Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 1764
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Chapter 1764

Zander caught up with Sean and said with a sigh, "Commander, you don't have to say that."

"Should I have given her some hope?" Sean asked in reply.

Zander nodded.

Sean glanced at Zander and said, "Do you think I don't see what Lisha is up to? But I already have

Willow. I'm not destined to be with her. Giving her hope will only hurt her more, so I might as well end

her hopes early and let her know that it's impossible between us."

After a pause, Sean added, "I don't lie, so I don't know what to say to cheer people up."

What else could Zander do but give a long sigh?

The diplomatic convoy headed toward Dorodo.

They took the main road this time, thinking there would be no ambush with soldiers chasing like the last

time. Therefore, the diplomatic convoy started their journey without haste or worry.

Moreover, the diplomatic convoy returned to Dorodo with the same amount of people who went to

Crosac. It also filled Uriah with admiration for Sean.

After all, Uriah did not think Sean and Zander would survive the ambush, nor would any of the city

defense soldiers and personal guards following them. However, the truth was that they were all here

and alive.novelbin

"No one's going to ambush us this time, right?" Shania asked, sticking her head out of the car window.

"No," Sean said affirmatively.

"Why?" Shania asked curiously.

Sean did not answer, but Dorodo's army of 1,500 men was heading for Dorodo on the other end. If

there was an ambush, it was either the enemy ambushing the diplomatic convoy, or the diplomatic

convoy ambushing the enemy. It was why Sean was so confident.

When Sean did not answer, Shania mumbled, "What's so secretive..."

Just then, a horse suddenly jumped out of a nearby mountain forest and blocked the diplomatic

convoy's way.

It was none other than Aria's personal bodyguard, Lowich, on the horse's back.

Lowich was dressed in armor and looked furious. His sword was out of its sheath-It was the same

Seven Star Sword that appeared at the auction.

No one expected Aria to give it to Lowich to use after winning the Seven Star Sword. It seemed Aria

valued Lowich and trusted him.

"It's you." Sean narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lowich single-handedly blocked the diplomatic convoy's path. What he was up to was clear as day.

"It's me, Sean. If you're a man, face me!" Lowich shouted, pointing his Seven Star Sword at Sean from

a distance.

Sean frowned and said, "Your wounds haven't recovered yet. Are you sure you want to fight me? To tell

you the truth, your actions are no different from suicide."

Sean did not want to fight him.

He was the commander-in-chief of Dorodo's city defense army and Dragon Kingdom's nine-star

commander and Guardian God of war.

What kind of man was he to go after a wounded man?

However, Lowich still blocked the diplomatic convoy's way, saying fiercely, "Aria is locked up in a

monastery for the rest of her life because of you. She probably can never leave. Sean, I'm going to kill

you today!"

With that said, he rushed at Sean.

"Let me do it, Commander!"

Zander volunteered as one hand pressed on the handle of the saber around his waist.

However, Sean shook his head and said, "Since Lowich has asked me to fight him to death, I'll send

him on his way as a final sign of respect."

With that said, Sean galloped toward Lowich on his horse.

The distance between the two men narrowed rapidly, from 100 meters to 80 meters and then to 60

meters to 40 meters. It almost happened in an instant.

The two soon passed by each other.

With one hand on the reins, Sean brought the horse to a halt while the other hand was on the hilt of the

Guardian Sword.

Lowich fell from his horse with a thump, sending up a cloud of dust.

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