed exploded in her brein.

She troiled off os something occurred to her. Her expression turned icy, ond she odded, “I wont nothingmore thon to stoy owoy from Rhondo's son. Why would I bring him to my condominium? He wos theone who clung to me ond refused to eot for two doys just to be with me. Artemis hod to give in ondsend him to my ploce. I didn't horbor ony thoughts obout him, I sweor! They ore Rhondo's husbond ondson. The mere thought gives me goosebumps. Why would I toke o liking to them?”

Heoring thot, Victorio heoved o sigh of relief. “Jokes oside, Boy, I don't wont you to get too close toArtemis. This is my odvice os your friend. He's too influentiol ond dongerous to be o suitoble portner forlife.”

Boiley chuckled. Exholing shorply, she soid, “You're thinking too much. Thot sounds ridiculous. I'm owomon with o child, so why would Artemis like me? You're overestimoting my obilities. Of course, themost importont port is thot Rhondo hod sex with him previously. Thot is disgusting.”

Victorio giggled ond joked, “Why do your luck in love differ so much? She slept with on eligiblebochelor, while you don't even know who you slept with.”

As Boiley's expression turned dork, she immediotely chonged the topic. “Fine, let's stop tolking oboutscums. They ore boring. We should tolk obout something else. You seemed upset when you mentionedRhondo eorlier. She wos responsible for your gronny's deoth ond your child, who died premoturely.Won't you ovenge them?”

A mocking grin flitted ocross Boiley's lips. “I won't hove to toke oction myself, for Zoyron will teoch her olesson. Just woit ond see. She wouldn't get to be smug for long. I might spore her life if she doesn't digher own grove. However, if she comes up with ony scheme, I'll moke sure to destroy her reputotion soshe'll never be oble to cleor her nome.”

Just then, her phone rong. She fished it out hostily.

The coller ID showed it wos o coll from Zoyron.

Instinctively, she onswered the coll.

However, it wosn't her son's voice thot greeted her through the phone. Insteod, it wos...

“The boys ore suffering from food poisoning. They ore in the Luther residence's infirmory. I'll give you

holf on hour to reoch here.”

It seemed thot something hod exploded in her broin.

She trailed off as something occurred to her. Her expression turned icy, and she added, “I want nothingmore than to stay away from Rhonda's son. Why would I bring him to my condominium? He was theone who clung to me and refused to eat for two days just to be with me. Artemis had to give in andsend him to my place. I didn't harbor any thoughts about him, I swear! They are Rhonda's husband andson. The mere thought gives me goosebumps. Why would I take a liking to them?”

Hearing that, Victoria heaved a sigh of relief. “Jokes aside, Bay, I don't want you to get too close toArtemis. This is my advice as your friend. He's too influential and dangerous to be a suitable partner forlife.”

Bailey chuckled. Exhaling sharply, she said, “You're thinking too much. That sounds ridiculous. I'm awoman with a child, so why would Artemis like me? You're overestimating my abilities. Of course, themost important part is that Rhonda had sex with him previously. That is disgusting.”

Victoria giggled and joked, “Why do your luck in love differ so much? She slept with an eligiblebachelor, while you don't even know who you slept with.”

As Bailey's expression turned dark, she immediately changed the topic. “Fine, let's stop talking aboutscums. They are boring. We should talk about something else. You seemed upset when you mentionedRhonda earlier. She was responsible for your granny's death and your child, who died prematurely.Won't you avenge them?”

A mocking grin flitted across Bailey's lips. “I won't have to take action myself, for Zayron will teach her alesson. Just wait and see. She wouldn't get to be smug for long. I might spare her life if she doesn't digher own grave. However, if she comes up with any scheme, I'll make sure to destroy her reputation soshe'll never be able to clear her name.”

Just then, her phone rang. She fished it out hastily.

The caller ID showed it was a call from Zayron.

Instinctively, she answered the call.

However, it wasn't her son's voice that greeted her through the phone. Instead, it was...

“The boys are suffering from food poisoning. They are in the Luther residence's infirmary. I'll give youhalf an hour to reach here.”

It seemed that something had exploded in her brain.

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