Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 2224
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Chapter 2224

Chapter 2224

Thud, thud, thud...

Footsteps came from the passageway, and the breathing of Crimson's assassins became faster.

It was taboo for assassins to panic. However, the Crimson's assassins, who did not know the number

of their opponents, unconsciously magnified their fear infinitely.

"Come on, f*cking cheer up. Once you kill these people, you will get 200 thousand dollars each!"

Bloodhand said through clenched teeth to calm his men.

Everyone would get 200 thousand dollars each. There were 30 or so men there, and if they all

survived, it would total up to 6 million dollars.

Even with Bloodhand's fortune, he felt his heart ache if he had to take out 6 million dollars.

However, he had already decided that as long as they could fend off the enemy this time, he would

immediately go to Curtis and ask for more money.

Bloodhand's loss and the upkeep of the base cost money.

With the Lake family's wealth, Curtis would probably not argue with him about these 6 million dollars.

While Bloodhand's imagination ran wild, Zander and the rest had walked out of the passageway and

into the hall.

"Are you... from Optimus?"

Bloodhand asked with surprise when he saw Zander and the rest's outfits.

Even though Crimson's assassins were defeated by Optimus Security Services before, Bloodhand

always regarded Optimus Security Services as a company that trained bodyguards.

Today's situation was beyond his wildest dreams. Ocean City's famous assassin organization was

attacked by a security firm.

"F*ck! Are these guys bodyguards? It f*cking scared the hell out of me. I thought some terrifying enemy


"What the hell? You were so scared that your legs were shaking. Get away from me, you disgrace."

"Hahaha! Like you weren't scared just now. Alright, since they're just a bunch of bodyguards, this isnovelbin


"I don't know if these guys are out of their minds. How dare a bunch of bodyguards storm into our


Bloodhand's words greatly reduced Crimson's assassins' fear. They looked at Zander and the rest with

disdain in their eyes.

Zander would not waste time talking to them. He waved to the crowd behind him and muttered, "Kill


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Optimus Security Services' members rushed toward Crimson's assassins like arrows being fired.

Crimson's assassins had lost so many lives in that passageway that they had only about 30 assassins

left, while Optimus had hundreds of men.

Besides the few left to patrol and guard Optimus Security Services HQ, the remaining members came


There were 100 men against 30.

Although Crimson's assassins were generally more powerful than Optimus', the so-called strength

became less important when facing three times as many men.

Zander kept his eyes fixed on Bloodhand. His eyes moved up and down as he observed Crimson's


"You had a lot of nerve sending someone to assassinate Mr. Lennon."

Zander said to Bloodhand.

Bloodhand's brow furrowed as he looked at the burly man before him.

He could tell there was an absolute difference between this man and the other members of Optimus.

Bloodhand's frown slowly relaxed as he said with a sigh," We're an assassin organization. We're only

doing what we're paid to do.

"You've killed more than half of Crimson's assassins today. Isn't that enough to calm your anger?"

Hearing his remark, Zander smiled disdainfully before scoffing and saying, "Haha, doing what you're

paid to do? You're too talented to be the head of this assassin organization. You can lie without blinking

an eye. Would you be better off as a spy?”

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