Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 2629
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Chapter 2629

Chapter 2629

"Who told you they were my companions? Do these worthless individuals even qualify to be my companions?" Sean asked withasmile.

Bobby trembled as his gaze toward Sean filled with fear.

Only two or three minutes passed from when Bobby and his henchmen saw Sean to their arrival in the dead-end alley. However,these two individuals had ended up so miserably in such a short time.

Although Bobby did not know martial arts, at least he could think. Bobby would not believe Sean was ordinary when he couldbeat two regular men into such a state in just two or three minutes.

"Boss, why are you still standing there? Once we finish off this guy, we can get 3 thousand dollars!" one of the henchmen saidwith a sneer. He did not seem to notice Bobby's frightened expression. He arrogantly sneered at Sean as if he had gotten Seanall figured out.

Another henchman chimed in, "Boss, what's with the trembling? Did you catch a cold? This guy is alone. He might have broughtdown two men, but the two losers lying on the ground only look tough. They're probably weaker than us! As long as we three joinforces, teaching this guy a lesson will be a piece of cake!"

Bobby's henchmen's remarks filled Bobby's heart with despair. He could tell that Sean was not an ordinary man, fighting himwould be suicidal.

Sean remained silent, only smiling as he looked at Bobby and his henchmen.

With a trembling voice, Bobby said, "Well... sir, would you believe US if we were just passing by?" "Do you think | believe you?Or do you think I'm a fool?"

Sean raised his eyebrows before adding, "How dare you try to talk to me for three thousand dollars? You've got some nerve."

Bobby shuddered and immediately dropped to his knees. It was not because he knew the abilities of the two Darkness assassinsSean had subdued, but because he had noticed Sean's right foot shifting slightly as Sean spoke. The ground under Sean's rightfoot had cracked, leaving a footprint. Sean left a footprint on the concrete ground with just his foot. With such strength, Seancould probably kill Bobby here with just a single finger.

Bobby knelt promptly, but his two companions remained oblivious to Sean's ability and still arrogantly looked at Sean. It was notuntil Bobby knelt that his two companions came to their senses.

"If you don't want to die, kneel and apologize to him immediately!" Bobby said coldly.

Though these two companions were a bit slow-witted, they had still been through thick and thin together. Bobby could not juststand by and watch them die.

"You're quite loyal to your two companions, but they aren't very clever," Sean said indifferently.With that said, Sean casually punched a nearby wall.novelbin


Aloud sound echoed immediately, startling Bobby and his henchmen.

As Sean withdrew his fist, a punch mark appeared on the wall he had struck. Loose debris immediately fell from the wall onto theground.

Witnessing this, even Bobby's two slow-witted henchmen understood Sean's unusual abilities. Without thinking much, theyfollowed Bobby's lead and knelt on the ground.

"Sir, please spare us! We were stupid to offend you. We hope you'll show mercy and spare us!" Bobby pleaded to Sean.The two henchmen also trembled violently, their eyes filled with fear as they looked at Sean.

The power to leave a mark on the wall with a bare fist alone was mortifying. Just the thought of the punch landing on their bodiesor even their heads instead of the wall made the two henchmen tremble even more violently.

"I'm not interested in beating you up. People like you aren't worth my effort.”

Sean shook his head with a smile and added, "I'll pay you 10 thousand dollars to stay here and watch over these two. My menwill come later to take them away. Can you handle this small task?"

The two henchmen nodded eagerly. One of them even said, ’Sir, don't worry. Well make sure to keep an eye on them before yourmen arrive!"

Bobby's henchmen agreed promptly, but Bobby looked conflicted. People who could contend with Sean must be strong.If Sean left and the two guys on the ground suddenly attacked, they three would die here.

"You've got some brains, better thanthose two. Don't worry, I've cripplthese two. Th ‘ee weaker thanorainany pedple. The three of you areenough to watch them to make surethey can't escape," Sean said with achuckle. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Bobby breathed a sigh of relief and quickly nodded in agreement. "Sir, don't worry. I'll keep an eye on these two guys for you!"w Alright, good. Come here, I'll wire you the money,”

Sean beckoned to Bobby, who immediately got up. With Sean's abilities, Bobby would not stand a chance of escaping if hewanted, so he might as well do whatever Sean said.

Seeing Bobby's trembling figure,Sean said with a chuckle, "Why ateyou trembling? (pyeedeingtc htyep” HES ds, yes. I'll stop shaking,"Bobby hurriedly replied with anobsequious expression. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Sean shook his head with a smile atBobby's reaction. He then transferred10 thousand dollars to Bobby andpatted his shoulder, sayiag, Gr thatyeyivetaked mg) noney, make sure todo your job properly. If you run awaywith my money, you know theconsequences." "Sir, don't worry! |may be timid, but I'm known for myintegrity. Everyone in Antiques Streetknows that!” Bobby reassured,patting his chest. Please read the

original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Sean ignored him. Thugs had no integrity. Intimidating them through force was the simplest and most effective method.

Then, Sean left the dead-end alley. When passing by the two henchmen, the henchmen trembled uncontrollably. It was not untilSean was out of sight that they stood up from the ground.

"Boss, what should we do now? Should we run?" one of the henchmen asked in a whisper, and he kept observing the entranceof the dead-end alley as if afraid that Sean might return.

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