Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 1891
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Chapter 1891

Zander chuckled and said, "Nonsense. How can we stay the same? There have been countless wars

in the past five years. Commander and I keep getting stronger on the battlefield. We're far stronger

than when you left, of course."

Benji could not help nodding when he heard Zander’s words.

Lying on the floor and facing the ceiling, Gary was dizzy as his scalp tingled, and a strong sense of

defeat poured out of his heart.

As the head coach of Liamson Security Services, he earned a high salary of more than 20,000 dollars

a month. Besides that, he was the champion of the last national martial arts competition, but he could

not even last more than one move from the young man named Sean, who was in front of him.

It was so humiliating.

Sean smiled and held out his hand to Gary.

"Get up..." Sean said.

Gary came to his senses, grabbed Sean's hand, and was pulled off the ground.

"Why did I lose to you?" Gary seemingly muttered.

"Because you're fast but not as fast as me. Besides, your moves never changed. Your punch or kick is

already fixed as soon as you strike. I already know what you're going to do when you strike. That's why

I can handle it easily," Sean said calmly.

"How... How can I become stronger then?” Gary asked again, his eyes flickering with hope.

Sean did not answer this time.

He only turned around and said to Zander, "We should go. After all, we've bothered Benji for a long


"You're right. We should get going."

Zander nodded with a chuckle before walking to Sean's side and heading to the elevator on the second

floor with him.

Somewhat excited, Benji shouted to Sean and Zander, "Mr. Lennon and Zander, Visit us again when

you have time!"

Unexpectedly, Gary suddenly ran after Sean and Zander.

Everyone in the room was shocked and thought Gary was going to attack Sean from behind in a fit of

rage. However, he fell to his knees with a thump as he approached Sean.

"Mr. Lennon, please take me as a disciple! I will work hard on my combat skills!"

Gary said earnestly. His face could not be any more sincere.

Sean was stunned, not expecting Gary to want him to be his teacher.

The fact that Gary, who had been so rebellious earlier, was now kneeling to him in front of so many

people and pleading with him to take him as a disciple surprised him.

"Forget it. I can't teach you. I earned my combat skills from actual combat. How can I teach you?" Sean

said calmly.

Zander also said, "Gary, gyms and training grounds can never make you a master. A true master will

only come from the battlefield and one after another deadly fight."

With that said, Zander followed Sean into the elevator and went downstairs.

Gary finally got up from the floor after several minutes.

Benji came to comfort him, saying, "Coach Holton, don't be too upset. Mr. Lennon is from the army and

will eventually have to return to the army. He won't stay in Midwich forever. Even if he wants to acceptnovelbin

you as a disciple, he can't."

Gary nodded and asked, "Sir, who is Mr. Lennon?"

Amelia, who was still holding the clothes Sean had just taken off and left on the floor, also asked in

curiosity after hearing their conversation, "Yes, Sir. Who is Mr. Lennon?"

Benji's gaze suddenly became distant as if recalling his past.

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