Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 1749
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Chapter 1749

After pondering for some time, Sean said, "Let's go back first. We can do anything we want if only the

two of us are here. But we have Shania here. After all, she's Quentin's daughter as well as the mayor's

daughter. If Lisha contacts me for help after we return, I can help her."

Since Sean had said so, Zander nodded in acknowledgment and started packing.

Just then, the personal guards of the mayor's residence surrounded the room where Sean and Zander

were with long spears and long swords.


The door was kicked open, and a brawny man rushed in.

"Sean Lennon, the mayor invites you over to see him!" The brawny man ordered.

The brawny man was one of the many soldiers who had glared at Sean at the mayor's residence gate.

It seemed he was the captain of the mayor's personal guards or something at the mayor's residence.

Zander immediately shielded Sean and snapped, "Invite? Is that how you invite people?"

"Cut the crap and come with us! The mayor ordered Sean to head to his office immediately. If he

resists, we'll arrest him on the spot!"

The captain of the personal guards said unceremoniously while the other guards who followed him

inside drew their weapons without saying a word.

"You..." Zander reached for the saber around his waist without finishing his sentence.

He wanted these guys to know the consequences of offending Dragon Kingdom's nine-star


However, Sean immediately stopped Zander, stepped forward, and said, "Okay, I'll come with you."

"Disarm them!" The captain of the personal guards ordered again.

Without hesitation, Sean immediately removed the Guardian Sword from around his waist and gave it

to Zander.

Sean was then escorted by the personal guards to Mayor Claremento's office.

On the office floor lay a stretcher, and a man lay on it. It was none other than Lowich!

Lowich had changed his clothes into a regular outfit, but his clothes had torn open, revealing a wound

underneath. Bright red blood stained his clothes and the stretcher.

Aria was sitting beside it, crying.

Claremento stood furiously in front of his desk, glaring at Sean.

"Sean, look at Lowich. How do you explain this?!" Claremento yelled.

Sean was about to say something, but Aria immediately shouted, "Dad! Kill him! He's the one who tried

to kill me!

If Lowich hadn't done everything he could to protect me, I would have died at his hands last night!"

Sean understood now.

So that's it.....

Aria failed to get Lowich to assassinate him and Lisha, so she was playing the victim in front of Mayor

Claremento and countering by falsely accusing him of wanting to kill her and severely injuring Lowich.

"Dad, I'm your daughter. I was nearly killed. Are you not going to avenge me? If he walks out of herenovelbin

alive today, I'll kill myself in front of you!" Aria yelled in anger and tears.

Lowich on the stretcher raised his hand with great difficulty and said, "Miss, I... I seem to.... Seem to be


With tears streaming down her face, Aria tightly held Lowich's bloody hand and said, "No! I don't want

you to die! You saved me. You took a sword for me. How could I watch you die?"

Sean only had one term in mind at this moment.

Drama queen!

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