Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 379
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Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Kent was about to continue, but Sean cut him off by speaking first. “Okay, then wait for the

ninth,” Sean calmly replied as he glanced at Willow.

Willow looked back at Sean, the depths of her eyes filled with mixed emotions.

She wanted to say something, but she was actually the one most caught in the middle.

Born in a family like the Quinn family, many people might envy her.

However, only she knew that there were still some things that she could not do.

“Let‘s eat.”

Fion gestured with her hand, then did not say another word.

She intended on waiting until the ninth to see if Sean would still be able to maintain his stubborn


After dinner.

Sean sat in his room and performed special needle treatment on himself as usual. 2

Even he knew that given the current condition of his legs, the special needle treatment would have only

minimal effects. However, he believed that if there was even a chance it might help, it would still be

beneficial. After his treatment, Sean put away the silver needles, picked up his cell phone, and dialed a


Today, Lucy‘s family, including Jeremy, had behaved fairly well..

Hence, Sean would not be ruthless. He would not kill them all for Willow‘s sake.

“Hello, Mr. Lennon.”

The call connected and the voice of Jeremy‘s boss, Hayden Luke, came over the line. He was the head

of the government office in their jurisdiction.

“Mr. Lennon, I was just about to ask you to examine my body sometime soon. “The earlier the detected,

the more opportunity there is for early treatment!” When Hayden received Sean‘s call, it was of course

necessary for him to first make small talk.


After greeting each other, Sean brought up a more serious matter.

“That Jeremy seems to have tanned a lot lately.”

When Sean said this, Hayden was momentarily stunned as he tried to understand what Sean meant.

“Uhm... I‘ve noticed too. Should I instruct him to return to his indoor work?” Hayden pondered for a few

moments before asking a tentative question in a soft voice.

“Okay.” Sean nodded slightly and Hayden of course agreed. Jeremy had relatively good work

capabilities. However, Hayden would not tolerate him if he provoked Sean.

Since Sean had brought it up, it was an easy decision to restore Jeremy‘s original position.

After hanging up, Sean reached out to open the small closet situated beside the bed.

In the closet, Sean‘s clothes were neatly stacked–emitting the fragrance of laundry detergent. These

small details were a clear representation of Willow‘s care for Sean. Sean retrieved two sets of clean

clothes then turned his wheelchair to leave the room. Willow was only able to help Sean with simple

things such as washing his clothes. However, tasks such as taking a shower were things Sean

naturally had to do on his own. In this Quinn Residence, Fion and Kent‘s master bedroom was directly

attached to a bathroom. There was another bathroom just outside, which was the only one Sean could


The light in the living room illuminated the area, but silence filled the air.

This was another thing Willow deliberately did. She figured it would be inconvenient for Sean to have to

turn on the lights at night. Hence, she left the lights turned on. “They should all be asleep.” Sean slowly

turned his wheelchair, then turned the door handle as he gently pushed it open. However, the moment

the door had been pushed open, Sean‘s eyes widened and he was left stunned. In the bathroom, the

back of a tall woman faced Sean. Sean could recognize Willow immediately just by looking at her back!

In this instance, Sean was extremely shocked. As expected, Willow‘s movements stopped abruptly.

She slowly turned around then looked behind her, dumbfounded.


The two of them locked eyes. They were both frozen. The air was suddenly once again filled with annovelbin

eerie sense of quiet... The room was now dead silent.

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