Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 1771
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Chapter 1771

In fact, he did not like balls in the first place, and he also rejected the ball today. His arrival at the

ballroom could be described as a strange combination of circumstances. He just went with the flow and

others' perception. He even didn't care with the way people looked down on him at that time.

Just then, a beautiful girl came menacingly toward him.

The girl was none other than Miriam, the star of today's birthday ball. People could see how somber

her face was.

Miriam had already greeted Shania but could not get along with her. After all, their statuses were far too

different. Besides, the guests of the birthday ball were all drawn to Shania.

The star of the ball, Miriam was ignored, and it upset her.

Her anger instantly erupted when she saw the man Aunt Montana had bumped into on her ball.

She stormed up to Sean and snapped, "Why are you so rude? Didn't we give you a lounge to wait in?

Why come to the ballroom?"

Miriam snapped as Sean tried to explain it.

"Do you think minor characters like you can attend such a classy ball?

"Look at yourself. Even if you're not ashamed, think about Aunt Montana! Aunt Montana brought you to

my ball for your own good. You don't know the rules. How are the other guests going to think of Aunt


"Why are you looking at me? Are you upset? Guards! Guards! Get this guy out of here!"

Miriam's shouting attracted the attention of everyone in the ballroom.

All the guests looked this way and came nearer.

The security guards came quickly, but not only the security guards, Monica's driver, Old Jones, and

several other drivers came over too.

Old Jones rushed over and apologized to Miriam. "I'm sorry, Ms. Wosh. I failed to keep an eye on him.

He said he was going to the bathroom. I didn't think he'd use that excuse to come here... I'll take himnovelbin

back to the lounge now..."

Other drivers also said, "Ms. Wosh, this is the first time this person has been in your house. He doesn't

know the way, so he probably got lost."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Wosh. We'll get him out of here right away."

After that, the drivers surrounded Sean.

"You overstepped your place, b*stard!"

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused us? Are you trying to get us killed? If we lose

our jobs, it's all on you!" Just then, there was suddenly a cry of surprise.

"Commander Lennon!"

It was Shania's voice!

All the guests, including Miriam, looked over at Shania.

Shania stared wide at Sean as if she had just met some big shot. Her face changed from shock to

bewilderment and then ecstasy.

"Commander Lennon! What are you doing at Ms. Wosh's birthday ball? Didn't you refuse the invite? I

even called Commander Young and asked ifyou're attending, but he said you weren't free."

Shania put down her wine glass and ran to Sean, holding up her dress skirt in both hands.

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